Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Rhyl Going Forward Programme Manager (copy enclosed) which provides an update on the Rhyl Going Forward Regeneration Strategy.

                                                                                                          10.55 a.m.


A copy of report by the Rhyl Going Forward Programme Manager, which provided an update on the Rhyl Going Forward Regeneration Strategy, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.  The Rhyl Going Forward Programme Manager (RGFPM) introduced the report which provided information on the progress in terms implementing the Rhyl Going Forward (RGF) Regeneration Strategy, its financial implications, and the progress or prospects in terms of benefits realisation.  He explained that the RGF Programme Board had undertaken a Delivery Review Workshop in November, 2012.  A copy of the background report “A Review of the Rhyl Going Forward Delivery Plan”, which had been circulated to attendees, had been included as Appendix 1.


Summaries of the outcomes of the November event in respect of the three workstreams which were integral to the programme had been included in the report.


It was explained that the Programme Board’s Review Workshop event had also considered the constituent projects of the overall RGF strategy.  The initial Project List had been included in Appendix 2, and the outcome of the discussion had been attached as Appendix 3, Rhyl Going Forward Delivery Review.  Work on project prioritisation had continued in tandem with the development of the new organisational structure for the Council’s regeneration function.  This would assist in ensuring that the correct staffing resources were in place to deliver the agreed strategic priorities.  Details of the review of the governance arrangements had been outlined in Appendix 4.  Initial work had been undertaken with the Big Plan Team at developing a more comprehensive performance management framework for the programme, and the results of the work had been included in Appendix 5, Performance Management Framework.    Funding and monitoring processes for the regeneration strategy had been outlined in the report.  Individual projects had their own consultation strategy and risks had been monitored by the Programme Board utilising the Programme Risk Register, which had been included as Appendix 6.


In response to concerns expressed by Councillor R.M. Murray regarding the need to secure a long term future for the Nova, Prestatyn and the lack of communication with Ward Members in Prestatyn, the RGFPM explained that Denbighshire was working with Alliance Leisure, the Council’s Strategic Leisure Partner, to deliver a replacement aquatic facility to replace the Sun Centre.  Members supported the view expressed by Councillor H.C. Irving regarding the importance of including the Ffrith Beach in the project.  It was confirmed that there would be a need for a complementary offer across the coastal strip and this would include both Rhyl and Prestatyn areas.  The RGFPM provided details of the procurement exercise undertaken to appoint partners to secure effective provision across the coastal strip and explained that there had been a need to explore alternative means of funding provision for discretionary services.  He provided an assurance that the financial aspects of the investment would be scrutinised and that a balance would need to be struck with regard to the level of private investment. 


Councillor H.Ll. Jones outlined the work being undertaken along the coastal strip and the Committee agreed that Alliance Leisure should be invited to a future Council Briefing session to outline their relationship with the Council and their role in delivering services on the Council's behalf.  It was felt that all Members should be aware of the partnership arrangements and be afforded the opportunity to submit questions to Alliance Leisure representatives in an informal setting.


The CD:LC responded to concerns raised by a number of Members regarding a lack of communication between officers and Ward Members.  He outlined the process of submitting reports to Cabinet and highlighted the difficulties associated with reports being placed in the public domain.


Non-Committee Members present:

·                     stated that whilst there had been some concerns regarding the financial aspect of the RGF Project Rhyl Members were now confident regarding the future proposals for the coastal belt. 

·                     questioned the proposed membership of the Board, as outlined in Appendix 3, and made reference to the need to avoid any perceived conflict of interest.  The RGFPM outlined the role of the Programme Board, to observe the overall activity of the RGF Project and to provide direction for the development and implementation of the major complex projects, and he confirmed that each individual project would have its own separate Board.

·                     the importance of including a reference to the proposed new faith based secondary school in all future RGF Programme documentation.

·                     stressed the importance of ensuring that landlords maintained, and continued to maintain, their properties located in the area 


In reply to the above points, the RGFPM provided clarification regarding the role of the Clwyd Alyn Housing Association in the execution and implementation of the project. He also provided details of the partnership working undertaken with the Association to ensure the work carried out on their properties met the quality and standard expected.  He explained that the maintenance of properties was a Housing rather than Regeneration issue and could be examined by the MAG.  The Chair emphasised the need to provide clarity in the terms of reference on the roles of all stakeholders in the project.   At the conclusion of the discussion the Chair summarised the views expressed and it was:-   


RESOLVED – that the Committee:-


(a)  receive and note the contents of the report.

(b)  recommend that Alliance Leisure be invited to a future Council Briefing session to outline their relationship with the Council and their role in delivering services on the Council's behalf.

(c)  be presented with details of income generation forecast figures for the programme in future RGF monitoring report; and

(d)  receives details pertaining to the constitution and Membership of the Programme and Project Boards as part of the next scheduled monitoring report.

Supporting documents: