Agenda item
- Meeting of Governance and Audit Committee, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 9.30 am (Item 7.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 7.
To receive a report on the Council Performance Self-Assessment 2022 to
2023 (copy enclosed).
The Lead Member for
Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets along with the Interim Head of
Service Corporate Support Service: Performance, Digital and Assets and Planning
and Performance Officer guided members through the report (previously
The Lead Member
stressed this self-assessment was based on the new Corporate Plan. A great
amount of work had been placed in to the report and the attachments from
officers, Cabinet, SLT etc.
The report presented
to the committee were statutory reports and provided members the opportunity to
assess if the authority was achieving what it set out to in accordance with the
Corporate Plan.
Officers confirmed appendix 2 was a quarterly performance report based on the Corporate plan and overview of governance areas, which was a statutory document. Which responded to the authorities’ duties under the Well-being of Future Generations Act, the Equalities Act and the Local Government and Elections Act. It was stressed this was the first performance review of the new Corporate Plan and would be used as a baseline for future self-assessments going forward.
Appendix 2 was
presented to Performance Scrutiny committee along with Cabinet, to receive an
update of the performance report 4 times a year, quarter 1 and 3 were received
virtually via email with quarter 2 and 4 are tabled at a meeting for a
Appendix 1
was the self-assessment. It was a statutory instrument under the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act
2021. That document was
presented to Governance and Audit Committee annually along with County Council
and the Performance Scrutiny Committee. The report took stock of how the
authority was performing against the Corporate Plan and the objectives set in
the plan, and the extent to which our performance was resulting in positive
outcomes and how well our governance was supporting continuous improvement. The
self-assessment also had to make reference to the stakeholder’s survey. Each
year the authority was required to hold a stakeholder survey that took into
account the views of local people in the county. The survey was available online,
with hard copies available in libraries from 7 November 22 to 18 March 23. 630 Respondents
were received.
The results
of the survey could be found in the self-assessment.
One of the
main reasons for the self-assessment was to assess the extent to which the authority’s
performance was driving improvement in outcomes for people and an analysis of
how effective the governance arrangements in supporting improvement in the council
was. It was hoped that the papers and assessments would be useful for services
and areas of improvement.
It was stressed that
at this point in time the documents were both still live documents and would be
presented to County Council for approval in July 2023. A greater amount of
Nationally benchmarked data was being measured against which officers felt was
important. Further work was needed to agree what excellence looked like in some
of those measures.
In the opinion of
officers, the two reports represented a fair analysis of where the authority
stood at this stage of the Corporate Plan. Officers were seeking members feedback, and consider the reports and identify
areas where further work may be required further scrutiny.
The Chair thanked the
officers and Lead Member for the detailed introduction and comprehensive
reports. He thanked officers for the early sight of the report, in his opinion
the report was transparent and explicit. Successes were highlighted along with
any issues or gaps officers were open about the work needed in those areas.
It was stressed the
self-assessment (appendix1) was the statutory report that was submitted to
Welsh Government.
Members heard the last
report for Q3 Performance Plan was unusually smaller. Although the Q4 report in
comparison looked a great deal more it was no larger than previous Q4
performance reports. Members heard Welsh Government would take into
consideration all of the performance reports for the year to feed into the
Assurance was provided
that close working with internal audit to ensure the governance messages in
this report and those in the annual Governance Statement report align.
to members’ questions the Lead Member and officers:
work on the equality and diversity aspect of the plan had taken place. Members were
concerned that limited growth had taken place in this area of work over recent
months. In response officers stated the authority was part of a North Wales
Equality network, one piece of work required by that group was the creation of
a contacts list for who to contact from groups with protective characteristics.
range of measures were in place to reflect future work to encourage achievement
around the theme of a fairer, safer more equal Denbighshire.
stressed the importance of engaging with stakeholders and residents. The level
of respondents was statistically relevant and satisfied the requirements of the
Local Government and Elections Act.
report and self-assessment was to be presented to County Council on the 4th
July 2023. Proceeding that item, a paper on governance was to be presented to
all councillors.
of the themes within the Corporate Plan was led by a Cabinet member. There
would also be a clear lead from a Corporate Director and senior officers.
suggested a definition be provided alongside each heading for example
procurement and assets.
was noted the importance of demonstrating assurance on the procurement system
and compliance with the procurement framework.
were aware further reference and explanation between connections such as assets
and workforce planning was needed.
felt the report would benefit from setting out the performance of the Council
in a broader regional and national context, noting that the default position to
benchmark against national indicators. Officers stressed the importance of context
within the report. It was highlighted that were possible data was benchmarked
Governance paper that was due to be presented to County Council would demonstrate
where accountability lies. It would ensure accountability and challenge to Cabinet
Members for their portfolios.
were reminded of the new duty placed on group leaders in the Local Government
and Elections Act.
of Governance boards to lead on themes and progress in these areas. There was
no system in place to measure the success of political Lead Members of each
theme. Officers thanked members for raising the question and would look at how
this could be incorporated in the arrangements.
quarterly performance report was drafted by the team in collaboration with
services within the council. Once drafted it was shared with senior officers
for comments. It was also presented to Cabinet and Performance Scrutiny.
the time of composing the report officers were awaiting confirmation of the Welsh
Local Government Association offer in relation to panel assessments. Panel assessments
are statutory instrument that within each term, an independent panel must be appointed
to provide feedback to Council on its governance and performance. The information
has since been received from Welsh Government and officers had begun
communication. It was confirmed further information would be presented to
committee later in the year.
formed part of the North Wales and Mid Wales audit group, there was a fraud and
corruption side group. That group had been assigned with creating a training module
for all staff to complete training.
The Governance and Audit Committee considered
the report and noted the following actions as part of its’ recommendations:
That the report provided
clear definitions, in particular, but not exclusively, in respect of
procurement and assets.
The report would
benefit from setting out the performance of the Council in a broader regional
and national context, noting that the default position is to benchmark against
national indicators.
The Committee notes and
considers the exemplar leadership in respect of climate change, but recognises
that achievement of objectives will require collaboration with all partners.
The Committee observed
that there may be an opportunity to engage more overtly with local and regional
business forums to inform a wider stakeholder engagement.
The Committee seeks
assurance that in respect of Council housing tenants as stakeholders, in
particular those with protected characteristics, are effectively and
meaningfully consulted.
Supporting documents:
- GAC Cover Report June 14, item 7. PDF 209 KB
- Appendix I Executive Summary Self-Assessment of Performance, 2022 to 2023, item 7. PDF 444 KB
- Appendix II Performance Self-Assessment Update - January to March 2023, item 7. PDF 1 MB