Agenda item
- Meeting of Cabinet, Tuesday, 18 October 2022 10.00 am (Item 7.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 7.
To consider a report by Councillor Gill German, Lead Member for Education, Children and Families (copy enclosed) on the findings of the formal consultation to increase the capacity from 116 to 220 at Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn and seeking Cabinet approval for publication of a statutory notice for Denbighshire County Council to increase the capacity from 116 to 220 at Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn from 1 September 2024 subject to the new build being ready.
RESOLVED that Cabinet –
(a) note the findings of the
formal consultation to increase the capacity from 116 to 220 at Ysgol Plas
(b) approve the publication
of a statutory notice for Denbighshire County Council to increase the capacity
from 116 to 220 at Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn from 28 April 2025. The implementation of the proposal will be
subject to a site being agreed, planning consent being given, finance being
available and the new build being ready, and
(c) confirms that it has
read, understood and taken account of the Well-being Impact Assessment, as
detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, as part of its consideration.
Councillor Gill German presented the report on the findings
of the formal consultation on the Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn project and sought
Cabinet approval to the publication of a statutory notice for the Council to
increase the capacity from 116 to 220 at Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn. She also referred to an amendment to report
recommendation 3.2 to incorporate a revised implementation date of 28 April
The project was part of the Welsh Government’s
Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme (Band B) approved in September
2020. The school currently provided
specialist provision for pupils with autism aged 3 – 19 across four sites in
Denbigh. It was proposed to bring all
sites together in a purpose built building in a field next to Denbigh Leisure
Centre and currently used by Denbigh High School, and to increase capacity of
the school as demand for those specialist places increased. Details of the consultation responses had
been set out in the report together with the consultation report and supporting
The Head of Education and Principal Manager –
School Support elaborated on the proposal to increase the school’s capacity
based on the predicted increased demand and current capacity issues. Discussions had been ongoing with Welsh
Government during development of the business case with much work undertaken to
ensure the right size for the school going forward and a clear pathway for
gradually increasing pupil numbers at the school and admission arrangements.
Cabinet welcomed the proposal to increase the
capacity of the school to meet the growing demand for places. Main areas of debate focused on the following
the need
to create more opportunities for school leavers with learning disabilities was
highlighted by Councillor Elen Heaton.
It was confirmed the current design for the school did include a
community café which aimed to provide increased community engagement in the
school and opportunities for pupils with learning disabilities, particularly in
post 16 provision, to use the new facilities and develop social skills and
links with the wider community. There
were already primary schools in the county with café areas and other models in
the third sector with adults with additional learning needs. However, safeguarding of pupils was paramount
and if that could not be guaranteed, then it would not be pursued
Rhys Thomas raised concerns regarding the wording of report recommendation 3.2
and sought clarity on specific elements within the School Organisation Code and
how it related to the proposal, particularly with regard to specifying a
location for the school, concerns over the consultation process alongside the
separate pre-planning consultation for the proposed new school site, and
concerns over the proposed site itself. A special Denbigh Member Area Group
meeting had been arranged to discuss the site selection process and concerns in
that regard. Consequently, he felt there
would be merit in deferring publication of the notice or rewording recommendation
3.2 to ensure clarity regarding the current process and decision making. Councillor Gill German stated her preference
for an amendment for clarity rather than deferral given the timescales involved
and potential impact on progressing other projects.
The Monitoring Officer provided legal advice on
those points, and subsequent points raised to clarify other processes, as
follows –
¨ the proposal was not for a new school; the proposal
was to increase the capacity of an existing school, so the provisions of the
School Organisation Code related to the notice and consultation in so far as
they related to the alteration of an existing school, not the creation of a new
¨ with regard to publication of the notice, or
deferring publication of the notice, the notice had to be published within a
certain time following the consultation and a deferral would potentially risk
being out of time for the process
¨ in terms of an amendment to recommendation 3.2,
clarity was required in that the ‘subject to’ referred to the implementation of
the proposal and not that the proposal was ‘subject to’ the new build being
ready or any other factors. However, the
implementation of an increase in the school’s capacity could not be implemented
unless there was somewhere for that increased capacity to be accommodated. Therefore, the suggest rewording of the
amendment should make it clear that implementation of the proposal would be
subject to other factors and not the publication of the statutory notice
¨ the requirement in the School Organisation Code
to state the site of the school in the notice related to the establishment of a
new school and therefore did not apply in this case given the notice was about
increasing the pupil numbers. However,
in the additional information which accompanied the notice it was possible to
set out where a proposed site was envisaged
¨ the statutory notice did need to specify the
proposed implementation date
¨ with regard to the impact on the process in the
event the proposed new site failed through the planning process, it would not
be possible to implement the change unless or until an appropriate site had
been identified
¨ detailed the decision making process for
Cabinet following publication of the notice and whether or not to continue with
the proposal in light of any objections received; there were other processes
that determined whether or not the site was appropriate.
¨ approval of the notice in respect of the school
organisation proposal was an executive decision for the Cabinet and would in no
way prejudice any subsequent planning application for the proposed new site
which was for the planning authority to determine and a separate decision
making process.
The Lead Member and officers responded to
questions from non-Cabinet members, clarifying that a delay in the projects
relating to the Sustainable Communities for Learning programme could have an
impact on future projects under that programme, but would not affect other school
projects subject to different funding streams.
With regard to future pupil numbers, it was noted there had been a
recent decrease in out of county requests due to various reasons and a review
of the admissions process and policy was being carried out to ensure the school
offered the best possible option to as many pupils as possible with close
working with other local authorities in North Wales.
At the close of debate, Councillor Gill German
restated her amendment to report recommendation 3.2 to incorporate a revised
implementation date of 28 April 2025 and removal of the reference to the new
build being ready. Councillor Rhys
Thomas read out his suggested amendment for a new sentence in recommendation
3.2 regarding implementation of the proposal.
Upon being put to the vote it was –
RESOLVED that Cabinet –
(a) note the findings of the
formal consultation to increase the capacity from 116 to 220 at Ysgol Plas
(b) approve the publication of
a statutory notice for Denbighshire County Council to increase the capacity
from 116 to 220 at Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn from 28 April 2025. The implementation of the proposal will be
subject to a site being agreed, planning consent being given, finance being
available and the new build being ready, and
(c) confirms that it has read,
understood and taken account of the Well-being Impact Assessment, as detailed
in Appendix 1 to the report, as part of its consideration.
At this point (11.45 am) the meeting adjourned for a refreshment break.
Supporting documents:
- YPB SCHOOL ORGANISATION Appendix 1- WBIA, item 7. PDF 102 KB
- YPB SCHOOL ORGANISATION - Appendix 2 Eng Formal Consultation Report, item 7. PDF 1 MB