Agenda item

Agenda item


To note the attendance by members of the Standards Committee at County, Town and Community Council and to receive their reports.


The Chair invited members to update the committee on any attendance at meetings.


Independent member Julia Hughes informed the committee she had attended 2 meetings.

The first meeting was on the 23 March 2021 – Denbighshire Cabinet Meeting- Via Zoom.  She confirmed that all 8 members were present for the meeting. 22 other participants were on the screen. It was confirmed that expressions of interest were requested from members. Members were informed they could submit a declaration of interest via electronic means.

Julia Hughes informed members she exited the meeting at the Part 2 item. From observing, the following points were noted:

·         It was difficult to note who were committee members, officers or observers.

·         The member of the Standards committee was welcomed

·         Cabinet members introduced the agenda items followed by further detail from officers.

·         For all agenda items the Leader invited Cabinet members to ask any questions and then allowed observers to submit questions to officers.

·         The MO gave advice and support throughout the meeting.

·         The recommendations for all the agenda items were proposed, seconded and voted upon. It was difficult to see all hands of agreement. There was an assumption of agreement if there were no objections.

·         The Leader requested that any individual not entitled to stay for Part 2 reports left the meeting.

·         Members and Officers were very respectful to all. There was good discussion and points raised.


The Chair thanked Julia for her observations. Members agreed it was often difficult to determine who was participating in the meeting and those who were observing. Members suggested it may be beneficial to include on the screen name the individual’s role at the meeting. 

The MO confirmed that members of the public were observers at the meeting and were not entitled to address the committee. Public meetings are webcast for the public to watch live or at a later stage. He confirmed that the agenda and reports are all made available for members and the public prior to the meeting. Members were informed before the hybrid facility was established the Local Democracy reporter was invited to meetings.  He noted one of the difficulties with Zoom was the screen layout, it was difficult to separate members and observers.

The MO confirmed the authority had adopted the practice of taking matters by assent unless any member indicated they disagreed.  The facility to run a Zoom poll was available if needed. He confirmed that recorded votes had also taken place.


The Chair thanked the officers for the detailed response. The Chair invited Julia to discuss the second meeting she had attended.


The independent member confirmed she had observed Denbighshire County Council Full Council meeting via webcast on the 13th April 2021. She confirmed that there were a number of apologies received. She stated it was difficult to observe how many officers were at the meeting. The MO invited members to declare any declarations of interest at the start of the meeting. The webcast allowed members of the public to view the meeting, follow the agenda and note who was speaking. Links to the papers being discussed were available and proved very useful. All councillors and officers throughout the meeting were very respectful to each other and to the Chair of the Council. The Chair ensured all those that wished to speak had the opportunity to do so. The MO provided advice and explanations during the meeting. The recommendations were proposed and seconded, the Chair was careful to ensure all members had the opportunity to vote on each agenda item. The Poll function was used for one of the agenda items. The meeting was very well run.


Members thanked the Independent member for her observations. Members thanked Julia for her accurate and detailed report. The MO informed members that Zoom polls do allow for privacy on the way members vote.


The Chair thanked Julia for raising the points she observed at the meetings she attended.


RESOLVED that the above observations and discussion be noted.