Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Community Safety Partnership Manager (copy enclosed), detailing the Partnership’s achievement in delivering its 2021/22 action plan and its progress to date in delivering its action plan for 2022/23. 



The Lead Member for Housing and Communities introduced the report (previously circulated). He reminded the Committee that it was the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) annual report - April 2021 to March 2022.


Interim Head of Business Improvement & Modernisation explained that Community Safety was managed within the Business Improvement & Modernisation Service but there were many other departments with whom they worked closely, including Youth Services, Planning & Public Protection and Safeguarding etc.


The Conwy and Denbighshire CSP’s action plan was part of a regional plan developed across North Wales led by the Police and Crime Commissioner. The plan was formulated from an analysis undertaken on an annual basis. Locally the plan was managed by a Conwy and Denbighshire Community Safety Partnership.


The Community Safety Manager referred to the Performance Summary Report (appendix 1) highlighting:


Priority 1: Reduce Crime and Disorder in Denbighshire by working in Partnership - performance status at the end of 2021/22 was acceptable;

Priority 2: Reducing reoffending - performance status at the end of 2021/22 was acceptable; and

Priority 3: Local Priorities – performance status at the end of 2021/22 was good.


The change from the previous reporting period was due to youth offending and domestic abuse/stalking increasing.


Priority 1 involved working collectively with partners e.g. North Wales Fire & Rescue Authority, Police, Probation, Health with the aim of:


·       reducing victim based crime;

·       reducing Antisocial Behaviour (ASB);

·       reducing domestic abuse and sexual violence and

·       working with colleagues on multi agency risk assessments and conferences to manage repeat offenders.


Priority 2 – the aim was to reduce reoffending by working with:

·       Probation Service (on adult reoffending);

·                                 Children and Young People’s Service / Youth Services; and

·       collectively to prevent organised crime.


Priority 3 - Local and Regional priorities which were often highlighted by elected members or North Wales Police where they received numerous calls e.g. linked to licensed premises, anti-social behaviour etc.


Priority 1- Reduce Crime and Disorder in Denbighshire by working in



Overall, the performance for the Partnership was acceptable due to the continued increased numbers of victims of domestic abuse and stalking and harassment that came forward to report such incidents.  Whilst the percentage increase seemed high, the actual numbers were small. Examples of working in partnership to deal with this priority included the following measures undertaken:


·       Raising awareness of victim based crimes via social media, attending events ensuring information was available on partner websites.

·       Home and business surveys carried out by crime reduction advisors and Police Community Support Officers to help prevent burglaries.

·       Provision of target hardening equipment and crime prevention advice (Locks/door bars etc.).

·       Participation in the monthly online Multiagency Risk Assessment Conference meetings (MARACs) reviewing cases of victims of domestic abuse and implementing action plans.

·       Denbighshire sent out numerous press releases on domestic abuse throughout the year and changed the colour of the Pont y Ddraig Bridge to signify the support of the Local Authority on White Ribbon day on the 25th of November 2021. A vigil was held with partners in the events arena in Rhyl to show support in the prevention of violence.

·       Promoted the ‘Live fear free All Wales helpline’ which received 192 calls from Denbighshire residents.


Project activity meetings with partnership agencies covered:

·       Modern day slavery;

·       County Lines;

·       Integrated Offender Management;

·       Domestic Abuse; and

·       Drink Aware campaigns.


Priority 2 – Reducing re-offending.


There had been a decrease in re-offending in the over 18’s but an increase in youth offending. The focus of the partnership had been to:


·       Participate in local offender management programmes;

·       Promote community resolutions and restorative justice when solving minor issues;

·       Attend restorative justice conferences as a critical friend;

·       Identify repeat antisocial behaviour (ASB); and

·       Established a dedicated forum in Rhyl to look specifically at crime and disorder.


Priority 3 – Local Priorities.


The overall performance status of priority was good. The partnership had:


·       Established local multiagency groups in Denbighshire to manage repeat incidents of Antisocial Behaviour;

·       Promoted the use of community resolutions to resolve repeat incidents of antisocial behaviour;

·       Implemented community protection notices / Public Space Protection Orders;

·       Controlled licenced premises and enforced / monitored taxi licences;

·       Continued (March 2022) operations on targeting car washes under modern day slavery action plans;

·       Monitoring community tension, protests/vigils - including hate crime with the assistance of the Regional cohesion team.

·       Applied for additional third sector funding for additional domestic abuse services locally.


Corporately Denbighshire had published communications both internally and externally relating to training and early intervention complimenting the work of the Regional Vulnerabilities Board and the regional domestic abuse team.


Additional police activity was undertaken around the night time economy -- specifically looking at violence against women and girls. The ‘Ask Angela’ scheme was running in public houses in Denbighshire.


A £5000 grant was received to publicise the Live Fear Free campaign merchandise lip balms, hand sanitisers and pens which included the helpline number – strategically placed – in order for those needing assistance to access.


Crime Statics Analysis


Of the 13 Crime and incident reporting categories relating to Denbighshire 7 recorded the highest Year to Date (YTD), compared to pre-covid figures. The figures were as expected with no anomalies being flagged up.


The Community Safety Manager went on to explain the different crime categories that were monitored. Comparisons were made with figures recorded pre-covid as the lockdowns had an impact on the type of crimes being committed. For that reasons trends were monitored rather than figures.


Significantly there had been a year on year increase in Stalking and Harassment. Coercive and Controlling Behaviour had been added to that category which had the impact of a spike in numbers recorded.


Antisocial behaviour had seen an increase nationally involving young people. The partnerships were working closely with Youth Services to ascertain the root of the cause in communities where there were issues. Multi agency meetings – including local members – were being held to identify and resolve issues.


Responding to the Committee’s questions the Community Safety Manager advised that:

·       The benefits of working in partnership included shared resources, collective responsibility, eligibility for grant funding and avoidance of duplication of work.

·       Feedback on the ‘Ask Angela’ campaign had been positive. The Licensing Team would be asked whether any statistics were available

·       Statistics were compared with regional and national figures to identify trends.

·       Online fraud / scams were not part of the report’s crime category statistics – although they were a regional priority for attention by the Police and Crime Commissioner –figures would be available as the Trading Standards Service was responsible for recording and investigating alleged incidents of on-line fraud and scams.

·       In addition to the annual report updates were provided to the Senior Leadership Team and Lead Member on a quarterly basis.

·       The Monitoring of Protests/Vigils was introduced during Covid but would be utilised going forward to monitor any community tensions.

·       The 3rd Sector services were a vital part of the partnership when working with young people. The Hwb in Denbigh and West Rhyl Young People’s Project had provided support and valuable engagement over recent antisocial behaviour incidents and with the Safer Streets Project and

·       North Wales Police’s Chief Inspector for Denbighshire could be invited to attend the Committee the next time the Community Safety Partnership annual report was presented.


The Interim Head of Business Improvement & Modernisation advised that the Rhyl Safety Community Group forum (which included local members) had been established to address the number of antisocial behavioural issues taking place. The next meeting was scheduled to take place in January 2023.


The Lead Member for Housing and Communities thanked the Community Safety Manager for her enthusiasm and commitment in the role, these sentiments were echoed by the Chair and Committee members.


At the conclusion of an in-depth discussion the Committee:


Resolved:  subject to the above observations –


(i)    to receive the Conwy and Denbighshire Community Safety Partnership’s performance and statistical update for 2021/22;

(ii)  to support the priorities identified by the Community Safety Partnership for delivery during 2022/23; and

(iii)                    with a view to facilitating effective scrutiny of the delivery of community safety activity in the area, to request that North Wales Police’s Chief Inspector for Denbighshire be invited to attend the Committee meeting in September 2023 for the presentation of the Community Safety Partnership’s Annual Report for 2022/23.




Supporting documents: