Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for the erection of 40 dwellings, construction of a new vehicular access, landscaping and associated works at land adjacent to  Maes Llan, Llandyrnog, Denbigh (copy attached).




An application was submitted for the erection of 40 dwellings, construction of a new vehicular access, landscaping and associated works at land adjacent to

Maes Llan, Llandyrnog, Denbigh.


Public Speaker –


Mr Emyr Morris (attended virtually) (AGAINST) – Mr Morris stated the development of 40 houses would represent the largest single development in the history of the village adding 10% to housing stock, inhabitants and traffic in the area. He informed members on the day of the site visit the B5429 to the village was closed for road repairs so members in attendance at the site visit would not have witnessed a true representation of the traffic. In his opinion the use of agricultural land for development should firstly meet the needs of local people and take account of existing local village residents. He stated the current site layout bared little resemblance to what had been proposed in the outlined planning application. The green frontage originally proposed had been removed, this would have kept the development in line with other neighbouring properties. Gone were the proposed bungalows to accommodate those with mobility issues or that might have a need to downsize. He informed members one of the properties would have very limited visibility due to the hedgerow, reduced road width and the curve in the road.

He highlighted the information in the supplementary guidance papers as stating the rear of 14 Maes Llan to side gable of plot 37 with side landing window facing Maes Llan was only 12.4m away less than 41feet the length of a school bus, with number 13 Maes Llan being just 12m. In his opinion any window in this close proximity was not acceptable and below the 15m guidance. He stated he had been informed the building density of the site was not an issue, so he questioned why they had been proposed so close to existing properties.

Travelling surface water from the development from the attenuation pond to a gully on the main road that had existing flooding issues, into a pipe that discharged into a water course that Natural Resource Wales maps illustrated to be of high flood risk was not acceptable.  He stated he was concerned that no comments had been received by NRW or Denbighshire’s Flood risk officers. He stated on site disposal should be planned for by the use of attenuation cranes and not passed on.


Helen Morgan (FOR) – Informed members she had been brought up in locally in Ruthin. Members heard the applicant was a long established local company that had created huge employment for the area employing over 500 people with 8% being from North Wales. In her opinion the location of the site was appropriate for the new development and was sustainable and fit within the local development plan (LDP). The principle to develop housing on the site was considered to be acceptable. Llandyrnog had been identified as a village within the growth strategy for the LDP, it would therefor meet the local housing needs for the area. The original proposal site has planning permission which exists for 40 houses, this development offered the same number of houses. The proposal had been revised to ensure the development met with the requirements of legislations.      

A mixture of 2, 3 and 4 bed houses was proposed a mixture of detached and semi-detached. It was stressed that the highways department had stated the development would not have an unacceptable effect on local highways and the main access complied with standards.

She stressed no objections from the statutory consultees had been received. In her opinion the development represented a positive contribution to the sustainable development within Denbighshire and would give a contribution to the housing need in the area including 4 affordable houses. The development was in line with key principals of planning policies Wales, including local polices that had been adopted in the LDP.


General debate -  The Chair thanked both speakers for the comments. The Development Control Manager (DCM) informed members that a number of officers were present to offer additional information for technical queries.

Members were informed the main planning agenda reports are prepared a few weeks prior to the meeting date to enable the papers to be translated and published, officers then produce the supplementary late sheets with any additional information that has been received which were circulated the day before the meeting. The DCM informed members that occasionally officers would receive very late representations that are submitted after the circulation of the late information.

Members heard that a very late representation had been received for this application. The DCM stated the information had been received from Dr James Davies MP. With the agreement of the Chair and committee the DCM verbally presented the information contained within the letter. The DCM read out the letter in full to the Committee which covered issues of the land allocation, density, road safety, distance to existing dwellings, drainage and house types.


The Chair confirmed a site visit had taken place.


Councillor Peter Scott confirmed he had attended the site visit. He informed the committee Highways officers had been present to answer concerns regarding traffic. He was concerned about the proximity of existing houses 13 and 14 and the new proposed property at plot no. 37 . He was pleased to note in the additional information the full gable elevation of the proposed property at plot 37 would not be located immediately behind 13 or 14 Maes Llan but half way between the two and was therefore not considered to be overbearing on either property. He believed that if an opaque window was placed it would prevent overlooking into property 13/14.


Councillor Merfyn Parry (Local Member) reminded members that debate about the development of the site had been ongoing for a number of years and encouraged members to read the history of the application included in the papers. He stated he had received various concerns from local residents including highways, visual impact, flood risk and the footpath. He stated he was pleased to note a commuted sum for open space in the village had been proposed. He was also pleased the housing needs had been amended to accommodate the needs of residents.


Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts thanked officers for the detailed papers and proposed to grant the application in accordance with officer recommendations. Councillor Peter Scott seconded the proposal to grant.


In response to concerns raised the Senior Engineer- Development Control noted the plot was subject to an extant planning consent for the erection of the same number of dwellings granted in 2016. It was stressed the existing 30 mph speed limit was proposed to be extended by 40 meters beyond the development boundary. A new footway was also proposed linking in to the existing footpath at the site. He confirmed a significant variation to the original scheme was the off street parking for the properties off Gladstone Terrace, vehicles would be accessing driveways over the footway. This parking facility was not uncommon. Members heard there was a footpath along the northern boundary of the site which linked in by the White Horse public house would have improvements such as lighting. The proposed improvements to the footpath and lighting would provide a safe link to the village including the school.    


The Flood Risk Engineer confirmed any new development over 100sq meters required approval from the SUDs Approval Body (SAB) an application had been submitted and met all the statutory requirements. Members heard an outstanding matter that would need to be addressed regarding the discharge of the surface water at the site, it required the upgrade of an existing culvert. Proposals to upgrade that culvert had been submitted which will be subject to adjacent landowners, once that had been achieved there was no reason why the SUDs application could not be approved.

It was highlighted the principal of having a lagoon to aid at times of exceedance events had been included in the proposal. He confirmed the lagoon would remain dry for the majority of the year.


The DCM confirmed a condition for an opaque window at plot 37 was acceptable and could be included with the other suggested conditions. It was highlighted the design of the scheme had been amended from the original design. Officers were satisfied that there was a wide range of properties included in the design of the scheme. New legislations had also led to some of the alterations regarding the design of the scheme.


Proposal – Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts proposed the application be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendation, with the inclusion of an additional condition for the use of opaque windows on the first floor of plot 37 be included. This was seconded by Councillor Peter Scott. 


Due to technical issues with the voting for remote members there was a 5-minute pause of the meeting. It was decided to do a role call for those members attending remotely.



FOR – (11 votes cast in the Chamber, 5 votes cast via Zoom) -   16




RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in accordance with officer

recommendations as detailed within the report and supplementary papers with the additional condition as detailed above.

Supporting documents: