Agenda item
To consider a report by Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets (copy enclosed) detailing the latest financial position and progress against the agreed budget strategy.
RESOLVED that Cabinet note the budgets set for 2024/25
and progress against the agreed strategy.
summary of the Council’s financial position was provided as follows –
the net revenue budget for 2024/25 was £271.021m
(£250.793m in 2023/24)
an underspend of £479k was forecast for service
and corporate budgets
current risks and assumptions relating to
corporate budgets and service areas
savings and efficiencies for the 2024/25 budget
(£10.384m) and progress in delivering savings approved with ongoing
an update on Schools, Housing Revenue Account
and Treasury Management.
Head of Finance and Audit guided members through the detail of the report. There was a forecasted underspend of £479k
(excluding schools) compared to an overspend of £400k last month. Services as a whole continued to overspend in
areas including Education and Children’s Services, Highways and Environmental
Services, and to a lesser extent Planning, Public Protection and Countryside
Services and Housing and Communities. The current outturn prediction for Adult
Social Care and Homelessness was £510k underspend due to an increase in the
underspend on Homelessness of £300k (total £1.3m underspend) netted off by an
overspend in Adult Social Care (£790k).
The high risk areas were reiterated which included residential
placements in Children’s Services, commissioned care in Adult Social Care and
School Transport. The savings tracker
had also been included for information together with the Housing Revenue
Account and schools’ position.
Leader thanked the Lead Member and Head of Service for the detailed report,
noting that the budget had been discussed at length at various forums.
points of debate focused on the following –
Councillor Rhys Thomas drew attention to the
excellent work undertaken in the homelessness service, with further savings
realised since the previous month with an increase in the underspend of £300k
to a total underspend of £1.3m. The Head
of Finance and Audit concurred, highlighting the turnaround from an overspend
to an underspend situation and demonstrating what could be achieved when taking
a One Council approach
there was some discussion regarding the risk
associated with the capacity of the Finance Team and new financial system and
impact on budget monitoring. The new
system had replaced a number of different financial systems with the
forecasting module in place most recently and it would take some time to refine
that system with the team under some pressure at present, hence the risk being
identified within the report. In
response to a follow up question from Councillor Hugh Irving, the Head of
Finance and Audit explained the current position in terms of staffing levels
and turnover together with the difficulties in recruitment to particular posts
in line with others in the public sector.
Assurances were provided that whilst the Finance Team was under some
pressure they were managing and coping under the pressure at the current point
in time
the complexities of budget planning were
highlighted and there was some discussion on the meaning of particular
terminology used when referring to risk and assumptions in the budget
process. Officers confirmed that no
budget could be set without an element of risk linked to it and in setting
budgets consideration was given to expenditure patterns, with particular
difficulty in predicting demand led statutory services which had to be provided
and therefore presented a higher level of risk in the budget. In terms of managing risk, it was important
to hold sufficient levels of contingency reserves to ensure if risks did
materialise, they did not adversely affect the budget and provided some time to
deal with those risks as they emerged.
It was accepted that some elements of budget planning had to be based on
assumptions with variations in costs, income, and demand but the issues faced
over recent years in terms of escalation of energy costs and inflation could
not reasonably have been predicted at the time of budget setting and were
beyond the Council’s control. It was
important that the Council was honest and transparent in its budget setting,
discussing risks and how best to mitigate them.
Councillor Gwyneth Ellis highlighted the importance of careful financial
management and maintaining healthy reserves advising that the Council had been
financially well managed over a number of years which continued to be the case
and stood the Council in good stead going forward to deal with risks.
RESOLVED that Cabinet note the budgets set for 2024/25
and progress against the agreed strategy.
Supporting documents:
PDF 245 KB
FINANCE REPORT - App 1 Revenue Budget Summary, item 6.
FINANCE REPORT - App 2 Service Variance Narrative, item 6.
PDF 115 KB
FINANCE REPORT - App 3 Savings Tracker, item 6.
PDF 127 KB
FINANCE REPORT - App 4 Capital Plan, item 6.