Agenda item
To consider an application for erection of 102 affordable dwellings, associated roads, open space, landscaping and infrastructure (re-submission of Planning application 44/2019/0629) at land adjacent to Alexandra Drive, Prestatyn (copy attached).
An application was submitted for the erection of 102 affordable dwellings, associated roads, open space, landscaping and infrastructure (re-submission of planning application 44/2019/0629) at land adjacent to Alexandra Drive, Prestatyn.
Public Speaker –
Phil Quirk (against) – explained the ongoing issues regarding problems with the drainage system which happened on a regular basis. He stated that the pumping station could not cope with the amount of waste currently and with the addition of 102 more properties, this would cause more problems. He requested members refuse the application until satisfactory sewage disposal was in place.
Philip Lowndes (against) – explained the location of the proposed development was not within the LDP and was farming land. Properties to the west of the site had run off problems which would be mitigated by additional 102 properties. The infrastructure to accommodate the additional number of properties would not be able to cope. With only one road proposed to enter and leave the development, this would cause highway problems. He requested members refuse the application.
Stuart Andrew (for) - Design and Planning Director of Castle Green Homes. He stated that the most significant aspect of the development was to be 102 affordable homes. There was an exceptional need for affordable housing. This development should be considered acceptable and should be granted.
Daniel Parry (for) – Development Director of Adra Homes. He explained Adra had been providing affordable housing across North Wales and know the area. The development would have 46 social rent homes. It would be a mixed development of 2-4 bedroom houses and bungalows. There is a need in Prestatyn for affordable housing. Due to the need, Denbighshire County Council and the Welsh Government were willing to support the scheme with grant funding. If approved, the development would commence over the summer to give housing to families who desperately need it.
General Debate - Councillors Bob Murray, Paul Penlington, Julian Thompson-Hill and Gareth Davies all expressed their concerns regarding the proposed development. The land was not within the LDP and was farming land which should be utilised as such.
Prestatyn Town Council had raised objections to the development together with the MS and MP.
Residents had raised concerns with local members regarding flooding, traffic and not good for the environment. The local infrastructure was a concern as schools, doctors etc., would not have capacity to deal with the additional numbers expected.
Local Councillors confirmed there was a need for affordable housing in Prestatyn but not on the site proposed.
Lara Griffiths, Senior Planning Officer explained that the key matter was Planning Policy Wales and the land had been added as a replacement in the new LDP. Members were required to make a decision on material planning considerations. The need for affordable housing was very high as 6/10 households in Prestatyn had no access to private rental or able to purchase. The social housing need in Prestatyn was the highest in Prestatyn. The development of affordable homes would be for local people.
During discussions, the Development Control Manager, Paul Mead, confirmed as stated previously, that there was a need in Prestatyn for affordable housing. Currently it was not an allocated sight but corporately, affordable housing delivery was a priority. The development would ensure issues regarding flooding, drainage and impact on neighbours would be dealt with. If the application were to be refused the developers would go through the appeal process. Planning officers have listened to the view of residents and members but the recommendation by officers to grant the application was evidence based.
Proposal – Councillor Bob Murray proposed the application be refused against officer recommendations, seconded by Councillor Paul Penlington.
The reasons for refusal were as follows:-
· Site outside the development boundary and contrary to LDP;
· Loss of best and most versatile agricultural land
· Impact of this development on this site on foul and surface water drainage provision.
Vote –
Grant – 9
Abstain – 0
Refuse – 7
RESOLVED that permission
be GRANTED in accordance with
officer recommendations as detailed within the report and supplementary papers.
Supporting documents: