Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for the erection of 113 dwellings, construction of a new vehicular access, landscaping and associated works at land off upper Denbigh Road, St Asaph, LL17 0LW (copy attached).




An application was submitted for the erection of 113 dwellings, construction of a new vehicular access, landscaping and associated works at land off upper

Denbigh Road, St Asaph.


Public Speaker –


Mr Stuart Andrew (FOR) – Mr Andrew introduced himself to the committee explaining he was the design and planning director with Castle Green homes. The application was for 130 homes in St Asaph. He reminded members the site of the application was allocated for housing by Denbighshire County Council in the current Local Development Plan. He stated the proposed application was the second half of a wider allocation,  the first of which had been partly developed by Pure Residential. The application submitted proposed the full provision of affordable housing and public open space required by the Council’s adopted policies. He stated of the 113 dwelling houses proposed, 10 are designated as affordable. As requested by the council strategic planning officers a mix of one bed, two bed and three bed dwellings being made available.

Members heard 2 acres of newly landscaped open space with a new play area would be made available for the public. Also around an acre of existing mature lands will be retained to enhance the space.

He added financial contributions towards off site affordable housing, existing public open space areas, sports facilities and primary school education facilities had been agreed with Denbighshire officers with the payments totalling nearly £250k and to be secured by a legal agreement with the Council.

During the application the applicant had been made aware of an existing issue relating to flooding on upper Denbigh Road. He stated  that even though the proposed development   would not contribute to the existing flooding issue the applicant had offered to carry out works to improve land drainage adjacent to the adopted highway and area affected at no cost to the authority.

He noted within the report reference to the impact on St Kentigern Hospice, he highlighted the hospice had previously corresponded with the Council in support of this application. He confirmed following negotiations with the hospice it had been agreed to set aside part of the development to create an extension to the existing hospice garden.

Confirmation was provided that the application had been considered by all the necessary statutory consultees and council officers with the conclusion that the application creates no adverse impact to existing local visual and residential amenities. Matters relating to ecology would be resolved to a satisfactory standard of the council’s ecology officer. The proposed highways and drainage works were considered acceptable and all policy requirements had been met.

Mr Andrew thanked members for the time and consideration of the application.


General debate –


The Chair informed the committee a site visit had taken place. Councillor Peter Scott who had been in attendance at the site visit confirmed the site visit had been informative. He informed members the City Council had previously written a letter in objection, following the site visit the concerns originally raised by the City Council had been mitigated. He was pleased to see improvements to access to the site and new footpaths along the A525 had been proposed which the City Council was in support of. The work at the hospice was pleasing. He stressed the land drainage proposed at the site would be beneficial to local residents.


Councillor Martyn Hogg (Local Member) had also attended the site visit. He informed members that he had great support from planning officers to understand and look at the objections that had been raised by the City Council. In his opinion he felt the applicant had met the objections well and responded to them all. He suggested that the Planning Committee feedback to the Strategic Planning group about information that is available for the public around the Local Development Plan to make it easier for local residents to understand what is included in the plan. The Chair confirmed he would relay the points raised to the group.


Members raised concerns that some of the existing hedgerow and trees would be removed during the construction of the development. It was hoped the existing trees if possible could be incorporated in the plans. The Planning Officer confirmed the plan had been revised to try and maintain as much of the hedgerow and trees as possible. Discussions to use the felled wood to create a deadwood habitat at the site had taken place. A comprehensive landscaping and ecology plan with planting had been provided, this included the planting of new trees and shrubs. The authority’s ecologist was happy that the plans included enough trees and hedgerow.


The Senior Engineer- Highways Development Control officer provided further detail on the highways assessment of the application. He noted he had read and understood the objections and concerns of the application. He confirmed a detailed transport assessment had been completed. The access  for the proposed site would be a right turn lane. It won’t affect the free flow of traffic. The moving of street lighting and 30 mile per hour signage towards Trefnant would be worked on. All the details would be included in a legal agreement with the applicant with a bond to complete the works agreed. Officers had also requested a link to the railway line to the east to future proof any right of way. Members heard officers had asked for a footpath to be included at the site alongside the A525 from the country lane linking into the site access for pedestrians.


The Flood Risk Engineer confirmed developments over 100sq metres require SUDS approval. He confirmed the developers had submitted a SUDS application. As part of that application were proposals for improvements to the existing land drainage.


Members noted the lack of response from Natural Resource Wales (NRW). In response, officers confirmed NRW had been consulted throughout the process. They requested a great crested newt survey to be carried out. Members heard a newt survey had to be carried out between March- May. Confirmation that the applicant had conducted the requested surveys was provided. Officers had re-consulted NRW but due to committee deadlines they were yet to have a response to include on the agenda. Included on the supplementary notes was the response from NRW, confirming the surveys completed were satisfactory but had included some conditions.


It was stressed the importance of communication between local members and residents throughout the process. The DCM stressed the importance of a good working relationship with communities and potential developers.


Members heard that officers would discuss with the developer the timing of the delivery of the open space proposed at the St Kentigern Hospice. It would be conducted at the most appropriate time to do so. The DCM confirmed he would discuss with the applicant if successful and include Councillor Martyn Hogg as local member.


Members were pleased to note the commuted sums towards primary school education. Praise was given to the extensive work from officers. Members were pleased to see the positive working relationship between officers and the developer.


Proposal – Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts proposed the application be granted in accordance with officer recommendation, seconded by Councillor Peter Scott.



FOR – (12 votes cast in the Chamber, 5 votes cast via Zoom) -  17




RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in accordance with officer

recommendations as detailed within the report and supplementary papers.


Supporting documents: