Agenda item
To receive an update on the September 2022 review of the Corporate Risk Register and the Risk Appetite Statement (copy enclosed).
The Chair thanked the officers and Lead
Member for the detailed report. He recognised the detailed work incorporated in
the register and noted it may be beneficial to have a future training session
on the Risk Register.
The Lead Member for Corporate Strategy,
Policy and Equalities, Councillor Julie Matthews introduced the report to
provide an update on the Corporate Risk Register Review, September 2022.
The report asked Governance and Audit
to review the risks facing the council and the risk appetite statement.
The Corporate Risk Register was developed and owned by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Cabinet. It was reviewed twice every year by Cabinet at Cabinet Briefing.
The Strategic Planning and
Performance Officer, Emma Horan confirmed the report was seeking assurance from
members that risk management had been managed appropriately. An update of the
latest review was also included. The risk appetite statement looked at the
level of appetite the authority had in pursuit of its objectives. Officers
requested members approval for an amendment to the statement.
Members heard that certain
risks within the risk register had been escalated including Risk 01-
Safeguarding where officers had applied extra management controls to manage the
risks. CET were reviewing the risk on a monthly basis, in particular focusing
on controls that are implemented to control the risk.
It was highlighted that the
Corporate Risk Register had of late become very interconnected with a number of
risks crossing over.
A review of the changes to
the risks had been included within the covering report.
A review of the Risk
Appetite Register with Cabinet members to review the register to ensure the
correct level of risk was adopted. The Governance and Audit committee were
responsible for the process and the methodology of the risk strategy. Due to
the changing economic situation it had been proposed to amend the minimalist
risk appetite in relation to Workforce: Terms and Conditions to a cautious appetite,
to reflect the way we are ‘flexing’ recruitment processes – in a safe way – to
alleviate challenges in filling roles. The reason for this change had been to
try to resolve the issues faced in recruitment and retention, those processes
needed to be more flexible.
During discussions the
following points were made –
Risks are highlighted
during conversations during the biannual reviews with CET and Cabinet. A number
of factors are considered and discussed when reviewing new risks. Risks can
also be identified by services raising concerns to senior officers.
Inherent risk is the
full exposure level of that risk with the residual risk score took into account
the mitigated actions that are in place. Any concerns on achieving the actions
would be reviewed at the twice yearly meeting. Meeting and conversation with
department, officers and Lead Members took place when a new risk is identified.
New mitigated actions
are monitored by service business plans.
The Monitoring Officer
confirmed the information contained in item 11 on the agenda was relevant when
debating the amendment to the risk appetite and confirmed if members referred
to that information that was reasonable.
Members noted the
close connectivity between a number of the risks. All of which had contributed
to the challenges faced by the authority.
Officers noted members suggestion of a picture map or table to identify
risk changes or movements and would consider with the team.
A report was scheduled
for the January Governance and Audit committee meeting on recruitment and
retention. Members also heard internal audit was also undertaking a review on
recruitment and retention which would be presented to the committee following
Regional and National
discussions had taken place with representations from Denbighshire in
attendance. Those meetings had been to discuss recruitment and retention issues
across the different authorities and partners.
An Audit Wales report
on workforce issues had been published earlier in the year.
Risks emerge on the
Corporate register when first apparent. The risks listed to be removed were
historic and the actions and risks had been carried out and reviewed.
Members suggested an
impact of negative culture to potentially be added to the risk associated with
fraud. Officers confirmed they would take the suggestion away for discussion
with the risk owner.
The Chair thanked the officers for the
detailed report and answers to members comments and
concerns. Members were in agreement for some additional training on the
Corporate Risk Register.
RESOLVED, that members note the
risks, scores and controls included in the Corporate Risk Register (appendix
1), including the status of each risk against our Risk Appetite Statement
(appendix 2). Also the committee considers the risk appetite statement and
accepted the verbal update on any changes (appendix 2).
All members
were in agreement to endorse the proposal to amend the Corporate Risk Appetite
Supporting documents:
- Cover Report Corporate Risk Register Governance and Audit 23 Nov 2022, item 5. PDF 152 KB
- Appendix 1 - Corporate Risk Register, item 5. PDF 863 KB
- Appendix 2 - Scoring Matrix and Risk Appetite, item 5. PDF 231 KB
- Appendix 3 - Summary of CRR, item 5. PDF 223 KB