Agenda item

Agenda item


To receive a verbal presentation outlining the partnership working arrangements and practices in Denbighshire and to discuss the effectiveness of these arrangements.


10.50 am – 11.30 am



North Wales Police’s representative, Kevin Smith provided members with a verbal update on partnership working with North Wales police within Denbighshire communities.


He provided Members with information on some of the key changes that had taken place in North Wales Police recently. Since the new Chief Constable had taken up position she had been keen to have a restructure of the organisation in relation to how officers worked with partners and engagement with the public. She instigated a review of positions and responsibilities individuals held. He informed members his new role would fall under the title of Neighbourhood Partnerships Inspector.  The Chief inspectors had also had a restructure from being County Chief Inspectors to a Patrol Chief Inspector and Neighbourhood and Partnership Chief Inspector.  The focus and drive for the team was to demonstrate a commitment to neighbourhood policing and partnership working. It was hoped the new structure would add benefit to the community.


The current neighbourhood policing team which consisted of a number of officers working in rural areas of the authority and more urban areas. Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) played a large role in supporting community policing and partnership working. Community police officers could perform any action that any member of the public was permitted to but would act as a professional witness. They also had professional detention powers and their role included work in a wide range of areas.


The Chair thanked the District Inspector for the verbal report. On behalf of Councillor Feeley who was unable to attend the meeting, the Chair asked would the structuring improve the continuity of the officers out in the community. The District Inspector confirmed there was always succession planning for future changes. With the current national operational uplift to increase the number of police officers, an impact had been noted on the police community schemes. A number of community officers had joined the police organisation to pursue a police career. He stressed the importance of recruiting individuals to replace those that move on. Thanks were given to the long standing community officers who acted as a support for new officers joining.  


Members heard North Wales Police had a policy in place with unauthorised encampments. It was stressed procedures had to be followed in the correct timely manner. The police were reliant on the joint working with partners such as Denbighshire County Council to assist with supporting the individuals on the site.  It was stressed the importance of having a designated area for travellers to accommodate them when moving through North Wales to reduce the number of unauthorised encampments. Members appreciated the complexity of the issues and the sensitivity around the subject.


Agencies worked successfully together to address neighbourhood crime. There were always areas that could be improved but on the whole agencies worked well in the community. Dysfunctional families were sometimes difficult to manage as they require a wide range of support from a number of different teams. Communication with agencies and families was vital to ascertain an outcome for families. Numerous meetings took place between teams in the police to work in partnership to support families in the community.  


The Public Space Protection Order in Rhyl High Street, was due for renewal. The police were working in partnership with Denbighshire County Council Officers to collate the evidence to re-establish the order in Rhyl. That evidence would be sent to the authority as soon as possible. The reason it had ceased had been due to a misunderstanding on the timing around resubmitting evidence to have it renewed.  The order had been in place in Rhyl for 6 years, alongside the order the police researched what further actions could be implemented to protect the area. Officers stressed they were working as hard as possible to reinstate the order as quickly and swiftly as possible.  Members were pleased to hear the application was in hand.


The Chair asked if on behalf of the Committee, thanks could be passed on to those involved in issuing the North Wales County Alerts. They were very beneficial and very informative for Members.


At the conclusion of the discussion the Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Inspector Kevin Smith of North Wales Police’s Local Policing Services Division for attending the meeting to share information on the neighbourhood policing model in Denbighshire, and for his willingness to answer members’ questions about the various services and initiatives provided across Denbighshire.  In response to a request from the Chair, Inspector Smith agreed to pass on members’ appreciation to North Wales Police staff involved with the provision of Community Alert bulletins to local elected members.  It was:


Resolved:  to acknowledge the information imparted and to thank Inspector Smith for his contributions under both agenda items 5 and 6 on the meeting’s business agenda.