Agenda item
To receive an update report (copy enclosed) on progress in implementing the action plan that accompanied the Internal Audit report on Contract Management.
The Chief Internal Auditor (CIA) along with the Senior Auditor (SA) guided members through the follow up report (previously circulated).
This report
provided members with an update on progress in executing the action plan that accompanied
the Internal Audit report on Contract Management. The review of Contract
Management had originally received a low assurance rating.
The CIA provided
background information reminding members that the committee had identified that
the original action plan contained actions which were no longer feasible given
the suspension of Corporate Support Services Review at the height of the
Covid-19 pandemic. A revised action plan had been agreed at Governance and
Audit Committee in January 2021 to provide assurance that suitable actions had
been devised to address the issues identified in the original report. The
follow up review had been based on the actions of the revised action plan.
The SA
informed members a large number of actions had been raised at the initial
review and revised action plan. 14 actions were raised in the revised action plan;
7 actions had not been implemented and 3 had not been due. Revised action dates
had been agreed for 31st October 2021. Officers noted that limited progress
had been made of the actions set out in the revised action plan agreed in
January 2021. The full implementation of a number of the actions had been dependent
on the approval by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) of the Contract Management
Framework (CMF). At the time of the review, the draft framework had not been to
SLT for comment and endorsement. The CMF sets out how to score and categorize contracts
in to three groups. The framework provided detailed criteria for how to score
contracts and set out the tasks and responsibilities based on the categorisation
of the contract.
It was noted
that an ongoing capacity pressure and lack of dedicated contract
resource had also restricted the ability to provide the required
management oversight, training and guidance.
The assurance
remained as a low assurance rating concluding in a further follow review
scheduled for later in the year.
The Monitoring
Officer (MO) thanked the Internal Audit officers for the report and the
assistance they provided in the initial stages of the action plan. The MO took
full responsibility for the delay in presenting the CMF to SLT. Confirmation a
draft framework had been created earlier in the year to be presented.
SLT had
since received the draft CMF and endorsed the framework as a concept and a way
of working going forward. The framework ensured the risk associated with the
contract would be correctly assessed and scored at the outset. Clear roles and
responsibilities had been included in the CMF for contract managers to adhere
to. It was envisaged that procurement would produce monthly reports for Heads
of Services to review contracts and any actions to be conducted.
It was hoped
more bespoke training on the CMF would be produced for contract management and
The Chair
and members of the committee thanked the MO for the transparent background to
the CMF.
In response
to member’s questions, officers expanded on the following:
procurement team was not resourced to be contract managers. Procurement had provided
generic training and guidance for the module on proactis. The responsibility lay
with the services to manage contracts. The framework would ensure consistency throughout
the authority. It would also provide guidance and support to all managers
across the authority.
The community
benefits hub was an initiative introduced to ensure a consistent approach to
service and advise when procuring contracts. The community benefits was fully
functioning and helping services.
Head of Finance and Property stressed in his opinion the CMF was an improvement
to the previous proposal. It was stressed the monitoring of contracts would
still be controlled in services.
It was
hoped a small centralised expertise to guide managers in the services to manage
and control contracts.
The Members
thanked the officers for the detailed response to concerns raised. It was
that members note the contents of the follow up report of Contract Management
and a further follow up report be included on the FWP for November 2021.
Supporting documents:
- Council and Committee Report Template -Internal Audit Follow Up of Contr..., item 11. PDF 123 KB
- Appendix 1 Contract Management First Follow Up Final Report, item 11. PDF 278 KB