Agenda item

Agenda item


To receive a report by the Planning officer regarding the first steps in formulating a new local policy on Welsh Language and culture for the next Local Development Plan (LDP) 2018 to 2033 (copy enclosed).




The Planning Officer (PO) introduced the Welsh Language Considerations for the LDP 2018 to 2033 Background Paper (previously circulated)


Members of the Strategic Planning Group (SPG) discussed an initial report on the Welsh Language Background Paper on 17th January 2022, see Appendix 1. It was felt crucial to seek the view of the Welsh Language Steering Committee early in the process of formulating the forthcoming local policy for the next LDP 2018 to 2033


      In process of preparing LDP 2018 to 2033

      LDP guides new development

      LDP has to align with national policy

      LDP has to be supported by evidence

      Background papers point to evidence and sources, the information can be shared, and wanting the WLC members any have input on the matter.


The SPG recognised the difficulty in supporting the Welsh Language in the new LDP and particularly the difficulties in linking new development to the impact on Welsh Language. SPG members did not consider it appropriate in the LDP to allocate parts of Denbighshire as sensitive in terms of Welsh Language. The SPG accept a policy requesting a formal linguistic assessment with every planning application cannot be included in the LDP 2018 to 2033. LDP policies that require financial contributions for maintaining the Welsh Language were accepted by the SPG as being difficult to evidence; as any financial contributions must be directly linked to the impact of the new development, its structure. There was no evidence available in Denbighshire that links new building construction or its impact, to residentslinguistic abilities. The SPG supports officer recommendations to broaden the linguistic background paper to include social and cultural identity of settlements. SPG members recommend noting the number of speakers when presenting linguistic data rather than just using percentage figures.


National guidance on developing Welsh Language LDP policies was provided in

Technical Advice Note (TAN) 20. It states that the impact on Welsh Language and the sustainability of communities has to be considered when preparing an LDP. Since TAN 20 was introduced, in 2017, the focus of incorporating Welsh Language into LDP’s has shifted. It was recognised that creating and sustaining communities, so that they have a strong social and cultural fabric, enables the Welsh Language to thrive. National policy now recommends that as part of place making policies consideration was given to encouraging cohesive communities with a distinct sense of place and identity, which would support the Welsh Language.


It was therefore recommended that any background paper in support of the LDP 2018 to 2033 collates information on the cultural and social fabric of settlements as well as its built local character and linguistic data. Reference to the identity and cultural aspects of the community were recommended so that they can be cross referenced to other reports detailing information on settlements.


The background paper can also recommend how policies in the LDP 2018 to 2033 should be drafted. It was suggested that the background paper promote consideration of the social and cultural fabric of the community. The LDP can support community groups.


The committee discussed the following in further detail –


·         The committee queried the powers that they had in regards to the report, officers clarified that the report aimed to receive suggestions from the committee which would then be fed back to the SPG which could then impact on the LDP.

·         The committee were uncomfortable with the length of the LDP as many aspects with the Welsh Language could change in 15 years. The committee suggested that planning policies could be implemented to further safeguard the Welsh Language.

·         The committee suggested that a Welsh language assessment be carried out on all planning applications.

·         The committee highlighted that it would be benefictial to highlight the Welsh language to those moving into the area, such as a welcome pack highlighting the language and culture, the Welsh Language Officer informed the committee that work was ongoing on creating a pack.

·         The committee highlighted the importance of assessing the impact on planning applications as larger developments as they could change the percentage of Welsh speakers in the area.


The committee suggested the following for the LDP process –


·         A methodology be found to enable Language assessments to be carried out for planning applications.

·         That more housing is developed for the local community and to address local needs.


RESOLVED that the Welsh Language Steering Committee make the above suggestions for the LDP.



Supporting documents: