Agenda item
To consider a report that summarises the Audit Wales Report of Public Sector Readiness for Net
Zero Carbon by 2030 and provides Officers’ responses to the five Calls for
Action (copy attached).
The Chair welcomed Councillor Barry Mellor Lead
Member for Environment and Transport along with the Climate Change Programme Manager to the meeting. The report had
previously been presented for information to the committee. At that time the
committee decided it wanted to receive a formal report for discussion.
The Lead
Member for Environment and Transport introduced the report (previously
circulated) to members. The report summarised the Audit Wales Report of Public
Sector Readiness for Net Zero Carbon by 2030. It provided members with the
Officers’ responses to the five Calls for action (appendix2).
He stressed
to members the reason for the report was to ensure Members were kept informed of
and able to scrutinise observations and actions following an external audit
relevant to Denbighshire County Council.
The Climate Change Programme Manager thanked members for the invitation to present
the report to members. She reminded members that the Authority had a
legislative duty within Wales to meet net zero omissions in Wales by 2050. A
specific ambition from that was the Net Carbon Zero Welsh Public Sector by
2030. Since 2021 Welsh Government had requested that all Public Sector Bodies
in Wales to report on their carbon omissions annually.
heard that Audit Wales had undertaken an in depth review of Denbighshire County
Council in December 2020 to June 2021 on this topic, specifically its ability
to deliver on its environmental ambitions. The final report was issued in
October 2021 and reached the conclusion that the Council was making excellent
progress in embedding its environmental ambitions.
Although Audit
Wales did not make specific recommendations in their Report of Public Sector
Readiness for Net Zero Carbon by 2030 given the high-level nature of their review,
the report offered five Calls for Actions for organisations to consider.
Members were guided through each as detailed in the report.
She highlighted
the usefulness of appendix2 of the Audit Wales report in visualising the legislative
and policy framework underpinning decarbonisation.
This report
was concerned by decarbonisation only and the public sector readiness to meet
that net zero goal.
Gwilym Bury,
Audit Wales representative confirmed a piece of work had been conducted by
Audit Wales and was a positive report. The key part of the report was the
Management Responses and what the authority intended to do in line with the
The Chair thanked
the officers for the detailed introduction.
During the
debate the following areas were discussed in more detail:
There were
no plans to include omissions from retained social housing stock that of other
social housing providers, private rented sector housing and owner occupied
housing within the Net Carbon Zero targets. Both for Welsh Government Public
Sector targets and local Climate and Ecological Change Strategy Net Zero
Council by 2030 target. There was legislative responsibility to reduce carbon
from housing.
had started to be measured from 2021/22 data. It was thought, Denbighshire would
include that carbon data within the local net zero measurement following the
review of the strategy. For the year 2021/22 the omissions from staff
homeworking equated to 3.68 tonnes, compared to the carbon omitted by staff
commuting to work of 2141 tonnes. Asking employees to work from home did not increase
the carbon as much as the saving made from not commuting.
Wales did a review of Council Housing Stock in 2018. Although the Welsh Housing
Equality Standards did not specifically mention carbon targets, it did include
energy efficiency targets. The Welsh Government was currently consulting on a
new standard to replace the Welsh Housing Equality Standard.
source of omission had a target for 2030, which had been divided by 9 to give
an annual target. It was all recorded on Verto and reported
The budget
associated with the Climate and Ecological Change programme it was money for
staffing and resourcing. Money was also budget for capital, funded through
prudential borrowing. That was currently at £8.38million, the Authority was
committed for the first three years of the Strategy. Officers had been
successful in drawing down external grants to reduce the borrowing burden on
the council.
asked if the Carbon literacy training could be made available for the Lay Members
of the authority. There was an e-learning course on Introduction to Climate
Change. All employees had been asked to complete this learning. Members asked
if an email with training details could be circulated to members.
The Net
Carbon Zero fed into the programme of work across Council, the ability to feed
into strategies such as the workforce planning strategy had to be reviewed
slightly differently. Each Service had a workforce plan to review the service
needs to ensure staff capacity was met to achieve all objectives.
apologised for the oversight of not including supply chain omissions in the
managers’ response on A5. Supply chain omissions were monitored and reviewed and
annually reported to Welsh Government. A local target for reduction of 35% of
supply chain omissions by 2030 was worked towards.
authority did not hold monies to invest in the long term. Investments were on a
temporary, short term basis. The funding for this strategy was solely being
There was
a new asset management strategy under the approval process currently. It was
going through the political process for consultation. Partnership working with
third parties was evident such as holding the Coroner’s office in County Hall amongst
others. It was hoped future partnership working would take place.
stressed it was a challenging target by 2030. The targets set were ambitious
but officers were exploring every avenue to reduce carbon across the council.
It was
noted that the Council demonstrated Leadership in the adoption of the strategy,
Political leadership was demonstrated through the Lead Member and endorsement
from all members. The Chief Executive had shown leadership as Strategic Lead
for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Response. As an authority a strong
commitment was demonstrated to deliver of the strategy.
risk 45 was an explicit risk around not meeting the targets set. It was
monitored by the corporate risk management methodology.
The Chair
thanked the officers for the detailed response to members’ questions.
Monitoring Officer suggested the committee receive a report on the review of
the strategy prior to it being presented to Full Council to provide assurance
to member’s concerns.
The Chief
Internal Auditor confirmed he had pledged that from April 2023, auditors would
ask at every audit what each service area was doing for the carbon reduction initiative.
heard an additional annual performance report would be completed. This would
include a self-assessment around key governance areas such as this programme.
That Members considered the report, the
associated five calls to action, the identified need for organisations to be
bold and innovative and the statement that the Auditor General will not
criticise organisations for taking well-managed risks to address this
unprecedented challenge.
That Members consider officers’ responses to
the five calls to action, providing feedback as appropriate.
That members agreed that a communication be
circulated to members including the Audit Wales Report and the Managers
Supporting documents:
- Word doc-Audit Wales Report- Corp Gov & Audit- 08.03.23, item 5. PDF 127 KB
- Appendix 1 - Public Sector Readiness for Net Zero Carbon by 2030 - Engli..., item 5. PDF 929 KB
- Appendix 2- Management Response template - DCC Public Sector Readiness, item 5. PDF 298 KB