Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Supporting People Manager (copy enclosed) on the proposed changes to the Supporting People Programme in Wales, and to consult on the revised interim proposals for the establishment of a Regional Collaborative Committee for Supporting People Services.       

                                                                                                                   11.10 a.m.


A copy of a report by the Supporting People Manager, which detailed the proposed changes to the Supporting People Programme in Wales, and provided an update on the revised interim arrangements proposed by the Welsh Government for the establishment of a Regional Collaborative Committee (RCC) for Supporting People (SP) Services, Appendix 1, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.  The report also sought Members’ views to inform Denbighshire’s response to the consultation.


The Corporate Director: Modernising and Wellbeing explained that Supporting People was a significant programme providing “housing related” support services to a wide range of vulnerable groups.  The Programme had been evaluated at national level and shown to deliver very positive financial benefits in addition to non-financial benefits which had been outlined in the report.


An independent review of the Supporting People programme had been commissioned by the Welsh Government (WG) and the 25 key recommendations put forward had been accepted.  The WG subsequently established a cross sector Steering Group and a number of national workstreams to take forward the implementation of the recommendations.


The Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage had decided that Regional Collaborative Committees (RCCs) should be established from the start of the new arrangements and this requirement had subsequently been incorporated within the Compact for Change.  Concerns had been raised by Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) and local authority representatives regarding the proposed role for the RCCs, the governance arrangements and the potential for an increase in bureaucracy. 


Details of the current position had been included in the report.  The new proposed interim model provided the RCC responsibility under four broad areas which would include oversight; Ministerial advice; planning and administration.  The substantial and significant difference being that the RCC would make recommendations on local and regional spend to the Minister who would then make the resource decision. 


The model proposed that the Minister would be involved in decisions in respect of local and regional spend on Supporting People Services, and virement of Supporting People Programme Grant (SPPG) between service user groups within the local and regional SP plan within the region.  The model raised concerns as it appeared to run counter to the principles agreed following the “Essex Review”.  The proposal also appeared to run counter to the findings of the Review of current supporting people arrangements which stressed the need to reduce complexity and bureaucracy and avoid the delays created by Ministers making decisions about local services. 


The WG had decided that transfer of Supporting People Revenue Grant (SPRG) would not occur until the RCCs had been appropriately established, possibly in August, 2012 and it was understood that suggestions to further delay until April, 2013 had been rejected. 


The Corporate Director stressed that it would be important to deliver good services to vulnerable people and to manage a reduction in resources in as effective a way as possible, including through collaboration.  It was felt that this would be best achieved by means of a thought through change management process.


In reply to a question from Councillor G.M. Kensler, it was confirmed that representations could be made by Members to the Welsh Assembly in respect of this matter.  The Corporate Director agreed that a copy of a letter sent from the North Wales Chief Executives to the AM Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage, setting out issues and concerns of the Local Authorities, could be circulated to Members of the Committee.


In response to concerns raised by Members relating to the costs of service provisions for people now residing in Denbighshire who were from outside the County, the Corporate Director explained that she had liaised with the Head of Housing Services in respect of the matter relating to cross border movement.  In the majority of cases, the housing costs of homeless people from outside the county who were placed in temporary accommodation in Denbighshire would be met by the ‘home’ authority.


RESOLVED – that the Committee:-


(a)   receives the report and notes the current proposed arrangements;

(b)   comments are incorporated into Denbighshire’s consultation response, and

(c)   requests that a copy of the letter sent from the North Wales Chief Executives to the AM Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage be circulated to Members of the Committee.


Supporting documents: