Agenda item
To consider a report from the Economic & Business
Development Lead Officer (copy attached) on the Rhyl Business Improvement District’s (BID) proposed second term
re-ballot arrangements.
10.55 – 11.35 am
Leader of the
Council and Lead Member for Economic Growth and Tackling Deprivation,
Councillor Jason McLellan introduced the Rhyl Business Improvement District (BID)
Re-ballot report (previously circulated).
The report provided
an opportunity for members to scrutinise the proposal for a second term of the
BID. Members were reminded the Rhyl
BID was established in November 2018, following a successful ballot with a
mandate to operate for a maximum of 5 years. In order to continue operating, a new set of proposals were
required to be put to a ballot. The BID provided a form of local democracy, it
gave local businesses the power to collectively raise funds to deliver agreed
improvements to the local area. The BID was funded by local businesses
contributing a small portion of business rateable value levy. A BID could only
be formed following a successful ballot taking place, and any additional monies
levied could only be utilised on items or services not provided by the local
authority. Members heard the proposed
business plan was attached to the agenda papers as Appendix 1.
It was stressed the
BIDs were independent to the Council. Denbighshire County Council were a key
stakeholder and had a statutory duty to conduct any BID ballots and to collect
and enforce the BID levies. The authority was a significant levy payer in the
BID area and therefore had a number of votes within the ballot process.
The Council was
represented on the Rhyl BID Board by the Corporate Director Economy and
Environment, Tony Ward.
The Corporate Director Economy and Environment thanked the Leader
for the overview of the report. He introduced to the Committee Abigail Pilling
who was employed by the Rhyl BID as the Rhyl BID manager and Nadeem Ahmed owner
of Jean Emporium in Rhyl Town Centre and Chair of the Rhyl BID Board.
The purpose of the report was threefold; firstly, to examine
the proposals for a second five-year term for the Rhyl BID, secondly to inform
members about the steps involved in arranging and holding a ballot and finally
to enable the Committee to raise and ask any questions regarding the BID or the
ballot process.
guided members to paragraph 4.11 and 4.12 of the covering report, which
informed members that part of the role of the Council was to decide whether
there were any grounds to veto the BID proposals. The Council could veto the
proposals if they conflicted with any corporate policy of the Council or if it
felt that they placed a significantly
disproportionate financial burden upon any person or class of persons.
Ultimately Cabinet would ask those questions in September 2023, prior to
allowing the BID to take place. Members heard it was officers’ opinion that the
proposals did not fall under either area to veto the proposals.
Pilling addressed the Committee providing a brief overview of what the BID had been
able to facilitate and deliver to date. She stated the original BID identified
4 action areas - safe and welcoming, cleansing and maintenance, marketing and
business support. One of the more well-known projects was the Town Ranger Project
which crossed over all 4 action areas. She made members aware of the events
programme which detailed signature events proposed to take place. Alongside
these events a training programme was timetabled to offer in-house training on
certain areas for businesses. The BID was
also involved in some community initiatives with a number of partnerships
developed. The Chair of the BID Board, Nadeem
Ahmed, added that the proposed new business plan attached to the report built
on what had been established during the first 5 year term of the BID and aimed
to progress and go further.
Chair thanked the speakers and officers for the introduction Committee members
were given an opportunity to ask questions to the Leader, public speakers and
Officers. In response to the questions and observations raised confirmation was
- Contact had been made with Denbighshire
Leisure Limited (DLL). Discussions around potential projects had taken
place. The main contact had been in relation to supporting the Rhyl Air Show.
Communication with officers at the Rhyl Pavilion had also taken place
regarding the upcoming Safari Trail which was taking place during the
summer in the hope they would have an attraction or focus point to draw
visitors to that area of Rhyl.
- Denbighshire County Council did not have
more than 50 % of the overall votes in total. There were a number of rules
that governed the ballot process. The rules were set by the Business
Improvement District (Wales) Regulations and were therefore set out in
law. It provided details of which businesses were eligible to vote and how
the ballot must be conducted. Included in the rules was information on how
a result was achieved.
- Eligible businesses were required to
cast their vote(s) for the vote to be counted. If people were against the
proposal they needed to submit a their ballot and not disregard the ballot
paper or abstain. That was made clear on the accompanying documentation. A
consultant had been employed by the BID Board to assist with the
engagement with businesses.
- A survey had been issued to eligible
businesses in the area asking for comments on areas that were in need of
support. The business case was then formed in response to the survey. The
survey was still open and businesses were encouraged to complete the questionnaire.
This formed the basis of how projects were agreed. A number of areas had
been identified that were ongoing from the current Rhyl BID.
- Once the business case was finalised a
detailed list and potential allocation of funds would be published.
- The business case would be made
available to businesses prior to the ballot.
- The potential investment with floral
displays in Rhyl was a future proposal. The Rhyl BID Board was in
discussion with Rhyl Town Council. It was hoped it would support and expand
the work of the Town Council in relation to floral displays.
- The BID decided its own priorities. It
was up to the businesses to discuss and agree the action plan within the BID’s
business plan priorities. The BID
had to deliver things over and above what would be provided to the town by
the local authority.
- The Rhyl BID was a collective voice for
Rhyl businesses, offering collaborative opportunities to all.
- The local authority was one business who
was entitled to vote. Businesses should participate to ensure their vote contributed
towards the outcome.
- There had been 33 cases were the Authority
had to pursue enforcement action on businesses to pay the levy. The total cost
of the enforcement action was circa £900.
- The BID enforcement rules mirrored the
rules set out by council tax and business rates enforcement. Empty
business properties were exempt for three months and then would be
required to pay the levy.
- All businesses were included in the
discussions including those businesses that fell under the levy threshold.
The Rhyl BID included all in the designated geographic area. The objective
was that all would benefit from the BID including the small businesses.
- A decision would be made by Cabinet if
Denbighshire County Council would be exercising it votes for, against or
abstaining from voting on the Rhyl BID.
- The final business plan would be issued
to all key stakeholders and would be made available on the Rhyl BID
The Chair thanked both public speakers for attending the
meeting and answering members questions. Also, thanks were given to the Leader
and officers.
At the conclusion of a comprehensive discussion the
Committee, having considered the report and draft business plan:
subject to the above observations to receive
the contents of the draft Business Improvement District (BID) Business Plan
2024-2029 (Appendix 1 to the report);
(ii) subject
to there being no significant change(s) to the current BID proposals which
would impact on the factors which influence the use of the power of veto as
identified in Section 51(2) of the Business Improvement Districts (Wales)
Regulations 2005, to support the Officer recommendation that there were no
grounds for the Council to exercise the power of veto in relation to the
ballot; and
to support the steps and timescales involved
in the re-ballot process, including the steps to take the process through
Denbighshire County Council’s democratic process.
Supporting documents:
- Rhyl BID Reballot Report 0600723, item 6. PDF 142 KB
- Rhyl BID Report 060723 - App 1, item 6. PDF 3 MB
- Rhyl BID Report 060723 - App 2, item 6. PDF 115 KB