Agenda item
To consider a report on the activities of the Regional Partnerships Board during 2020/21 and its priority areas for 2021/22 (copy attached).
11:45 – 12:15
The Corporate Director: Communities (CD:C) introduced the Head of the North Wales Social Care and Well-being
Improvement Collaborative (NWSSIC) to members and welcomed her to the
The Lead Member for Well-being and Independence introduced
the report (previously circulated) explaining that it was a statutory report
provided on an annual basis as required under Part 9 of the Social Services and
Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.
The North Wales Regional Partnership Board (NWRPB) comprised
of the 6 North Wales local authorities and worked in conjunction with BCUHB,
other public bodies and voluntary sector services to improve wellbeing outcomes
for residents of North Wales.
The CD:C gave an overview of one of the Partnership’s
projects – The Children and Young People’s Transformation Programme on which
the CD:C led. One of the projects that formed part of this Programme was the Bwthyn y Ddôl Children’s
Residential Assessment Centre.
Denbighshire’s representatives on the project board for this Centre were
the Lead Member for Education, Children’s Services and Public Engagement along
with Scrutiny’s representative Councillor Christine Marston. Whilst this project had encountered
difficulties with the appointed contractor being placed in administration,
plans were now in place for the design and build tender to be advertised during
December 2022. The Children’s
Transformation Programme (CTP) had led to significant developments across the
region. Developing a multi-agency team and improving access and information
around emotional health, wellbeing and resilience.
There were four regional programmes that were part of the
transformation as well as a number of working groups that had achieved
significant progress in integration and improvement of service through the
Regional Commissioning and Regional Workforce Boards.
The NWSSIC representative explained that there were
literally hundreds of projects ongoing regionally and locally but the format of
the report did not allow for their inclusion. They offered to circulate a list
of projects undertaken by the Board that highlighted what had been achieved
locally for Denbighshire residents.
Responding to the Committee’s questions members were
That the NWRPB was a strategic board which did
not get involved at operational level, for example with Denbighshire’s care
workers during the pandemic. However, care work was a priority area at strategic
level and a regional approach was being considered for improving services and
support for carers.
The NWRPB had been agile throughout the
pandemic, learning lessons and changing approach to how they worked. A forum
had been established to provide mutual aid and support, devise solutions along
with identifying lessons learned.
The NWRPB had provided regular updates
throughout the pandemic to the Regional Emergency Planning Service in
accordance with Civil Contingencies Act in respect of the impact of Covid on workforce, domiciliary and residential care
provision and children’s mental health and wellbeing etc.
Examples of where the NWRPB transformation
programmes had adapted their plans to meet the needs of their population group
with respect of Covid included:
Setting up support groups for people with
learning disabilities in isolation and
Providing iPads in care homes for residents to
communicate with their families and friends.
The Committee could invite any of the Boards to
future scrutiny committee meetings to provide examples of case studies,
unfortunately case studies could not be included in the Annual Report as its
format was determined by WG.
Plans were afoot to improve communication
between the NWRPB and its partners for more regular and area specific
The Social Value Steering Group was back up and
running with one of the directors stepping into the Chair position.
Historically the 6 local authorities had pooled
funding to support regional working. Recently, over the past 18 months there
had been an acknowledgement from BCUHB that it should contribute too. It was now contributing.
Welsh Government grants such as the Integrated
Care Fund (ICF) and Programme Transformation Grant monies were held by the
Health Board initially before being redistributed – e.g. to Denbighshire who
hosted the Regional Collaborative Team. Changes to the ICF stream were planned
but no details were available as yet.
Concerns were raised at a recent NWRPB meeting
with BCUHB representatives regarding the perception that all other illnesses
and conditions were being neglected in favour of treatment for Covid. To that end a letter had been received from the
Health Board’s Chief Executive inviting the Lead Member for Well-being and
Independence to a meeting to discuss the subject.
response the Committee asked for the recommendations to be amended by adding
their concern regarding the funding element of the North Wales Regional
Partnership Board.
At the conclusion of the discussion the Committee:
Resolved: - subject to the above observations:
confirmed it had read, understood and taken
into account the work required to be undertaken by the North Wales Regional
Partnership Board;
(ii) register
its concerns about the financial situation of the North Wales Regional
Partnership Board;
the work and progress in 2020-21 on the work areas being taken forward through
the North Wales Regional Partnership Board; and
schedule the North Wales Regional
Partnership Board’s 2021/22 Annual Report into its forward work programme.
Supporting documents: