Agenda item
To consider a report by the Public Engagement Officer, Jo Sutton (copy attached) about the progress of the Council’s Community Engagement Policy, and the Council’s Public Participation Strategy.
The Lead Member for Corporate Strategy, Policy and Equalities, Councillor Julie Matthews, introduced the report (previously circulated).
The Lead Officer – Destination, Marketing and Communication Team, Sian Owen and the Public Engagement Officer, Jo Sutton were in attendance for the report.
The Council previously sought views of the Special Democratic Services Committee in June 2023 on the draft document prior to the the final version being prepared for consultation.
The Strategy required the Council to ensure provisions were in place but no guidance had been provided on the approach that should be taken. The Policy aimed to guide officers’ when considering approaches to engagement and consultation activities and the Participation Strategy highlighted existing provision and identified areas for improvement which were to be kept under review.
The Community Engagement Policy was a required output of the 2017-2022 Corporate Plan project – people were involved in shaping and improving services. This had been created following feedback from the residents’ surveys that residents did not feel the council was consistent or transparent in its approach to engagement and consultation activities.
A 3-year research project had been developed.
It was found that residents felt the need for their views to be considered by the council. The Policy aimed to provide clear definitions for engagement and consultation which could be utilised as a framework for staff to work to. The Community Engagement Policy and the Public Participation Strategy would be reviewed at least once after every ordinary Council election.
There was a legislative requirement under the Local Government and Elections Act (Wales) 2021 for a Public Participation Strategy. The Act required the council to identify means of facilitating engagement.
During research it was found -
· that only around 18% of people knew who their County Councillor was.
· People were not generally interested in attending Council Committee meetings, although the further south in the county, more people were interested.
· Fewer than 10% of people would consider becoming a Councillor.
· There was a north/south divide with people in the south of the county more likely to consider standing as a Member in the future.
Going forward, before 31 March 2024 the Council has to consult and publish on the Council’s website both the Engagement Policy and the Participation Strategy.
By the end of 2024 –
· to use other research such as the annual stakeholder survey to monitor knowledge gaps and identify opportunities for cross-promotion.
· to identify a range of other targets to be achieved prior to the next review of the Engagement Policy and Participation Strategy.
· to formally implement some resources
· to create specific guidance on some key areas which would support the implementation of the Policy.
During discussions the following points were raised –
· it was queried whether the legislation within the Local Government Act, would have funding provided. It was confirmed that the Act had created a number of duties for which funding would not be available. The funding used would be from the Council’s overall revenue support grant fund.
· Local members would be informed prior to decisions being taken regarding significant matters which affected their respective wards. Consultation with communities depended on the scope. Unfortunately, a one size fits all approach could not be taken for every decision made by the Council. It was agreed consistency would be required regarding engaging with local members.
Following the discussion, it was –
RESOLVED that Democratic Services Committee approved both documents to be
translated and disseminated to the public for a ‘final steer’ before seeking to
ratify them and approve their implementation at a later date.
Supporting documents:
- Public Particpation Strategy, item 5. PDF 201 KB
- Appendix 1 - Public Participation Strategy, item 5. PDF 439 KB
- Appendix 2 - WBIA Public Participation Strategy, item 5. PDF 95 KB
- Appendix 3 - Community Engagement Policy, item 5. PDF 505 KB