Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider and discuss a report from the Head of Education Services on the progress of the planning and implementation work undertaken to date with respect of securing the delivery of Welsh Medium Curricula and Non-Curricula provision in the County’s Schools in accordance with the Welsh Government’s vision (copy enclosed).

11.30 am – 12.00 pm



The Lead Member for Education, Children and Families introduced the report (previously circulated) on the delivery of the Welsh Medium Provision in schools in Denbighshire.


The Head of Education guided Members through the report. The reason for the report followed a request made in 2022 after a report on the changes to the categorisation of schools. As a result of that report, a workshop had taken place recently on supporting scrutiny to support the Welsh language.

The authority had a 10-year plan to increase the provision of the Welsh language in education. It was stressed the plan was ambitious, challenging and was live- changing regularly.


Elected members served on the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan Steering Group whose role it was to monitor the development of the plan and challenge when required. The added challenge noted had been the reduction in the percentage of learners who received education in year 2 in 2022-23 through the medium of Welsh. This had reduced from the baseline in the plan of 28% in September 2020 to 26.4%. Details of the support provided had been included in the report, including a request to produce a business case to increase the Welsh provision in schools.  A great deal of work was taking place across numerous services in the authority and with external partners in relation to this matter.


The Chair thanked the Lead Members and officers for the introduction and opened the debate for members to ask questions. As part of the ensuing discussion, further detail was provided on the following:

·         Members raised concerns on the target of 40% of all seven-year-old pupils would attend Welsh Medium Education. Officers stressed the target had been set by Welsh Government based on the current position of each Local Authority. The target had originally been set in 2020, after which officers noted a reduction in the baseline. One of the reasons for the reduction had been following the Covid 19 pandemic, due to the closure of Welsh medium schools along with Welsh-medium nurseries. The 40% target would be a challenge for officers and schools to achieve. Conversations with Welsh Government with regards to the target continued. Education was one of the main partners in promoting the Welsh Language. It was emphasised that all schools in Denbighshire would have to contribute and work towards the target.

·         The action plan itself had been included in the Welsh Education Strategic Plan that had previously been agreed by County Council.

·         Pre-school and Mudiad Meithrin nurseries played an important role in setting the first steps to filter through children to Welsh medium primary schools.

·         Members heard that a Cylch Meithrin had recently been opened in the Oak Tree Centre in Rhyl.  In addition, work was underway with a view to establishing an ‘immersion provision’ at Ysgol Brynhyfryd, Ruthin.

·         It was stressed the format of the report that had been attached as an appendix to the paper was the layout of the repot that was sent to Welsh Government. The language used in the report reflected the language used by Welsh Government.

·         It was confirmed the authority did have one category 2 school, which would be required to further develop its provision of the Welsh language. From September 2023 it provided the nursery provision, solely through the medium of Welsh.

·         Officers agreed with Members on parents’ concerns on sending children to a Welsh medium school if not spoken in the home. It was the stressed all information presented to parents was bilingual enabling Welsh and non-Welsh speakers to know and understand the school policies, curriculum and communication between staff and parents. Members heard there were systems in place for parents in improve their Welsh alongside children. Resources were continually improving to support parents through the time their children are at a Welsh Medium school.

·         It was stressed that the term Welsh medium teaching was being undertaken in English speaking schools. The predominately English medium schools were expected to deliver 20% of teaching through Welsh with the aim of supporting their pupils along the continuum. Support was given to staff to teach through the Welsh Language.


Following detailed discussion, the Committee:




(i)   whilst acknowledging the unforeseen obstacles experienced as a consequence of the pandemic, to support the planning and implementation work undertaken to date in Denbighshire with respect of securing the delivery of Welsh medium curricula and non-curricula provision across the county’s schools in accordance with the Welsh Government’s vision; and


(ii) request that a further progress report on the delivery of the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) be presented to the Committee in 12 months’ time.


Supporting documents: