Agenda item
To consider a report by Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets (copy enclosed) detailing the final revenue position for 2021/22 and proposed treatment of reserves and balances.
RESOLVED that Cabinet –
(a) notes the final revenue
outturn position for 2021/22;
(b) approves the proposed
treatment of reserves and balances as described in the report and detailed in
Appendices 1, 2 and 3, and
(c) notes the details of
transfers to and from Earmarked Reserves as set out in Appendix 4.
Councillor Gwyneth Ellis presented
the report on the final revenue outturn position for 2020/21 and proposed
treatment of reserves and balances.
The Head of Finance and Property
guided members through the detail of the report and appendices as outlined in
brief below –
the final outturn position on service and
corporate budgets (including schools underspend of £6.778m) was an underspend
of £9.177m
in March the Welsh Government announced a
one-off increase in the Revenue Support Grant for 2021/22 of £60m (DCC share
£1.994m) with request that £10m (DCC share £0.332m) be used to fund
improvements to travel arrangements for care workers including electric
vehicles; the residual £1.662m would be placed in the budget mitigation reserve
to help the Council deal with inflationary pressures
detailed the 2021/22 budget service savings and
efficiencies required (£2.666m)
highlighted the impact of coronavirus and the
significant grant funding received from the Welsh Government – £10.9m had been
received by the end of the financial year with the assumption that the
outstanding final grant claims (£4.1m) would be paid in full
an overall school balance of £12.448m would be
carried forward (an increase of £6.778m on deficit balances brought forward
into 2021/22 of £5.670m) with much of that funding to be used in 2022/23 to
recover from the impact of Covid
key elements of the underspend in corporate
budgets (£1.964m) largely related to centrally held contingency budgets for
service overspends, pay settlements, energy costs and Business Rates
given the overall position within services and
the availability of corporate funds, it was proposed that services carry
forward the net under spends listed as committed services balances to help
deliver the 2022/23 budget strategy and meet existing commitments
it was expected unused base budget contingencies
in 2021/22 would be required to fund the impact of inflationary cost increases
in 2022/23
provided full details of the transfers to and
from Earmarked Reserves.
The following matters were raised
during the ensuing debate –
Councillor Gill German welcomed the position on
school budgets and timely support from Welsh Government with funding available
to address the impact of the pandemic and challenges ahead and paid tribute to
the way in which schools had responded during the pandemic. She also recognised that families were
struggling with the cost of living rises and funding support for early years
and family link workers would be crucial in mitigating the impact on children
there was some discussion on the financial management
of schools and it was anticipated that school budgets would reduce
significantly over the next three years as the funding was spent to ensure
schools and pupils recovered from the pandemic, and the close working between
schools, education and finance teams was highlighted to ensure that schools had
appropriate financial plans in place and sustainable school budgets going
forward. Specific support had been
provided previously for schools in financial difficulty and that support would
continue for schools facing financial pressures to ensure a robust recovery
with regard to the potential use of reserves and
balances for capital expenditure it was explained that they were reviewed
annually as part of the budget process.
The budget mitigation reserve was used to support budget setting and
could be used for capital purposes if decided by Council. The capital programme for the next financial
year had benefitted from additional £1.6m Welsh Government funding and the
finance report to be submitted to the next Cabinet meeting would include a
summary of the capital programme for the new financial year and recommendation
that £1.6m be put into the contingency for the capital programme to help fund
pressures arising from the tendering process due to the significant increases
in the costs of goods and materials
as part of the budget process in 2022/23 some
revenue funding had been earmarked to fund borrowing and enable delivery of
some of the projects identified as part of the horizon scanning exercise with
further work to be carried out in order to provide a process of reviewing and
approving those projects
Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts referred to
post-Covid recovery and sought clarity on the future
of Denbighshire’s buildings and occupancy together with the effect on finances
and highlighted the impact of empty buildings on the local economy. During the ensuing debate officers reported
upon the New Ways of Working Project and current phase of allowing staff to
decide their own working patterns subject to the business needs of the Council
being met. The situation would be
monitored over the next 6/8 months with a view to determining the best way
forward in terms of developing a strategy for asset management which might
include alternative uses for buildings or collaborative working and sharing of
office space. A debate followed on post-Covid recovery and the workplace and both the potential
advantages and disadvantages of staff returning to office buildings versus home
working and the impact on wellbeing, local economies and the carbon footprint
of those future working patterns.
Assurances were given that the energy efficiency of council buildings
was taken into account as part of that process.
It was noted that the approach to determining future ways of working
would be based on the needs of staff, taking into account work/life balance and
service delivery, and any potential savings arising from future ways of working
would be secondary. It was also noted
that Denbighshire’s approach was similar to other local authorities and work
was ongoing to further discuss those approaches and share best practice, and
more information in that regard could be shared with members as the situation
RESOLVED that Cabinet –
(a) notes the final revenue
outturn position for 2021/22;
(b) approves the proposed treatment
of reserves and balances as described in the report and detailed in Appendices
1, 2 and 3, and
(c) notes the details of
transfers to and from Earmarked Reserves as set out in Appendix 4.
Supporting documents:
- FINANCE REPORT - Appendix 1 Summary Position, item 7. PDF 198 KB
- FINANCE REPORT - Appendix 2 Summary of Service Commitments, item 7. PDF 209 KB
- FINANCE REPORT - Appendix 3 School Balances, item 7. PDF 214 KB
- FINANCE REPORT - Appendix 4 Earmarked Reserves Summary, item 7. PDF 442 KB