Agenda item
To consider an application for erection of 109 dwellings and associated works (Phase 5) (copy attached).
An application was submitted for the erection of 109 dwellings and associated works (Phase 5) at land at Rhyl South East between Bro Deg and Dyserth Road, Rhyl.
Public Speaker – Hayley Knight (Agent) (for) – The scheme before you is seeking permission for 109 newhomes on the final phase of Aberkinsey Park to the south east of Rhyl. The site is allocated for a future residential use in the Council’s adopted Local Development Plan, therefore, as set out in your offers report the principle of developing the site is established and the main planning issue is the scheme design. The applicant team have worked hard with your planning and technical officers to ensure that the proposals are appropriate for this site. As a result, the scheme comprises of a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes designed to meet local housing need both on the open market and affordable tenures. 11 of the proposed homes will be made available on affordable tenures and these comprise of 1, 2 and 3 bed homes.
3600 metres of open space will be included which includes an equipped area for children and overall, our approach to landscaping the site has been supported by the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Joint Committee.
In order to accommodate the development, there is a need to divert public rights of way. We have worked with your officers and Ramblers Association to ensure that the diversion routes are located to minimise disruption and are surrounded by soft landscaping where possible. This approach is considered to be acceptable by both parties and a diversion order will be made shortly.
The scheme is supported by a suite of technical reports which have addressed all the queries and concerns of your consultees. This includes highways and ecology reports and to reiterate, the Council officers have no highway concerns.
As a deliverable area of the schemes remain the same throughout the scheme submitted the ecology surveys and reports are wholly relevant to the scheme before you. Furthermore, this site is covered by an existing great crested newt licence which also relates to the wider Aberkinsey Park Development. Considering this together with the biodiversity enhancement measures proposed which include bat and bird boxes, mammal friendly boundary treatments and native planting, this scheme is considered to be suitable in respect of ecological impacts.
In conclusion, the scheme will see the completion of the council’s allocation to the south east of Rhyl in accordance with the adopted LDP ensuring to boost the Borough’s housing land supply and provide much needed homes for local people. Should you be minded to approve the scheme today, the applicant will also enter into a legal agreement with the Council to provide 10% affordable homes, £465,000 towards new school spaces and over £36,000 for off-site open space enhancements. Given that the scheme is compliant with the Policy, and will provide many benefits for the local community, and I respectfully ask that you grant permission today.
General Debate – Local Member, Councillor Brian Jones raised the issue of an access to and from the site to be located on the road known as Dyserth Bends which was an extremely dangerous road. Concerns were also raised by both Councillor Brian Blakeley and Cheryl Williams who were also Ward Members for the area regarding Dyserth Bends.
Officers confirmed Highways Department had not raised any concerns.
The issues of drainage problems and flooding was raised and officers confirmed an appropriate drainage scheme would be provided.
Due to the number of properties built on the whole of development, concerns were again raised regarding the infrastructure to accommodate the additional homes.
Proposed by Councillor Brian Jones to grant the application in accordance with officer recommendations, seconded by Councillor Ellie Chard.
For – 18
Abstain – 0
Against – 0
RESOLVED that permission
be GRANTED in accordance with
officer recommendations as detailed within the report and supplementary papers.
Supporting documents: