Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Planning, Public Protection and Countryside Services (copy enclosed) on the priorities of the Licensing Section together with a revised forward work programme.




(a)      the contents of the report be noted, and


(b)      the updated forward work programme for 2024 as detailed in Appendix A to the report be approved.


The Senior Licensing Officer submitted a report (previously circulated) on the priorities of the Licensing Section and a revised forward work programme for 2024.


The priorities of the Licensing Section reflected the duty placed on the authority in relation to its responsibilities for the licensing function and the effective regulation, control and enforcement of licensees, and the authority’s commitment to safer communities and the development of the economy.  The forward work programme had been drafted taking into account relevant policies and review dates together with any potential legislative changes proposed.  A number of items within the forward work programme had been rescheduled and a further item added, and a revised forward work programme had been presented for consideration.


An update was provided on those rescheduled/additional items which related to –


·       Hackney Carriage Tariff – had been rescheduled from March to June to allow more time to obtain sufficient data from the taxi trade to formulate an accurate and effective calculator with further engagement planned

·       Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) Licensing Requirements Review – additional item for June to review the current licensing requirements for WAVs given the higher costs associated with those vehicles

·       Private Hire Vehicle Plate Exemption Policy Review – had been rescheduled to December to coincide with the Review of the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy and Conditions

·       Special Procedures (skin piercing) – had been rescheduled from March to June as there had been no further update on the new legislation when the report was written.  Since then, a training session on the licensing scheme to be delivered by Sarah Jones from the Welsh Government had been arranged for all members on 22 March 2024 following publication of the draft regulations.


Members noted the update and proposed revisions to the forward work programme.


There was some discussion on the fare calculator review and setting of hackney carriage tariffs which had been rescheduled to June due to insufficient data and the Committee had been disappointed with the lack of response from the taxi trade.  Members were keen to understand the reasoning behind the lack of engagement, future steps within that process and options for the way forward.  Concerns were expressed that not enough data would be provided by the trade to formulate the tariff calculator and that the Committee would not be in a position to make a fully informed decision on the matter.  The potential to utilise internal data held by the Licensing Team and other externally published sources was suggested.  Councillor Gwyneth Ellis also questioned the reasoning behind the Council setting the tariffs and merits or otherwise of the taxi trade setting their own fares and charges and requested a discussion with officers on the issue outside of the meeting.


Officers responded to members’ comments and further questions as follows –


·       elaborated on engagement with the taxi trade to date including a Working Group comprising 2/3 large operators and 1 owner/driver, and a simple data collection form emailed to all 300 licensed drivers with approximately 100 of those being owner/drivers which had resulted in 2/3 responses

·       given the different costs associated with the large operators and owner/drivers it was important that sufficient data was secured from both sources to give a true indication of costs and robust methodology for the fare calculator

·       further planned engagement included face to face visits at taxi ranks to encourage more licence holders to submit data to inform the review

·       no minimum percentage response to the engagement had been set before an informed decision could be made but enough meaningful and representative data would be required in order to formulate an effective fare calculator

·       no other authority in North Wales used the fare calculator to set their tariffs; it was a national calculator and other authorities may collect data via taxi associations/working groups or other trade representatives

·       agreed that it may be useful to provide a mix of data sources including both information from the taxi trade and published data, but it was important to ensure that the data was meaningful and relevant to local circumstances to ensure a maximum tariff was set to balance a sustainable and viable taxi industry and the impact of any increase on the travelling public

·       since its inception Denbighshire County Council had set the hackney carriage tariffs as did the former Rhuddlan Borough and Glyndwr District Councils before that and agreed to a further discussion on the issue outside of the meeting

·       legislation permitted councils to set maximum hackney carriage fares, but it was not a requirement.  There were over 300 local authorities in the UK and only 2 or 3 of those did not set a tariff.  The tariff calculator required an understanding of the relevant costs and provided transparency in the fee setting process.


At the close of the debate the possibility of whether the Council should relinquish the setting of hackney carriage tariffs in favour of the taxi trade setting their own tariffs was further discussed ahead of deciding on any proposed changes to the fares and charges.  Officers confirmed it was a matter for the Committee to determine and it was suggested that the option could be considered as part of the hackney carriage tariff report due in June taking into account any legal advice.




(a)      the contents of the report be noted, and


(b)      the updated forward work programme for 2024 as detailed in Appendix A to the report be approved.


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