Agenda item
To consider the committee’s forward work programme (copy enclosed).
The Governance and Audit Committee’s Forward Work Programme (FWP) was presented for consideration (previously
The Chair
stressed the importance of reports presented to the Committee focus on the key highlights,
trends, concerns or non-compliances detailed in the paper.
The Chair
requested any changes or amendments to the forward work programme, be passed to
the Chair and Vice Chair.
It had been
suggested that a mapping exercise be completed on joint working or pooled
budgets to demonstrate the line of responsibility including accounts, audits
and the legality of partnerships. Lay Member Paul Whitham, informed members a
previous report on joint working had previously been presented to the Committee.
The Chief Internal Auditor confirmed one of his predecessors had conducted a
piece of work, he suggested he looked back at that work and expand to present
an update report to the Committee in March 2023.
The Chair
suggested an item be included on the future items section of the forward work
programme on changes to the Committee’s Terms of Reference.
The next
meeting of the Governance and Audit Committee was scheduled for 22 November
2023. The Chair informed the group, an Audit Wales report on the timetable of
works was hoped to be available for that meeting.
The Chair
stressed the importance of a training session on the Risk Register prior to the
next meeting. The Chief Internal Auditor agreed to discuss with officers to
find an agreeable date and time.
It was also
suggested a training session on internal audit assurance ratings be provided
along with a training session on Treasury Management be timetabled.
Monitoring Officer stated all Members should be aware of the Scrutiny training
sessions scheduled are were welcome to attend.
Lay Member,
Nigel Rudd requested that the future item on Net Carbon Zero be included at a
He asked if
the Committee had sight of any report or audit on any matter in relation to
housing and the housing revenue stock. He asked if the Committee could see
sight of any Internal Audit work in that field. The Chief Internal Auditor informed
members the Housing Support grant was completed on an annual basis. He stated
there were a couple of housing audits scheduled this year of which the Committee
would have sight on. An audit of the total Council housing stock in the
authority had not been completed in some time. Mr Rudd suggested this area should
be reviewed. The Chief Internal Auditor suggested he looked back at some of the
reviews completed previously to map out areas that the Committee may want to
review in the future.
Mr Rudd also
raised the drawdown of European Union funding stating there had been a limit on
shared prosperity and levelling up funding opportunities for authorities to
make use of following Brexit. He asked if that could
be reviewed to avoid any potential loss of funding. The Chief Internal Auditor
confirmed he had been involved in the two funds. He was informed in the progress
of the bids and would be involved in completing an audit of the bids at the end
of the financial year. It would be included in the audit plan for next year.
The Chair
suggested it may be an area that the Committee could ask a Scrutiny Committee
to look at.
Monitoring Officer suggested a discussion could be presented to Scrutiny Chairs
and Vice Chairs, as there was a difference between the governance of the
arrangements and the impact of those projects.
Mr Rudd, was
in agreement of that proposal but suggested it be done in collaboration with
neighbouring authorities. The Chief Internal Auditor confirmed, work and
discussions were done collaboratively across North Wales.
that, subject to the above the Governance and Audit Committee’s
forward work programme be
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