Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Finance and Audit (copy attached).



The Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets, Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, introduced the Capital Plan 2023/24 – 2026/27 and recommendations of Capital Scrutiny Group report (previously circulated).


The report updated Members with an updated Capital Plan and the Capital Strategic Report for 2024/25.  The Capital Plan records all actual and forecast Council Fund (CF) capital expenditure and funding.  The Capital Strategy provided a high level, concise and comprehensive overview to Members of how both CF and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) capital expenditure, capital financing and treasury management activity contribute to the provision of the Council’s services.


The full Capital Plan was last reported to Council in February 2023, monthly updates were presented to Cabinet.


The Capital Scrutiny Group had reviewed capital bids and had made recommendations for inclusion in the Capital Plan from 2024/25 onwards.  These were detailed in Appendix 3 and summarised in Appendix 4.


During discussions, the following points were raised –


·         Rhyl Queens Market Redevelopment – it was confirmed that the Queens Market building had been handed over to the Council last week.  More information would be circulated to Members in the near future.

·         Sustainable Communities for Learning – Band B – it was confirmed that various projects were being worked through.

·         Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts on behalf of the Independent Group requested a guarantee the next year would not be an overspend and the £3milllion savings would be made.   The Chief Executive, Graham Boase responded that it was difficult to know what would happen in the future and a guarantee could not be given that there would not be an overspend next year.  Heads of Service were working towards the target saving of £3.4million

·         Condition of the highways within the county was an issue.  There was less money for highways but were going back to a level previously maintained.  Further discussions were to take place with members to keep them updated on the progress of roads and if they had issues with any particular roads in their wards.

·         Waste change project.  27 additional jobs had been created.  The new project would cost less to run.  The current waste model cost this year £7.6million, the new project would cost £7.1million meaning a saving of £500k per financial year.

·         Cost to the Local Authority of the 20 mph speed limit.  The cost of the 20 mph was covered by the Welsh Government.

·         Other projects costing £6.8milllion, and it was confirmed that a list of the projects would be provided to Members.

·         A written response was requested by Councillor Rhys Thomas to all members as it stated that the total budget for sustainable communities for learning Band B was £51.9 million and it had the breakdown of what Welsh Government and DCC were funding.  When was the promise of £51.9 million or £36.1million made?  I would like to know what would the sums be now, taking inflation into account?  Councillor Thomas was concerned about what Denbighshire would have to spend in order to match fund.  The Head of Finance informed Members that she  would get a full response on the timing when those figures were and what the latest position was.


The Capital Plan 2023/24 – 2026/27 and Recommendation of Capital Scrutiny Group report was proposed and seconded.   A vote took place by  a show of hands as follows –


For – 27

Against – 12

Abstain – 0



(i)            Members noted the latest position on the current Capital Plan 2023/24 – 2026/27 included in Appendix 1 and the update on major projects included in Appendix 2

(ii)          Members supported the Capital Scrutiny Group recommendation of capital bids for inclusion in the 2024/25 Capital Plan.  These recommendations are detailed in Appendix 3 and summarised in Appendix 4

(iii)         Members approved the 2024/25 Capital Plan included in Appendix 1

(iv)         Members approved the Capital Strategy Report for 2024/25 as detailed in Appendix 5


Supporting documents: