Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider the committee’s forward work programme (copy enclosed).


The Governance and Audit Committee’s Forward Work Programme (FWP) was presented for consideration (previously circulated).


The Chair informed the Committee, along with the Vice-Chair he had met with officers in February to discuss the FWP. To review and rationalising the work programme.

It was stressed the importance of balancing the work load over meetings. The importance of having some flexibility when it related to certain areas such as the Statement of Accounts.


The Chair informed Members the Annual report on the constitution had been deferred from January 2024 and was now scheduled for the April 2024 meeting. The Monitoring Officer stated there was a need for the committee to receive an annual report. If a full report of the constitution was not available for the April meeting, a report on the terms of reference of the Governance and Audit Committee would be presented for discussion.


The next Committee meeting was scheduled for 24th April 2024. The Statement of Accounts was due to be presented to Committee at that meeting and the Chair stressed that item may have to be given time due to the nature of the discussion. 


An information report on the Corporate Risk Register had been previously agreed by the Committee and was absent on the June proposed agenda.


The Chair confirmed the Annual Complaints report would be a report presented for discussion and not only for information.


The Committee meeting scheduled for September 2024 was very light with just 2 information reports currently scheduled.


Under the future agenda items, the Chair stated the report on ‘Updates of Commissioning of older peoples care home placements’ had passed and he was no longer required.  

There was still a requirement to include a future report on the Housing Revenue Account for future discussion.

In relation to the JICPA Assessment Update the Monitoring Officer stated Members had asked for any developments or updates be communicated to the Committee. He stated he would confirm with officers for any update.


The future report on the Committee’s Terms of Reference, Nigel Rudd confirmed he had asked for the 2011 measures to be made available to Members, which was the legislation that drove the formation of Governance and Audit, including the Terms of Reference.  

A copy of the Local Government Wales Measure 2011 was shared with Members of the committee and on Zoom.

In his opinion Mr Nigel Rudd, Members needed to ensure the Governance and Audit Committee had a duty to comply with the legislation was actively complying. So when asked could evidence the work of the committee.


He guided Members through the paper and directed Members to the section 81(1) (a) and (b). The word ‘scrutinise’ was still included in the legislation and needed to be reflected in the work of the Governance and Audit committee.

In his opinion he felt it was important within the Committee to provide a ‘shield of protection’ around the decisions that the Council, in relation to setting a balanced budget make.

He felt it was vital that the committee received and debated the finance side of the authority as part of a systematic cycle at the right time of the year.


He suggested officers along with the Chair and Vice Chair revisited the FWP to address and view the appropriate time to include the authorities’ financial reports.

Mr Rudd guided Members through the remainder of the Section 81 (1) grouping together in his opinion the types of committee reports that had to be presented to the committee at the appropriate times.


He highlighted the comment in the paper were it stated it was for the Governance and Audit Committee to determine how to exercise its functions. He stressed it was the duty of the Members of the committee to determine its discussions. It was important the committee demonstrated it had debated all reports under the section throughout the year.

He felt the legislation was an important document to reflect the duty of the committee and should marry up with the terms and reference of the committee.


The Chair thanked the Lay Member for his comments and observations. He agreed that he too was unhappy with the current terms of reference for the committee. He informed Members he had drafted an initial draft of proposed changes to the Committee’s Terms of Reference which would be shared with Members when the item was tabled for discussion. He had included the requirements into his draft. In his opinion he felt the CIPFA code of practice, was not as detailed and helpful in guiding what was included in the Terms of Reference.

Governance and Audit Committee had a wide responsibility for the financial affairs of the authority.

The role of the committee had to be clear to ensure all members were clear on roles and responsibilities of the committee.   


Members raised concern that the proposed requirements would impact the FWP more than the current heavy workload. A concern that it would put too much weight on certain meetings was aired. The timings of reports was vital to ensure all aspects proposed were met at the most appropriate time.


The Monitoring Officer confirmed the Section 81 of the shared legislation was what was expected to be received by the Governance and Audit Committee, over the previous 12 months the committee had received reports under each of the elements of section 81. He agreed grouping certain aspects together to demonstrate and evidence the work of the committee was a good suggestion.

Members heard all the listed elements of section 81 were included in the current terms of reference. He confirmed he was happy to discuss the suggestion to update and amend the terms of reference with the Chair.

Historic work had been undertaken to review any items the authorities Standards Committee could receive to relieve the Governance and Audit Committee’s heavy work load. It was agreed at the time there was no appetite to pass over any reports to the Standards Committee.

He thanked the Lay Member and Chair for valued comments and suggestions to improve the contents of the Terms of Reference.


The Monitoring Officer confirmed there was the ability to call special or extraordinary meetings when needed. He stressed they should only be used when absolutely needed as it does impact on resources.


The Monitoring Officer confirmed he would circulate the statutory guidance on the work of Governance and Audit which he would circulate to Members.

The standing item included on the FWP regarding issues referred to committee from Scrutiny appeared on the FWP for numerous committees as Scrutiny had the ability to make formal recommendations to other parts of the Council. It was not very often that any issues were referred back to Governance and Audit Committee at Scrutiny meetings.  


Councillor Bobby Feeley informed Members that in other committees there was a pre-meeting prior to the meeting to discuss areas to raise at the meeting and suggest areas for questioning. The Chair suggested that Members raise questions to him via email prior to the meeting to allow the flow of the meeting and officers time to prepare any information for responses to Members concerns.



·         Having regard to the section 11 measures on the Act as discussed above a review of the FWP be conducted between officers and the Chair and Vice Chair;

·         subject to the above amendments the Governance and Audit Committee’s forward work programme be noted.


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