Agenda item
To receive an update report on the progress in implementing the action plan that accompanied the Internal Audit report on the Project Management of Queen’s Building which was presented to this committee in January 2021 (copy attached).
The Chief
Internal Auditor (CIA) guided members through the Internal Audit follow up
report (previously circulated). The report provided members with an update on
the progress in implementing the action plan that accompanied the Internal
Audit report on the Project Management of Queen’s Building which was presented to this committee in January 2021.
presented to members the findings from the second follow up internal
review. The original audit had received a low assurance and members had
requested a follow up. It was stressed the first audit review had concluded
that progress had been made and 8 out of the 12 actions had been implemented.
The assurance rating had therefor been raised to a medium assurance based on
the work completed. It was highlighted the project had not been revisited as
the project was still live and active, the audit team reviewed solely the
action plan.
The second
follow up review had taken place to review the remaining 4 action points
outstanding. The CIA confirmed following the second review the four remaining
actions were still outstanding.
The review had established a delay in reconfiguring the project management system due to other priorities. The original project management system had been due to end its contract so was required to be put out to tender since then the authority had remained with the same system. This impacted three of the actions relating to project management. It was stressed the action related to general project management actions, not specific to Queen’s building.
Progress had been made to the other action points and the CIA was hopeful the actions would be completed by the deadlines provided.
Members thanked the CIA for the update and discussed the following areas:
· The Welsh Government had provided additional funds for the additional costs to date. The Welsh Government was represented on the projects board and where aware of the status of the project.
· When researching the acquisition of properties now, in particular the condition of the property a structural survey was undertaken prior to the purchase of the property. It provided officers additional information on the structural condition.
· The tender of the project management system had been completed and Verto had been successful in securing the contract. An agreement had been made to enhance the system. The CIA confirmed a number of other authorities also used the Verto system. Verto was the name of the company that supplied the software platform to complete project management.
· It was confirmed that a contingency had been in place for the project but due to unforeseen circumstances, obstacles required the contingency funding to be used. To determine the amount of funding set aside for contingency plans was difficult to estimate.
· A report was due to be presented to Cabinet in the next month.
· The CIA confirmed that the actions closed under 2.1 and 2.2 had been completed as actions had been taken to improve the governance arrangements and controls.
· Members heard it depended on what was included in the contract, internal audit could access information it required from contractors. Internal Audit concentrated more on the contract management of projects.
· The position of internal bodies created within the authority to oversee projects was they are private meetings held within the council. It would depend on the information provided at the meeting if the information was confidential before disclosing information to other members.
Members thanked the officers for the detailed response to members concerns. It was stressed members requested the development of the project was carefully monitored.
that members note
the contents of the follow up report on Project Management of Queen’s Building
and a further follow up report be included in the committee forward work
programme as a separate agenda item, following the internal audit review.
Supporting documents:
- Council and Committee Report Template -Internal Audit Follow Up Queen's Building, item 8. PDF 123 KB
- Appendix 1 Internal Audit Follow-up Report - PM of Queens Building Janua..., item 8. PDF 460 KB