Agenda item
To consider a report (which contains a confidential appendix) by Councillor Mark Young, Lead Member for Planning, Public Protection, Safer Communities and Domestic Abuse (copy enclosed) seeking Cabinet approval of the draft Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment 2021 for submission to Welsh Government.
RESOLVED that Cabinet –
(a) confirms support for the approach adopted
for the delivery of Denbighshire’s Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment
as being robust and in line with Welsh Government guidance;
(b) approves the draft Gypsy and Traveller
Accommodation Assessment 2021 for submission to Welsh Government;
(c) delegates authority for the Lead Member
for Planning, Public Protection, Safer Communities and Domestic Abuse to agree
any minor editorial changes required to the draft Gypsy and Traveller
Accommodation Assessment, prior to submission to Welsh Government, and
(d) confirms that it has read, understood and
taken account of the Well-being Impact Assessment (Appendix 3 to the report) as
part of its consideration.
Mark Young presented the report outlining the approach taken to, and findings
and recommendations of, Denbighshire’s draft Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation
Assessment 2021 (GTAA) and sought Cabinet approval to submit the draft GTAA to
Welsh Government.
was a statutory requirement to undertake and submit an assessment of
accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers to Welsh Government every five
years and to subsequently meet those needs.
The GTAA was also a requirement for the replacement Local Development
Plan. Details of the assessment process
and its management had been provided which involved the establishment of a
Project Board together with a Scrutiny Task and Finish Group to support that
work. The assessment had been completed
and the process reviewed by the Scrutiny Task and Finish Group and Communities
Scrutiny Committee. Councillors Barry
Mellor and Graham Timms had been invited to report on the work of the Scrutiny
Task and Finish Group and Communities Scrutiny Committee respectively.
Barry Mellor, Chair of the Task and Finish Group detailed the Group’s
involvement at various stages in the assessment process and reports back to the
Scrutiny Committee on their findings.
The Group had been satisfied that the assessment had been carried out in
line with Welsh Government methodology and followed the agreed Work Brief and
Stakeholder Communication and Engagement Plan, and recommended that the draft
GTAA be approved for submission to Welsh Government. Councillor Graham Timms, Vice-Chair of
Communities Scrutiny Committee thanked the Task and Finish Group for their
diligent work and agreed that the arrangements and process adopted for
delivering the assessment had worked well and should be considered for use in
future when selecting potential sites for pitches. He reported upon the Committee’s discussions
and endorsement of the assessment process and recommendation that Cabinet
approve the draft GTAA for submission to Welsh Government.
Mark Young reported upon the conclusions of the draft GTAA that –
there was a need for 8 residential pitches to
meet the identified needs of 3 households/extended family groups in the county,
was no evidence of need for a permanent transit site due to the low numbers of
unauthorised encampments, short term nature of encampments and lack of demand
for such facilities locally. It was
recommended that a management based approach be applied to unauthorised encampments
based on best practice from across the UK, balancing the needs of both
travelling communities and local communities.
Elected members and the travelling community could be engaged in
developing that approach in Denbighshire to reflect local requirements.
Leader thanked Councillors Mark Young, Barry Mellor and Graham Timms for the
comprehensive update and acknowledged the hard work of all those involved. He commended the approach taken which enabled
early engagement with members in the process and delivery of the
assessment. The work of the Task and
Finish Group and Communities Scrutiny Committee had been clearly set out and
the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee had been reflected in the report. It was hoped the work of the Task and Finish
Group could continue in the next stage of the process when selecting potential
sites for pitches. In response to a
question from Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts regarding the different outcome
of the latest assessment with no identified need for a permanent transit site,
it was confirmed that the conclusion reached by the Independent Consultants,
having conducted the assessment in accordance with Welsh Government
methodology, was that a permanent site was not required. An assessment was required to be undertaken
every five years and circumstances would likely change during that time.
RESOLVED that Cabinet –
(a) confirms support for the approach adopted
for the delivery of Denbighshire’s Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment
as being robust and in line with Welsh Government guidance;
(b) approves the
draft Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment 2021 for submission to Welsh
(c) delegates authority for the Lead Member
for Planning, Public Protection, Safer Communities and Domestic Abuse to agree
any minor editorial changes required to the draft Gypsy and Traveller
Accommodation Assessment, prior to submission to Welsh Government, and
(d) confirms that it
has read, understood and taken account of the Well-being Impact Assessment
(Appendix 3 to the report) as part of its consideration.
Supporting documents:
- GTAA, item 6. PDF 243 KB
- GTAA Appendix 1 Draft Final Report Denbighshire GTAA Redacted with explanation docx, item 6. PDF 2 MB
- Restricted enclosure View the reasons why document 6./3 is restricted
- GTAA - Appendix 2 GTAA TF Group Terms of Reference, item 6. PDF 298 KB
- GTAA - Appendix 3 GTAA WBI Assessment, item 6. PDF 128 KB