Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by Councillor Hugh Evans, Leader and Lead Member for Economy and Corporate Governance (copy enclosed) seeking delegated authority to named officers and the Leader to agree a bid to be submitted from Denbighshire County Council to UK Government for the Vale of Clwyd constituency.


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)       supports the theme of the bid, the proposed projects to be included in the bid and the broad indicative value of each project, and


(b)       delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer and Head of Planning, Public Protection and Countryside Services in consultation with the Section 151 Officer, Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services and the Leader, to refine the projects and project costs as required and to agree for a bid to be submitted to UK Government from Denbighshire County Council for the Vale of Clwyd constituency.


The Leader presented the report seeking Cabinet approval to delegate authority for the purposes of agreeing a bid for Levelling Up funding to be submitted to the UK Government from Denbighshire County Council for the Vale of Clwyd constituency.  The report detailed the theme of the bid together with the proposed projects to be included and the broad indicative value of each project.


The UK Government Levelling Up Fund (LUF) was intended to support investment in places where it could make the biggest difference to everyday life and would be delivered through local authorities and based on MP constituency areas.  Denbighshire had three constituency areas and the report represented the third submission brought before Cabinet for consideration following approvals for Clwyd South (submitted in round 1 and successful) and Clwyd West (approved at the last meeting for submission in round 2).  If supported the total bid submission would amount to some £35m investment in Denbighshire and tribute was paid to all those involved in the process to bring the necessary projects forward in tight deadlines.  Assurances were provided that further work would be carried out on those projects not taken forward as part of the bid with a view to seeking alternative funding streams in order to progress them as appropriate and the Council would continue to work with both Welsh and UK Governments in order to best deliver for the county.


The Vale of Clwyd bid formed two cohesive projects targeting Town Centre Regeneration and Environmental Regeneration and if successful would bring significant benefits and impact positively on the area.  There had been close working with James Davies MP who had confirmed his full support for the bid.  Accordingly, Cabinet was asked to support the bid submission to UK Government.


Cabinet supported the report recommendations and potential investment in the area.  Given the tight timescales for delivering the projects members highlighted the need for both a quick decision and speedy release of the funding if successful to progress projects by March 2024.  The deadline for bid submissions was expected to be early spring and officers gave assurances that dialogue was ongoing with UK Government officials in that regard and to expedite the process to ensure delivery of the projects within timescales.  Cabinet also noted that 10% (around £2m) match funding was required for the Vale of Clwyd bid and there was potential to utilise that match funding in the interim pending receipt of the LU funding in the event of a successful bid and funding confirmation by the UK Government.  In response to questions from non-Cabinet members it was confirmed that projects had been put forward for rural areas as part of the process but had not been successful due to not meeting the criteria or timescales required for the LUF.  In terms of the project relating to Denbigh Hospital clarification was provided on the differences between the LUF funding sought which focused on linking the site closer to the town and potentially bringing forward the enabling development whereas Growth Deal funding would focus on investment in the site to facilitate the housing development.


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)       supports the theme of the bid, the proposed projects to be included in the bid and the broad indicative value of each project, and


(b)       delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer and Head of Planning, Public Protection and Countryside Services in consultation with the Section 151 Officer, Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services and the Leader, to refine the projects and project costs as required and to agree for a bid to be submitted to UK Government from Denbighshire County Council for the Vale of Clwyd constituency.


Supporting documents: