Agenda item
- Meeting of Planning Committee, Wednesday, 8 September 2021 1.30 pm (Item 8.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 8.
To consider an application for the conversion, restoration, part demolition and adaptation of main range listed buildings to residential use (34 dwellings); demolition of Nurses Home, Mortuary, Isolation ward, Aled ward and former gasworks buildings; and development of land within the hospital grounds for mixed use as enabling development, including up to 300 no. residential units and up to 1114 square metres of business units (comprising a mix of A1, A2, A3, B1, C1, C2, C3, D1 and D2 uses); siting of the Denbigh Cricket Club; and construction of access, drainage and associated works (copy attached).
An application was submitted for Conversion,
restoration, part demolition and adaptation of main range listed buildings to
residential use (34 dwellings); demolition of Nurses Home, Mortuary, Isolation
ward, Aled ward and former gasworks buildings; and development of land within
the hospital grounds for mixed use as enabling development, including up to 300
no. residential units and up to 1114 square metres of business units; siting of
the Denbigh Cricket Club; and construction of access, drainage and associated
works at the Former North Wales Hospital, Denbigh.
The Chair referred members to the officer
notes detailed in the supplementary papers along with comments made by
Councillor Rhys Thomas who had apologised he could not attend the committee
The Development Control Manager stated he
felt it important to provide members with a brief introduction to the report.
Members had also received an informal briefing on this application on Wednesday
1st September 2021.
The application presented to members was a
‘hybrid’ application. This meant part of the application contained detailed
plans and a second element provided outlines, with further details to be
submitted alongside further applications.
The proposal included the conversion and
restoration of the main grade 2 star listed building into 34 dwelling units.
Alongside this restoration and in part to enable and fund the restoration the
proposal included the development of up to 300 dwellings, 1,114 square meters
of commercial space and other ancillary works, with these works to include the
possible relocation of the Denbigh cricket club and other infrastructure works.
The planning application had been made by
Jones Bros, Ruthin holdings limited and had been subject to a full pre
application consultation process in early 2020. This process was statutory and
involved wide scale community consultation. Local authority planning officers
had worked with a wide range of specialist consultees and the applicant’s
numerous consultants. It was noted that there had been no objections from any
specialist consultees.
The Development Control Manager touched upon
previous planning applications for development at the site which committee had
previously determined. Two relevant applications had been granted by previous
planning committees for restoration of listed building and the development of
areas of the site for housing and commercial uses. One of these had been
granted in 2007 and more recently a scheme was presented to Planning committee
in 2016 which members resolved to grant subject to a 106 legal agreement.
Those schemes and the proposed scheme
involve the concept of enabling development. This concept is set out in the
Local Development Plan policies, adopted site development brief and National
guidance. Enabling development allowed for housing and other developments to
take place in order to fund the restoration and reuse of heritage assets. In
the application presented the scheme proposed sought enabling development of
300 dwellings to fund in part the restoration of the main range grade 2 star
listed buildings at the former Denbigh Hospital.
The report set out the detailed assessments
that had taken place in line with the LDP policy VOE4. This policy provided
guidance on enabling developments. Officers concluded the proposals presented
to the committee adheres with the policy and the adopted site development
brief. The report set out relevant controls and obligations to ensure that the
restoration of the listed buildings took place alongside any enabling
Officers emphasised that extensive
negotiations and discussions with technical consultees and appointed solicitors
had taken place to ensure the submitted information had been scrutinised and
checked. Officers suggested it would be appropriate to submit a further report
to committee detailing the precise section 106 legal agreement terms. The general terms had been set out within the
report to reassure members that various material issues had been considered and
would be built into subsequent approval.
The Development Control Manager emphasised
the key economic, heritage and cultural benefits this scheme could bring to
Denbigh and the wider county. It was felt the opportunity to save a key
heritage asset alongside the wider economic activity outweighed any potential
impacts of the enabling development.
debate – Local Member
Councillor Glenn Swingler raised concern on the lack of social housing and
affordable housing at the site and the potential demolition of listed
buildings. Concerns that the traffic and roads at the site would increase. He
confirmed numerous issues had been experienced at the site over recent years
and something had to be done. He was pleased Jones Bros were involved with the
development. He stated in his opinion the application was very vague on the
non-residential aspect of the application and would have liked to have seen
what was proposed for that aspect of the site.
He asked if officers knew at what stage of
the development the main building would be completed and if it was possible for
affordable housing to be built on the site.
In response to concerns raised by Councillor
Swingler, the Development Control Manager emphasised the development was an
opportunity to try and save a cultural and heritage asset but it did require an
enabling development. The LDP policy did allow for an enabling development to
try and fund these developments. The focus had to be on saving the historic
buildings and not necessarily affordable housing and education provision. The
issue raised on the lack of detail of the non-residential aspects of the
development was down to financial viability and if public sector funding could
be used for elements of the site. It was stressed by officers further planning
applications with further detail would be brought back to committee. It was hoped by officers that elements
included in the 106 legal agreement would be the restoration of the main range
listed buildings and this will be upper most priority. The wording of that
agreement would have to agreed. Ideally officers would request the restoration
would take place at the start of the development. Improvement to the highways
infrastructure that may be needed and improvements to Lenton Pool roundabout,
footpath improvements would also be included in a legal agreement and
implemented at the appropriate time. It was confirmed a lot of work had been
completed on the legal agreement ahead of the committee meeting.
Councillor Merfyn Parry stated he was in
support of this site and proposed to
grant the application in line with officer recommendations, seconded by Councillor Bob Murray.
Councillor Mark Young thanked the officers
for the detailed report and noted the work that had already happened.
Councillor Young asked for some clarity on how the phasing in work would be
managed. Councillor Young also felt the
development provided a golden opportunity with active travel in the area, and
asked for a commitment that the active travel officers are involved in the
development. He was pleased to see the site was being developed.
The Development Control Manager wanted to
ensure that a deliverable and workable phasing strategy was included in the
legal agreements. Key issues included the restoration of the heritage asset,
the protection of the environment and biodiversity, ecology and improvements to
infrastructure. All would need to be set out clearly within the legal
agreements. Opportunities from public sector funding may be possible.
Councillor Emrys Wynne concurred with members views and was in support of the conservation element
of the application. Councillor Wynne asked how key the missing responses from
the consultation that had not been received were? He was surprised to note that
no response from organisations such as Scottish Power, Welsh Ambulance and
Betsi Cadwalader had been received and responses should have been requested.
He too felt that social and affordable
housing should be included within the development. Councillor Wynne raised
concerns on the impact the development would have on the Welsh Language.
Members were surprised to note that there
had been no mention of ecology or environmental constraints had been made
within the report. Members queried if a report on the current situation from
the bio diversity officer was available.
The Chair confirmed the Development Control
Manager was Paul Mead, planning officer for Denbighshire County Council.
Officers responded to members
queries informing the committee that a number of requests for consultation
responses were sought. Officers had no control on responses from organisations.
It was highlighted that the responses that had been received had no objections.
The principal for development of this site had previously been considered
through a number of processes including policies within the LDP plan including
the public enquiry process, a site development brief specific for the site
which had been subject to a public consultation exercise and adopted by
Denbighshire County Council as a supporting document for redevelopment. It was officers opinion that public engagement and involvement had
been wide spread over the last 10 years.
Members heard one of the reasons that the
proposal had taken some time to be presented to committee was due to ecology
and biodiversity. Concerns raised by Natural Resource Wales (NRW) and county
ecologist around the diversity of ecology at the site to meet habitat
regulations, climate change and biodiversity regulations had been made.
Officers directed members to the planning website for the detailed documents
that had been submitted by specialist’s consultants in relation to this
concern. It was confirmed that the documents had been reviewed by NRW and the
county ecologist and subject to conditions and controls they were content the
scheme would be built around ecology and biodiversity.
Further information was provided on the
drainage at the development site. The applicant would be required to ensure
connection to public sewers was completed, the hospital had been connected
previously. The other aspect of drainage was sustainable drainage and the
requirement to ensure the site has a sustainable drainage system. Officers had
reviewed the plans for drainage and raised no concerns.
Business cases would be made to Welsh
Government for the growth fund and other funding streams that would be
available for the development. Funding, viability and delivery of this
development were inextricably linked, officers offered members reassurance that
phasing and delivery and the provision of various aspects of the development
would be presented to members for further scrutiny. A detailed report had been
produced by Senior Engineer- Development Control
and the Traffic, Parking and Road Safety Manager had composed a report on may
be required off site in terms of highway improvement, these requirements would
be built into the legal agreement.
The Development Control Officer provided
further information on the hope to create a liaison committee to review the
delivery of the scheme. It was hoped the committee would ensure the site was
maintained with input from Cadw, Town Council, Conservation architect and other
Officers highlighted the Head of Terms note
- Welsh Language Enhancement Strategy,
which required further details of Welsh Language and Culture to ensure a
strategy was established for this. Members concerns on statistical evidence,
enhancement and improvement and the promotion of the Welsh Language and culture
would be set out in the legal agreement.
Members wanted to thank the planning
officers for the briefing session that had been organised.
The Leader,
Councillor Hugh Evans felt the development was an opportunity for Denbigh and
Denbighshire. It was the Leaders opinion that the development was a positive
proposal for the area and authority.
Proposal – Councillor Merfyn
Parry proposed to grant the
application in accordance with officer recommendations, seconded by Councillor
Bob Murray.
For – 15
Abstain – 0
Against – 0
RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in
accordance with officer
recommendations as detailed within the
report and supplementary papers.
Supporting documents: