Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for development of 0.21 ha of land by the erection of 4 no. dwellings and construction of access road (outline application including access, appearance, layout and scale) (copy attached).



An application was submitted for the development of 0.21 ha of land by the erection of 4 no. dwelling and construction of access road (outline application including access, appearance, layout and scale) at land at (part garden of) The Rise, Rhyl Road, Rhuddlan.


Public Speaker – Robert Jones (for) – Agent for Mr C Roberts and Mrs J Goodrick.  In 2021 outline application was submitted to the LPA for development of 0.21 ha of land by the erection of 4 dormer style properties together with the construction of access.  The submission of this application followed a refusal at Appeal in November 2020.  The Inspectorates views were detailed in the Planning Officers report.  In summary, they state the previous design of a 2-storey nature was considered uncharacteristic of the immediate area by reason of size and scale.  Between the conclusion of the Appeal process and the re-submission under consideration today, we have worked hard to prepare a proposal that addresses these concerns which was reflected by the officers’ recommendation for approval.   In addition to the amendments made prior to the submission, other areas of redesign raised through consultation had been incorporated during the application process.  Careful consideration had been given to the design of the dwellings in respect of the siting, layout, scale and aspect.  In principle, the properties had been resized from 2-storey, 3 and 4 bedroom dwellings to dormer style 3 bedroom properties.  As a result, the footprint of the properties had been scaled back significantly and now fall slightly below the average of the surrounding dwellings directly adjoining the site.  Similarly, the scale of the proposed properties fall below the corresponding ridgelines of the dwellings directly adjacent to the south of the site and sit comfortably within the local typography and immediate context.  Interface distances had been respected to all adjoining properties to ensure that the proposal did not unacceptably affect the amenity of local residents.  We are confident that the Inspectorates observations had been carefully considered and that the revised design presented before you today supported by the Planning Officer is in keeping with the character of the area.  I hope you can support this application.


General debate -  Local Member, Councillor Ann Davies raised concerns including impact on adjoining properties as they would have loss of light and privacy.  Concern as very little space on site for vehicles to manoeuvre and access from the service road.  Also to enable the development of the site to take place, a number of mature trees would be felled. 


A number of members who had attended a site visit on 9 July 2021 raised similar issues as the local member.


Officers reiterated a previous application had been refused and gone to appeal and there had been a determination on the access which the Inspectorate had deemed to be suitable for the development.   It was confirmed by the Legal Officer that there would be a risk of costs as the access issue on the previous application had been determined on appeal.


Also on the previous application, one of the reasons for refusal was the height of the properties which was 7.5 metres and for the current application it had been reduced but a number of members were not in agreement to the amended height of the proposed buildings.


Proposal – Councillor Ann Davies proposed the application be refused against officer recommendation due to over intensification of the site which was out of character with the area and highway and access safety, seconded by Councillor Paul Penlington.


Vote –

For – 2

Abstain – 1

Against – 15


RESOLVED that permission be REFUSED against officer recommendation for the reasons in the proposal above.




Supporting documents: