Agenda item
To receive the minutes of the Governance and Audit Committee meeting held on 23 November 2022 (copy enclosed).
The minutes
of the Governance and Audit Committee meeting held on the 23 November 2022 were
presented for consideration.
Matters of
Accuracy –
Page 13 –
Budget Process update – The statement ‘The proposals had included the use of cash
reserves in 2024/25.’ Should read 2023/24.
Arising –
Page 12 - Capital Process and The Future of the
Strategic Investment Group – The Chair asked for an update if the Capital
Process had been presented to Council – The Head of Finance confirmed the
Capital Budget was being presented to County Council in February for approval.
A report on Revenue Budget was due to be presented to County Council 31
Page 9 – Corporate Risk Register – Independent Lay Member Nigel Rudd
asked for an update on any progression on the use of picture diagrams or tables
used within the register. The Chief Internal Auditor agreed to seek an update
from the Strategic Planning Team. Mr Rudd suggested the use of a SMART
reference in relation to the suggestion.
Page 8 – Minutes – Independent Lay Member Paul Whitham made a comment on
the WLGA online training along with the reference to training on additional
training on the Corporate Risk Register, suggesting it may be beneficial for
the committee to have a training plan to identify what training has been
requested, what had taken place and training due to take place. The Chair
agreed that it may be beneficial for members to monitor training and make
suggestions of future training areas. The Chief Internal Auditor suggested an
information report on future training sessions could be included on the agenda.
Page 14 - Progress Update on Statement of Accounts 2021/22 - The Chair asked if any update was available
on the Statement of Accounts. The Head of Finance confirmed there was an issue
on the asset register for the Statement of Accounts. The item that was causing
the difficulties was the way the authority had apportioned the spend on council
houses, where it had been apportioned it to the asset type as a whole rather
than individual assets. The original request had been to review the asset
register to 2007/2008. The intention had been to complete that work during
January 2023 to allow Audit Wales time to audit the additional work on the
asset register. Following that work it was hoped the report would be completed
for presentation to the committee in March 2023. Unfortunately, when commencing
that work he informed members that there were no working papers to back up
those records. It was explained that financial papers were not stored for that
length of time.
He confirmed discussions and conversations with Audit Wales to resolve
the issue had taken place. He informed the committee, it had been agreed to
restate the asset register from 2016/17 to the present day. That date had been
chosen as that year was the last date that all council houses were revalued. He
stressed the work had started, but it may prove difficult to meet the report
deadline for the March committee meeting. Finance officers thanked Audit Wales
for the continued support and positive communication.
A full update meeting will be presented at the March committee meeting.
The legislation for publication of the accounts had changed over recent
years, it still stated the early close down dates. Members heard if a
dispensation was issued explaining why those deadlines are not met the accounts
can be published at a later date. The authority had fulfilled the legal
requirements needed.
David Williams the Audit Wales representative echoed the thoughts of the
Head of Finance. He concurred correspondence had taken place and they were
satisfied it would be the best way forward.
Audit Wales looked for assurance of the opening balances to ensure a clear
audit opinion can be provided.
The Head of Finance informed the committee that currently it was only Denbighshire
County Council that was in the current situation. In the previous few years 2
other local authorities had been in a similar situation. Communication with those
councils and officers who have worked on those issued had been very beneficial for
both Audit Wales officers and Denbighshire Finance officers.
The Chair offered the support of the committee to all officers, including
the agreement for a special meetings or further discussions that may be needed
if required.
RESOLVED, subject to the above that the minutes of the Governance and Audit committee held on 23 November 2022 be received and approved as a correct record.
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