Agenda item
To consider an application for the erection of 5 Rotunda Roundhouses for holiday let purposes, erection of associated storage shed, alterations and extension to existing access, formation of parking, landscaping and associated works at land to the rear of Kinmel Arms Inn, Llandyrnog (copy attached).
An application was submitted
for the erection of 5 Rotunda Roundhouses for holiday let purposes, erection of
associated storage shed, alterations and extension to existing access,
formation of parking, landscaping and associated works at land to the rear of Kinmel Arms Inn, Llandyrnog,
Public Speakers –
Zac Addison (Agent) (For) – reasons were given for
approving the application. It was
confirmed that should something not work, the round houses could be taken down
and put back to field. Access track
would cause loss of 10% of land. There
were hedgerows which would grow higher and act as screening. The application was linked with the Kinmel Arms and want the businesses to work in tandem. Employment of local people would be
beneficial to the local community.
People from the site would visit the Kinmel
Arms. Planning conditions were requested
to link the two businesses.
Victoria Conry
(Against) – each round house is 100 square metres and would be detrimental to
the dark skies initiative. The access to
the site would be on a blind bend. The
site is an open field and concerns have been raised regarding utilities. There is a high pressure gas main running
through the site. Planning office acknowledges there is no evidence for this in
the support of the application linking the Kinmel
Arms. Planning Permission is not
required to open the Kinmel Arms. The village could not support the Kinmel Arms in the past so why would that be different now
especially during a cost of living crisis.
1.2 hectares of land would no longer be farmed and the public house was
not originally considered as part of the application.
General Debate –
A Site Inspection Panel
meeting had taken place on Friday 14 July 2023 to allow Members the opportunity
to view the application site in relation to the surrounding area and
neighbouring properties.
Planning Officers confirmed
the application was under Policy PSE 5 not PSE 12. E application related to which were moveable
from the land and the structures were considered to be development.
A meeting had taken place at
the site on 30 June 2023 for local residents and this had been very well
attended. Councillor Merfyn Parry had
chaired the meeting. At the meeting a
number of people were supportive of the opening of the Kinmel
Arms but did not want the businesses to run in tandem of each other.
The Senior Highway Engineer
confirmed it was an established point of access. The round houses were to have their own
designated parking area. The access
would be sufficient width for 2 vehicles to pass safely. The traffic generated for the 5 x 1bed round houses
would be very low. It was not considered
a highway risk to refuse this application.
Under Condition 14 there was a
rooflight in the design of the roundhouse which could
have an impact on the dark skies. There
could be control proposals put in place.
The site would be open all
year round. Condition 10 dealt with the
number on site. Site rules would be
submitted to the Planning Department. If
noise became an issue on a regular basis, colleagues from Public Protection
would become involved for a noise abatement notice.
Condition 3 offered security
that the roundhouses could not be lived in as a second home.
The economic benefits
outweighed the negative impact for the loss of agricultural land.
It was confirmed by officers
that if either business were to fail then both
businesses would close.
Councillor Huw
Hilditch-Roberts PROPOSED the application be granted, in accordance with
officer recommendation, SECONDED by Councillor Chris Evans.
For – 20
Against – 0
Abstain – 0
RESOLVED that the planning application be GRANTED
in accordance with officer recommendation.
Supporting documents: