Agenda item
To consider a report (copy attached) by the Climate Change Programme
Manager, to advise the Committee on the review and refresh of the Council’s Climate and Ecological Change
Strategy taking place during 2023/24 and seek members’ support for the approach
to be taken.
12.00 – 12.40 p.m.
The Interim Head of Service- Strategy & Performance,
Projects, Climate Change introduced the report to members (previously
Members were reminded that the authority had a Climate and Ecological
Change board in place in response to the declaration of a Climate Change and Ecological Emergency by Council in
July 2019. A great deal of work was completed to develop a strategy. Within the
terms of reference for the strategy was a commitment to review the strategy on
a three yearly basis. This was good practice in terms of programme and strategy
management allowing responses to changes in the external environment can be
included in the plan.
The Climate Change Programme Manager provided members
with further details and information. She informed the committee it was the
first review of the strategy to be conducted with the next in 3 years’ time –
Members were guided through the review and refresh as reported in the covering report as follows –
a) the scope
of the current strategy.
b) the
target pathways to achieve the 2030 targets of Net Carbon Zero and
Positive Council.
c) the
actions within the strategy - what needs to be changed and what needs to be
d) the
measures of success - whether any need to be added or changed.
e) the information provided about finance, governance, partnership working and sharing learning.
It was stressed to members; officers were keen to engage with a wide range of populous at the early stage of the review and again at the end of the review. Members heard the start review commenced on the 18 May 2023 with a closing date of 2nd July 2023. To date 59 responses had been completed and returned to officers.
The independent assessment had been received. It had been completed and returned and was being reviewed and reflected upon.
The re-establishment of the cross party Climate Change and Ecological Emergency political working
group had begun with representatives from each political party being sought.
The aim of
the review was for the revised strategy to be approved by County Council and
Cabinet in February and March 2024. It was hoped the committee would agree for
an update report to be presented to Performance Scrutiny Committee in early
2024 prior to County Council and Cabinet.
The Chair
thanked the officers for the detailed introduction. In response to members
questions the following points were discussed in greater detail:
· The survey would be made available for residents to complete and return online, paper copies would also be made available. Communication with environmental groups to distribute paper copies had also been agreed. Officers noted the challenge engaging with residents and hoped a pubic engagement session would be arranged in the summer.
· It was also hoped that an in person meeting with the public on the adoption of the revised strategy. Officers welcomed any suggestions and support from members with engaging with the public.
· Members were in full support of the working group. It would be a vital part for members of the group to report back to political groups any messages or information coming from the group.
· Part of the constitution, the authority had the power to acquire or lease land to deliver the ambitions of the council. The constitution was updated in relation to the acquisition of land for carbon sequestration and ecological improvement purposes in 2022. Any land purchases had to go through a robust process to ensure it was appropriate for the intention of the purchase.
· Provision was inserted to the constitution under the principals of decision making which requires any decision to have regard to climate and ecological change. A number of delegated authorities would receive sight of any proposed acquisition proposals including the Asset Management Group.
· A reminder would be sent to all City, Town and Community Councils to share the questionnaire and post on social media websites.
· It was noted that the majority of correspondence received from the public was usually electronically. Paper copies would be shared for residents to complete with an emphasis on online publicising.
· A vast amount of statistics around wildflower meadow and its impact on climate and ecological change was available for members. It was hoped in the future the team would present a workshop to members.
· Members stressed the importance of communication. It was felt it was a vital aspect of informing residents of the authorities priorities and the background for completing certain projects such as wildflower meadow areas.
At the conclusion of an in-depth discussion the Committee:
subject to the above observations to support
the commencement of the review and refresh of the Council’s Climate and
Ecological Change Strategy to be conducted during 2023/24; and
to support the approach that will be taken
when reviewing the Strategy and for adopting a refreshed Strategy in early
2024, including pre-decision engagement with Performance Scrutiny Committee
ahead of presenting the refreshed Strategy to Cabinet and County Council for
Supporting documents: