Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by Councillor Win Mullen-James, Lead Member for Local Development and Planning (copy enclosed) on the Preferred Strategy Consultation Report for the replacement Local Development Plan (LDP) and seeking Cabinet’s support for the LDP Preferred Strategy with the recommended changes to go forward to Council for final approval.


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)      confirms it had read, understood and taken account of the Well-being Impact Assessment (Appendix 3 to the report) as part of its consideration;


(b)      recommends the Preferred Strategy as amended by the report to Council for final approval, and


(c)      recommends that the approved Preferred Strategy as amended by the report forms the basis for developing the Deposit Replacement Local Development Plan for consultation.


Councillor Win Mullen-James presented the report on the Preferred Strategy Consultation Report for the replacement Local Development Plan (LDP) and sought Cabinet’s support for the LDP Preferred Strategy with the recommended changes to go forward to Council for final approval.


The Strategic Planning and Housing Manager and Principal Planning Officer attended for this item.  The covering report to Strategic Planning Group on 23 February 2023 (Appendix 1 to the report) summarised the recommended changes to the Preferred Strategy.  The Preferred Strategy Consultation Report (Appendix 2 to the report) set out the full details of the consultation undertaken, responses received, and recommended amendments to the LDP Preferred Strategy.  The proposed amendments had been assessed via the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment and had shaped the final proposed amendments.


In brief, key changes to the Preferred Strategy included increased prominence and emphasis on elements such as climate change mitigation, carbon reduction and active travel in the vision, objectives and key policies; reduction in the amount of green field new Class B land use employment land to be allocated in the growth strategy following the consultants’ review of the evidence base, and removal of the Bodelwyddan Strategic Site in the spatial strategy following concerns around its deliverability in view of changes to growth deal funding.  It was also recommended that the affordable housing target be increased.  The actual target would be informed by the Local Housing Market Assessment.  Finally, reference was made to the Strategic Planning Group’s work and open invitation for all members to attend.


Cabinet acknowledged the importance of progressing work on the LDP to ensure the Council had a local influence on types and location of developments across the county, and provided the opportunity to change policies and allocations to reflect new issues and areas such as climate change.  Cabinet welcomed the key changes, particularly the renewed emphasis on climate change mitigation, active travel, the Welsh Language and increasing the affordable housing target.  The input from councillors, professional officers, and the good response from the public consultation was also welcomed, with specific mention to the hard work of the Strategic Planning Group (SPG).  As a member of the SPG, Councillor Peter Scott highlighted the hard work already undertaken and further work going forward, and he paid tribute to the hard work of officers, and fully endorsed the report.


The following points were raised during the ensuing debate –


·         the need for detail in the Deposit LDP on the Council’s intentions, including elements relating to climate change was highlighted and officers provided assurances that further reports would be taken forward, firstly to the SPG, on the detail and wording of policies to cover those issues which would provide members with the opportunity to be involved at an early stage in that work

·         the report referred to the provision for a level of growth supported by land for 3,775 new homes to meet a housing requirement of 3,275 dwellings, with the difference relating to a contingency to ensure the 3,275 dwellings were delivered.  Since the start of the plan period in 2018 around 1200 dwellings of the total 3,275 had already been built, and around 1000 dwellings were either currently under construction or sites where planning permission had been granted and would likely come forward in the next few years.  Therefore, land provision for around 1000 dwellings would likely be sought for new allocations

·         Councillor Arwel Roberts referred to the potential for particular brownfield sites, which had been left undisturbed for some time, having high biodiversity value and Councillor Emrys Wynne agreed, also highlighting the importance of protecting the best greenfield sites for agriculture and food production, and the need for balance.  There was some debate on balancing aspirations for providing affordable homes and employment land against the need to address the climate emergency, and an acknowledgement of the good work already undertaken in that regard.  It was noted that the Biodiversity and Climate Change Team and Planning Team worked closely together.  Officers confirmed that when looking at site allocations in the LDP there was a need to balance various key considerations, including biodiversity and agricultural land value.  There would also be a requirement on sites for net biodiversity gain moving forward which was a positive step, to both protect and make improvements.


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)       confirms it had read, understood and taken account of the Well-being Impact Assessment (Appendix 3 to the report) as part of its consideration;


(b)       recommends the Preferred Strategy as amended by the report to Council for final approval, and


(c)        recommends that the approved Preferred Strategy as amended by the report forms the basis for developing the Deposit Replacement Local Development Plan for consultation.


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