Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for change of use of land by the siting of 2 no. timber cabins for holiday let purposes, installation of septic tanks, landscaping, vehicular access, parking and associated works at land adjacent to Pen Ddwy Accar, Lawnt, Denbigh (copy attached).



An application was submitted for change of use of land by the siting of 2 no. timber cabins for holiday let purposes, installation of septic tanks, landscaping, vehicular access, parking, and associated works at land adjacent to Pen Ddwy Accar, Lawnt, Denbigh.


Public Speaker –


Martin Shutt (Agent) (For) – thanked the members for allowing him to address Committee; farms across Denbighshire were in decline and were struggling to make a profit; the increase in costs and decrease in subsidies were some of the reasons for the decline. The challenges were exacerbated by ill health in the family; the application was for a small diversification of a piece of land; expanding the farm operations from beyond the traditional use would hopefully mean the applicant could retain the land and make the farm more resilient moving forward.


The proposal was to repurpose unused woodland for two small cabins; the area had not been historically farmed due to the well-established woodland, and the site was also a reasonable distance from the usual farm operations. The proposals have paid respect to the nearest properties by being away from their principal elevations, providing more than extensive distance and biodiversity work with the landscaping, and reducing the original three proposed cabins to two. The visitors to the site would also bring economic benefits to the local area. The proposal, whilst small, would hopefully be an attractive offer to people; the cabins were also suitable for two people, which would attract people who would want a quiet getaway. Mr Shutt thanked officers from all organisations for their support, and the applicant was happy with all the conditions within the application.


General Debate –


Councillor Delyth Jones (local member) thanked the chair for being allowed to speak; she fully supported farms diversifying to enable them to remain viable businesses. However, Councillor Jones was worried that there would be a loss of good agricultural land and whether the loss could negatively impact the farm; also, she raised concerns about the lighting and noise pollution with any hot tubs and whether it would impact the local area; and whether there would be an impact on the biodiversity of the area.


Responding officers clarified the cabins would be erected near a wooded area on the farm. With the landscaping associated with the cabins, there would be a benefit to the area’s biodiversity. Members were informed that hot tubs were no longer within the application due to the potential of noise and water pollution; regarding lighting, there would be adequate screening at the site to alleviate these concerns. Lastly, returning to the concern with the loss of good agricultural land, there were conditions within the application. If the change were business proved unsuccessful, there would be a six-month timeframe to allow the land to be changed back to its previous use.


Some planning committee members raised concerns with the hot tubs, as they were concerned that although they were not included within the application, they could be added later, with no input from the Planning Committee. There were also concerns that if the application was granted, a precedent could be set to use good agricultural land for other uses.


Officers clarified that the concerns of the hot tubs could be addressed with a condition allowing the committee or officers to decide whether they could be implemented at the site. The concerns with using agricultural land were also dealt with in condition 12 of the application, which would require the applicants to remove the cabins and restore the land to its previous use.


Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts raised concern about the hot tub situation and suggested no conditions imposed on the site, as the lack of them could impact the viability of the business; Councillor Chris Evans echoed these concerns.


Proposal – Councillor Delyth Jones proposed the application be granted with the additional condition that no hot tubs were to be placed at the site without planning permission, seconded by Councillor Arwel Roberts.


Proposal – Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts also proposed the application be granted with no additional conditions, seconded by Councillor Terry Mendies.


Officers clarified to members they would be voting for granting the application with the additional condition restricting hot tubs as the first instance; if the proposal wasn’t carried, then there would be a vote with no additional conditions.


Vote -

For – 12

Against - 7

Abstain - 0


RESOLVED that the planning application be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendation, to include the additional condition.



Supporting documents: