Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for the erection of 14 dwellings and one detached garage, including the formation of vehicular accesses and parking, formation of visitor car park, landscaping and associated works (copy attached).



An application was submitted for the erection of 14 dwellings and one detached garage, including the formation of vehicular access and parking, formation of visitor car park, landscaping and associated works.


Public Speaker – Robert Jones (Agent) (For) – The application for 14 dwellings provided a balanced response to the local housing need while addressing key community and environmental considerations.


The developer was a trusted party with a strong record of delivering high quality housing in Denbighshire.


The site was allocated for housing in Denbighshire County Council’s Local Development Plan (LDP) and was positioned within the local settlement boundary of Gellifor. The application respected the character of the village while creating energy efficient homes with a carefully considered housing mix including 2,3 and 4 bedroomed homes, which aligned with the local housing assessment. The design combined traditional and contemporary architectural elements to create a coherent street scape while maintaining Gellifor’s character. 


Environmental sustainability was a priority including a Landscaping Strategy with hedgerow, flower and tree planting with bat and bird boxes being incorporated to encourage wildlife.


The application also included one 3-bedroomed affordable housing property. Infrastructure improvements included widening the road fronting the site and adding a new pedestrian walkway to enhance safety and connectivity. A significant feature of the development was a communal parking area with 11 spaces which would alleviate parking pressures already existing in the area. To ensure the parking changes were approved by Highway Services the existing hedgerow would be removed as a matter of safety.


The planning application had been developed with close working with the Local Planning Authority to balance concerns of stakeholders while meeting policy requirements. It delivered energy efficient homes, improved infrastructure and meaningful community benefits.


The Chair thanked Mr Roberts for addressing the Planning Committee and the discussion was opened to Members.


General debate -


Local Member, Council Huw Williams supported the planning application.


The Chair highlighted the local concern from residents regarding parking in the area and asked Officers to clarify the management of the new car park in the proposed plans.


The Principal Planning Officer stated that an area to the West of the site had been allocated for parking which had been offered to alleviate an existing problem of parking in the area. Members were referred to condition 14 of the planning application which stated, no development shall be permitted to commence on the provision of the school carpark until full details of the following had been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority:

A)   Details of the layout, access, gates, surfacing, boundary treatment, landscaping and any signage required.

B)   A carpark management agreement to include for how the carpark will be operated, managed and secured.

Councillor Jon Harland stated that the application referenced Sustainable Development however, there was no mention of solar panels or heat pumps on the designs of the dwellings. He continued to question if a condition could be put on the application to ensure the developer included the these. The Principal Planning Officer stated that there were no policies in place which meant the developer needed to include solar panels or heat pumps although, he would have a discussion with the developer to encourage them to consider the use of heat pumps and the installation of solar panels.


Councillor Delyth Jones questioned when the new walkway would be ready for use. The Principal Planning Officer stated that they would be having further discussions with the developer around the walkway and condition 11 already placed on the application could be extended to include the timings of the walkway.


Councillor Andrea Tomlin requested further information on the impact on the character of the village the development would have. The Principal Planning Officer referred Members to the Location Plan (previously circulated) stating that the allocated site was a linier development which was in keeping with the surrounding area. Officers had considered visual amenity which included the design of the dwellings and the layout and concluded that the development would not be harmful to the character of the surrounding village. The Local Planning Authority had accepted a lower density of housing due to the character of the area.


The Chair requested further clarification from Highway Services regarding concerns around parking and congestion at peak times in the area. The Development Projects Engineer- Highway Services stated that there would be private parking for all 14 dwellings. A full detailed design would be carried out on the walkway and a road safety audit would be requested if necessary. A legal agreement for the adoption of the road widening and the walkway would be put in place. A condition to manage the site during the construction process had been requested to enable parking for construction vehicles.


Councillor Chris Evans questioned the price of the dwellings and if these were in the price bracket deemed acceptable for affordable housing. The Principal Planning Officer stated that 10% of houses built within a development needed to be affordable housing. In relation to this development, one 3-bedroomed home would be registered as an affordable home, the remaining houses would be sold on the open market.


Proposal - Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts proposed that the application be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendations SECONDED by Councillor Alan James.


Vote –

For – 18

Against – 0

Abstain – 0


RESOLVED- that the application be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendations.




Resolved: that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 14 and 16 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government At 1972.


Supporting documents: