Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Regulatory Services (copy enclosed) which outlined the legal and other resources available to the Planning Enforcement Team and its performance in service delivery.

                                                                                                       11.00 a.m.


A copy of a report by the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Regulatory Services, which outlined the legal and other resources available to the Planning Enforcement Team and its performance in service delivery, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The report detailed how the statutory function of Planning Compliance was undertaken by the Council.  It outlined the work of the Planning Compliance team in dealing with potential breaches of planning control, the Council’s role within the wider Regeneration Enforcement Group, the current higher level priorities for the team and explained how some of the lower level work could be dealt with.  Reference was made to the importance and effectiveness of collaborative working between the various service areas and Directorates.


The Development Control Manager provided a summary of the key issues and areas of the report which included:-


·        An outline of the Town and Country Planning system in Wales which regulates the use and development of all land and buildings.

·        The range of enforcement powers Under Part VII of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Local Planning Authorities.

·        The Welsh Government quick guide leaflet, included as Appendix 1, which explained Planning Enforcement.

·        A summary of the current Denbighshire Planning Compliance Function.

·        A copy of the draft Denbighshire Planning Compliance Policy and Procedure document, Appendix 2, which set out how the team deal with complaints.

·        The scoring matrix to highlight priority problem sites.

·        The Project Proposal document relating to the on-going restructure of the Compliance function having been included as Appendix 3.

·        A list of Planning Compliance issues categorised as high and low level having been included as Appendix 4.

·        An outline of the accepted performance measure for dealing with planning complaints.

·        The creation of more focused indicators around the monitoring of s.106 legal agreements, tackling problem sites and buildings, including eyesore sites, and dealing with planning compliance cases flagged up by Town and Community Council’s.


It was confirmed that there were risks associated with failing to provide a coordinated and robust Planning Compliance function.  It was suggested that a more focused approach to all regulatory functions would serve to improve the performance in this area.


In reply to a question from Councillor M.LI. Davies, it was confirmed that information pertaining to the nature of complaints, property names and address was currently available on a data base monitored by the Department.  It was explained that issues relating to the ownership of properties which were the subject of complaints was being examined.  The Head of Planning, Regeneration and Regulatory Services referred to the role of the Planning Enforcement officers in the holistic approach to addressing problem sites. He referred to the restructuring process of the service and the need to provide a focus in respect of the core planning enforcement function, to include a small multi function approach.


The Development Control Manager responded to a question from Councillor G. Sandilands regarding the monitoring of Section 106 Agreements, a core planning enforcement function.  He summarised the process adopted by Denbighshire and referred to page 97, Planning Compliance Workload Priorities, High Level Work, which set out the list of Planning Compliance workload priorities.


The officer provided the following responses to questions and issues raised by Members:-


-          The process of street naming and numbering was now a function of the Business, Planning and Performance Team.

-          It was confirmed that officers on site becoming aware of problems unrelated to their specific service would, due to the culture of the service, report the matter to the relevant service.

-          In reply to concerns raised by Councillor A. Roberts regarding issues pertaining to planning matters in Rhuddlan, the Development Control Manager outlined the background and current situation regarding the Bryn Cwybr site and agreed to provide an update to Councillor Roberts on receipt of further information.  With regard to the development site near Marsh Road, Rhuddlan, it was explained that  this issue could be best addressed by the officers in the Regeneration Service by encouraging developers to invest in the area.      


During the ensuing discussion, Councillor M.Ll. Davies thanked the Enforcement Officers for the work undertaken.


RESOLVED – that Performance Scrutiny Committee receives and notes the contents of the report and officers acknowledged Members comments.


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