Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for the erection of 6 no. holiday accommodation units, site office and associated works (amended scheme) at Land at The Lodge, Llanrhaeadr, Denbigh (copy attached).




An application was submitted for the erection of 6 no. holiday accommodation units, site office, and associated works (amended scheme) at Land at The Lodge, Llanrhaeadr, Denbigh.


Public Speaker –


Andrew Sumner (For) – thanked the committee for the opportunity to speak in support of the application. The scheme was for six bespoke cabins, which would provide holiday accommodation. The proposed application would complement other activities at the Lodge and the local area by increasing footfall.


The public speaker was aware that the previous proposals at the site had caused some concerns regarding the effect on the historical landscape. CADW stated the concerns as the development was on the former Llanrhaeadr Hall parkland. The fears which CADW raised made the applicant change the design of the proposal. The application which was being proposed had been worked upon during discussions with CADW officers.


In closing the public speaker highlighted that the scheme was to conserve some historical landscapes and incorporate them into the design of the proposed application. The application aimed to support the local area. The project was a significant investment and would help keep the historical value of the village, biodiversity, and to be a boon to the local economy.


General Debate –


Councillor Joe Welch (local member) gave members of the committee background on the application, which was being discussed. The application had been submitted previously. However, it was recalled to allow the application to be amended. The community council was split upon the application, with half showing support while the others objected. The local member wanted to know what mitigations could be done to ensure that the development would not be made into permanent housing in the future.


Councillor Welch continued by querying whether the concerns raised by the conservation officer had been addressed in the application, as there were apprehensions with the application previously. The chair also asked why planning policy PSE 12 (Chalet, static and touring caravan and camping sites) has been considered in the report, also had planning policy PSE 5 (Rural economy) been taken into account.


Lastly, Councillor Joe Welch stated that he would like to include an additional condition on the application if it were approved, which was as followed – “The development hereby approved shall remain as the same planning unit as the Lodge, as shown edged blue on the location plan, which was the drawing received on the 17th October 2021, and should not be sold off as a separate planning unit”. This would ensure that there was a degree of control kept over the land


Responding officers clarified that a planning application would need to be submitted if the site were to become a permanent housing development. The planning committee would decide upon the matter at that time. The conservation officer was happy with the resubmitted application. Regarding planning policy PSE 12 officers felt that it was not relevant to the application as it referred to static caravans, the units proposed were not static caravans. The application also would support the rural economy as was stated within planning policy PSE 5.


Members queried whether the sewerage pipes running underneath the site were of concern, officers responded that the matter would need to be agreed upon between the applicant and Dwr Cymru. It was also enquired whether there would be a section 106 agreement with the application, officers responding that the agreement was unnecessary for the application.


Responding to queries about whether the site could be used throughout the year, officers clarified that there were no restrictions on the site.


Proposal – Councillor Mark Young proposed the application be granted with the additional condition offered by Councillor Joe Welch, seconded by Councillor Melvyn Mile.


Vote –

FOR – 14




RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in accordance with officer Recommendations as detailed in the report, including the condition set out by Committee.



Supporting documents: