Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Public Services Board’s Support Officer (copy enclosed) which presents the Joint Public Services Board’s Draft Well-being Assessment 2022 to the Committee for review as part of the consultation process and to seek the Committee to subsequently make recommendations in relation to its contents and findings.


Nicola Kneale, Denbighshire County Council – Strategic Planning Manager (SPM) introduced the report (previously circulated) stating the report provided details of the well-being assessment that had been developed over the previous 12 months. The report provided the opportunity to review the key findings from the Assessment of Local Well-being and make recommendations as part of the consultation process.

Members were reminded of the importance of the discussion of the assessment in line with the statutory requirements in processing and producing the well-being assessment 2022. Members heard the report provided assurance on the robust analysis process that had been followed to develop the assessment.


It was stressed the report was a key strategic document, under the Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015 legislation. With the intention for the assessment to be used to underpin strategic planning for public bodies in Wales.


The SPM provided a brief background on the work that had taken place to achieve the assessment. It was explained the initial stages had comprised of assembling a cross sector, cross county editorial team of researchers and experts from different organisations of the public sector. The team had then been tasked with examining the well-being of the area based on the seven well-being goals under the Future Generations Act legislation. Members were informed that to produce the assessment, officers had used public sector expertise in terms of data and research, professional observation and the development of professional links with national research bodies to feed into the assessment. The engagement with professionals, residents and elected members had also contributed to the assessment. The intelligence gathered had been used to review and update the existing assessment.


The research and analysis phase had taken place from January to September, following that phase the analysis and conclusions had been sense tested by the mutual editorial team that had been established along with colleagues from outside organisations. The sense checking had taken place prior to the assessment being published for consultation.


Members heard the information contained in the assessment was housed on the Conwy & Denbighshire PSB’s website in a Wikipedia-style format, as per its previous iteration.


The SPM stressed the challenge had been to decipher some of the information made available to officers during the research, how to analyse that information and draw conclusions from that. It was felt the executive summary had provided an overview of the key topics and themes that had emerged from the research conducted. The assessment focused not only on the current situation, and current or previous trends but also the anticipated future of the referenced topics.


Members were guided to the five questions detailed in the consultation, listed below (as detailed in the report) –


i. Do you agree with the findings in the Well-being Assessment?

ii. Is there anything we need to change?

iii. Is there anything we’ve missed?

iv. Are you likely to make use of the Well-being Assessment and its contents?

v. Any other comments or ideas on the Well-being Assessment?


The Chair thanked the SPM for the detailed and informative report and reminded members of the vast amount of information available online.


Responding to members’ questions the Strategic Planning Manager advised:

·         Officers had been conscious of the difficulties of producing the assessment during the current unprecedented times. They recognised the need to monitor and review some of the findings and conclusions, possibly on an annual basis as situations evolved. The assessment would be published online, enabling the document to remain live and any updates or key changes could be made as and when required.

·         The Executive Summary and Assessment’s references and headings included the aging population and young people. Officers had recognised the issue of outward migration of young people. This concern had resulted in the authorities having an aging population and high care costs and lower revenue income.

·         Members raised concern on the authorities not being self-sufficient in terms of manufacturing and energy. It was noted more could be done to research into self-efficiency in the area. The SPM noted the concerns of the members and confirmed within the assessment reference and research to a green economy had been included.

·         It was suggested a review of the effects of Covid and the working habits and requirements could be included when reviewing the retention of young residents and professionals.

·         The views and concerns of members was noted and would be fed back to PSB for information when the PSB developed its Well-being Plan.

·         A commission for infographics had been initiated, this would aid individuals to focus on some of the key findings in the assessment. It was hoped it would be useful and practical for its readers.

·         Members were in agreement with the recommendations but requested a note be included on the inclusion that PSB and partners have consideration to the greater impact on the wellbeing through procurement services. Members agreed for officers to discuss and formulate the wording of an additional recommendation take place following the meeting with agreement of the Chair and Vice-Chair on the wording.


The Chair thanked all involved in the process of formulating the Well-being assessment 2022.


The Joint-Committee:


Resolved: - subject to the above comments and observations to

(i)           receive the report;

(ii)          confirm the findings of the Well-being Assessment;

(iii)        recommend that the PSB, including its members and partner organisations, utilise all their procurement powers as local as possible in a bid to secure maximum emphasis on employment, reduce carbon footprint in line with local and national goals, support local well-being and help sustain the Welsh language and culture; and

(iv)        confirm that the JOSC will make use of the Well-being Assessment and its contents when scrutinising the Public Services Board and to support its own forward work planning activities.


Supporting documents: