Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Strategic Planning and Performance Team Leader (copy enclosed) which seeks the Committee’s observations on the Council’s self-assessment of its performance during 2021 to 2022.


11.25am – 11.55am


The Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets, Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, introduced the Council Performance Self-Assessment report (previously circulated).


Unfortunately, the report author, the Strategic Planning and Performance Team Leader, was unable to attend due to illness.  The Joint Acting Head of Business Improvement and Modernisation (Acting Head of BIM) attended in his stead. 


The report was the first statutorily required document written in response to the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021, which required the Council to produce a Self-Assessment of its performance against its functions.  It also responded to the Council’s duty around equality monitoring (under the Equality Act 2010 and Wales Measure 2011, which included the Socio Economic Duty) and the contributions to the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.


Regular reporting was a monitoring requirement of the Council’s performance management framework and a performance monitoring report would be taken quarterly to Cabinet and Performance Scrutiny Committee.   Feedback from Performance Scrutiny Committee was sought prior to approval of the final documents by Council in July 2022.


A summary of the report and appendices was given to the members.


Councillor Harland had submitted a number of questions ahead of the meeting to enable officers to provide comprehensive answers at the meeting.  In their response to those questions officers advised as follows –

·         A sustainable transport plan was under development and would take account of provision for active travel.  The Acting Head of BIM confirmed she did not have the information to hand regarding the timescale for this but would look into this and provide the information outside the meeting to members.

·         The planting of 15,000 trees had taken place and officers confirmed that going forward all trees planted under the Climate and Ecological Change Strategy on Council land would be monitored and maintained for the first 18 months.

·         The eradication of plastics, not reduction, within schools was a main concern for Councillor Harland.  It was confirmed that a Task and Finish Group had been formed during the previous Council and conclusions of the Group had been presented to Full Council.  In early 2022 Scrutiny had presented recommendations to Cabinet with respect of reducing the use of single-use plastics in the School Meals Service.  Cabinet had supported the principle of reducing the use of plastics.  However, achieving this ambition on a local basis was a complex matter as there would be a considerable budget deficit to plug in the School Meals Service if plastic water bottles were no longer sold within schools.  Therefore, consideration of the objective would need to be part of the budget setting process going forward in order to identify resources to fund any deficit.  Councillor Hue Hilditch-Roberts, the former Lead Member for Education and Children’s Services who was in attendance as an observer, outlined the complexities involved to Committee members.  It was suggested that Councillor Harland put forward a Notice of Motion to Full Council regarding this issue but that he should speak to the Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services to discuss this and the way forward.

·         Councillor Harland confirmed that the other questions had been responded to positively.  The questions and responses would be circulated to all members of Performance Committee for information.

·         The Scrutiny Co-ordinator clarified that Scrutiny Committees were not decision makers but could make recommendations to Cabinet and Council.   Particular aspects of the report could be identified and a proposal form completed by members to be put forward to Scrutiny Chairs and Vice-Chairs Group for approval to be presented at a future Scrutiny Committee meeting.

·         The monitoring of deprivation was raised and it was confirmed that there was nothing specific in relation to this matter within the report.  A new Corporate Plan was being developed with the aim of being ratified at Full Council in October 2022, deprivation may feature in that Plan.

·         Carbon reduction opportunities and measures would be required in future when delivering services across the county.


Councillor Paul Keddie proposed to accept the report, seconded by Councillor Jon Harland.


All members of the Performance Scrutiny Committee were in agreement.


At the conclusion of an in-depth and detailed discussion the Committee:


RESOLVED that, subject to the above comments and observations –


(i)            to receive and endorse the Council’s Self-Assessment of Performance during 2021 to 2022, along with its performance in delivering the Corporate Plan 2017 to 2022; and

(ii)          recommends that going forward the Council makes every effort to facilitate active travel, reduce its use of plastics in school meals and other services, actively seeks carbon reduction opportunities when delivering services, and is proactive in reducing deprivation across the county.


Supporting documents: