Agenda item
To consider a report by the Scrutiny Coordinator (copy enclosed) seeking a review of the committee’s forward work programme and updating members on relevant issues.
12.20 – 12.40 p.m.
The Scrutiny
Coordinator introduced the report (previously circulated).
The next meeting
was scheduled for the 27 April 2023 members heard the six monthly review of the
Corporate Risk Register was due to be presented to members. Members were reminded of previous discussions
on the issue of broadband in the county. She informed members she had made some
enquiries on the issue and it was apparent that Broadband provision was a very
complex issue. Members were made aware the Vice Chair Councillor Gareth
Sandilands and the Scrutiny Coordinator had attended a meeting with BT Open
Reach on the roll out of full fibre to Denbighshire. Following that meeting it
was decided that a workshop giving an overview of Broadband provision and
Upgrade Plans in Denbighshire would be beneficial for members, prior to
determining which aspects would benefit from detailed scrutiny. It was proposed
at the next meeting, to hold a workshop following the committee business.
The Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs Group
(SCVCG) had recently met. At that a meeting a request received from the Governance
and Audit Committee on staff recruitment, retention and work force planning had
been reviewed. The Governance and Audit Committee had previously received a
report and proposed Scrutiny debated the subject in greater depth. A report was
included on the SCVCG’s forward work programme for information on the same
issue. It was therefore proposed that a formal report be presented to
Performance Scrutiny Committee at the meeting scheduled for the 8th
June 2023 instead of to the SCVCG.
2 contained a copy of the Member Proposal form, members were informed the SCVCG
were due to meet again on 27April. Members were encouraged to complete the form
with any items they thought merited consideration.
3 to the report was the Cabinet’s forward work.
Appendix 4 – informed members of the
recommendations made at the previous Scrutiny meeting and the progress made
with their implementation.
Following the earlier discussion members
requested the Housing Strategy and Homelessness Strategy return with an update
in six months. Also a request for a follow up report on the Council’s Housing
and work with tenants be included. The Scrutiny Coordinator informed members
she had spoken to the officers and it was proposed that an information report
be included on the forward work programme (FWP) in 12 months’ time.
It was also noted a
further report on Library Service Standards and Performance be added to the
proposed agenda for the Committee meeting in January 2024.
Appendix 5 to the report was the expressions
of interest received to serve as committee representatives on the Service
Challenge groups. Members heard the Service Challenge groups would meet
virtually once a year. Attached was a list of the expressions received to date.
Members heard Councillor Terry Mendies along with Councillor Carol Holliday had
indicated an interest to represent the Committee on the Highways and
Environmental Service Challenge Group. Members were in agreement for Councillor
Mendies to attend Highways and Environmental Service Challenge meetings. It was noted a small number of services still
required meeting arrangements to be made, these were dependent on the outcome
of the SLT restructure which was imminent.
An up to date list would be provided when arrangements had been made.
The Corporate Director: Governance and Business encouraged members to
participate in service challenge meetings to understand the services in more
The Chair guided members through the
suggested list and asked the Committee to confirm its representatives. The
Scrutiny Coordinator confirmed she would present an updated list to the
Committee when further details were available.
It was:
to the inclusion of the reports requested during the course of the meeting
along with the additions and amendments outlined above, to confirm the
Committee’s Forward Work Programme as set out in Appendix 1; and
appoint the members named below to serve as the Committee’s representatives on
the following Service Challenge Groups:
Highways and Environmental
Services – Councillor Terry Mendies;
Planning, Public Protection
and Countryside Service – Councillor Gareth Sandilands;
Finance and Audit – Councillor
Hugh Irving;
Community Support Services –
Councillor Carol Holliday; and
Education and Children’s Services –
Councillor Ellie Chard.
Supporting documents:
- Work Programme Report 160323, item 8. PDF 152 KB
- Performance FWP - App 1[1], item 8. PDF 422 KB
- Work Programme Report - App 2E, item 8. PDF 284 KB
- Work Programme Report 160323 - App 3, item 8. PDF 316 KB
- Work Programme Report 160323 - App 4, item 8. PDF 245 KB
- Work Programme Report 160323 - App 5, item 8. PDF 178 KB