Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report on the work of the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) as part of its Diversity and Democracy Programme (copy attached).



Members were guided through the report (previously circulated) by the Head of HR, Legal and Democratic Services (HHRLDS). Members were reminded that a report had been presented to County Council on 7th September 2021 on ‘Diversity in Democracy’. At that meeting members approved the declaration set out in Appendix 3 to the report and delegated the preparation of an action plan to support the declaration to the Democratic Services Committee.


The report covered the work of the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) as part of its Diversity and Democracy Programme. Included in the work of the WLGA   was an ambitious Diversity and Democracy Programme to try and ensure that council chambers were more representative of the communities that they each served. Highlighted in the report were a number of barriers that had been previously noted including;

• Time-commitment and meeting times;

• Political and organisational culture;

• Childcare and other caring responsibilities;

• Public criticism and online abuse;

• Remuneration and impact on employment; and

• Lack of diverse role models and incumbency.


The HHRLDS stressed with the new ways of working and the hybrid system of meetings it was hoped the time commitment and traveling to meetings barrier would be eased for potential candidates.  It was also confirmed following every election a specific report was presented to County Council to discuss meeting times and any specific requirements.

The HHRLDS highlighted that included within the action plan were steps to improve the ways in which meetings were conducted to ensure people who may be in full time employment, running their own business, or have a disability or caring responsibilities can participate in local democracy. It was stressed an important role of an elected Councillor was to support the commitment of becoming a diverse council. Increasing engagement with the public and to raise awareness of the role of a councillor and the positive contribution that councillors make to local authorities was vital. Members heard that the WLGA had launched a ‘Be a Councillor’ website which contained information about the role of a councillor and offered support and development opportunities. It was confirmed that training guidance for the new council would be provided by WLGA.


The HHRLDS confirmed the description provided within the report had been provided by the WLGA including the wording used for the criteria for potential candidates.

Members were informed that a national agenda had begun to address concerns and issues relating to the use of social media. It was stressed by members the abuse and harassment received over social media had been appalling. The HHRLDS stressed the importance to support and aid these agendas.


It was confirmed to members it had been a legal requirement to include contact details for Councillors, but the law was soon due to be changed. Members were also reminded of the protocol currently in place if they had any concerns or wanted to raise any issues. He took on board any concerns or comments regarding training and would happily receive members’ feedback on training that is provided.


The HHRLDS suggested to members that the action plan be presented to members for comments. Members requested that a meeting be set up to receive the action plan to have an engaging discussion on the proposal. Members were all in agreement.


It was,

RESOLVED that members note the report and a further detailed report on the action plan be presented to committee.



Supporting documents: