Agenda item
- Meeting of Performance Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 10 June 2021 10.00 am (Item 6.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 6.
- View the background to item 6.
To consider a joint report by GwE Core Leads and the Interim Head of Education (copy attached) on how the regional consortium, in partnership with the Local Authority, are supporting schools in the implementation of the New Curriculum for Wales following the publication of the Donaldson Report ‘Successful Futures’.
10.10 am – 10.55 am
The Chair welcomed to the meeting Councillor
Huw Hilditch-Roberts (Lead Member for Education, Children’s Services and Public
Engagement) and the Interim Head of Education together with GwE Representatives
Mair Herbert and Jacqueline Chan. GwE as
the Regional School Improvement Service was leading on the development and
supporting schools in the implementation of the new curriculum for Wales
following the publication of the Donaldson Report ‘Successful Futures’.
Councillor Hilditch-Roberts introduced the
report (previously circulated) on how the regional consortium, in partnership
with the local authority, were supporting schools in the implementation of the
new curriculum, detailing the significant work undertaken in order to provide
assurance to the Committee in that regard.
He referred to the new curriculum as a positive way forward for teaching
and the four main aims to help children and young people to be: ambitious and
capable learners, enterprising and creative, ethical and informed citizens and
healthy and confident. The impact of
Covid 19 on schools and their preparation for implementing the new curriculum
was highlighted together with work ongoing at various levels from individual
schools, school clusters, across county, the region and nationally in order to
share best practice. The Interim Head of
Education added that the focus of the new curriculum was for each child to
learn in the way that was right for them.
The improvement and support offer for schools was aimed at supporting
all practitioners with a focus on key themes around leadership, planning,
vision, pedagogy and professional learning.
Consultative workshops had been held to ensure the best offer was
provided to schools with an excellent response and positive feedback from head
teachers in both primary and secondary sectors keen to work together and ensure
consistency. The work carried out by GwE
was key to ensuring schools were ready for implementation of the new curriculum
in September 2022.
The efforts to support schools had been
detailed in the report and included –
with other regional consortia to develop a national professional learning offer
that integrated all aspects of the wider reform
a planned
sequence of professional learning and training across the region with
cluster-based sessions available for schools
sessions for schools within a cluster to work collaboratively to strategically
plan for implementation of the curriculum with activities to support those
preparations having been identified within School Development Plans
examples of planned activities to further prepare for the new curriculum
including developing a shared vision; collaborating on common approaches to
teaching and learning and within a specific Area of Learning and Experience
support from GwE would be available for schools to access at both cluster and
individual level including tailored bespoke support where needed
support included a series of ‘Think-Pieces’ written by GwE as part of the
weekly reform sessions with Professor Donaldson covering key aspects of the
curriculum reform journey being made available to schools
readiness for September 2022 work was ongoing with partners to develop a wide
range of qualitative indicators to allow schools to reflect on how they were
implementing the four aims of the new curriculum
prior to
lockdown over 90% of schools indicated they were either partly on track or
better in their knowledge and understanding of the new framework; nearly all
schools indicated they were partly on track or better with their engagement and
participation in cluster work for preparing for the new curriculum. Work had continued since then to ensure
progress to implementation remained on track.
During the ensuing debate the Lead Member,
Interim Head of Service and GwE Representatives responded to members’ comments
and questions as follows –
the important work
and responsibilities of school governors was acknowledged. In terms of pressures assurances were given
that support was provided as appropriate with regular meetings to discuss any
issues or concerns and there was an excellent relationship between the schools,
local authority and GwE. The approach
taken ensured that issues were identified and dealt with at an early stage
thereby preventing an escalation of the problem
there were
six school clusters in Denbighshire (Prestatyn, Rhyl,
Denbigh, Ruthin, Llangollen and Glan Clwyd) who
worked together and it was reiterated that additional help was available to
schools who worked within a cluster
two schools had come
out of special measures during the pandemic and the additional pressure on
those schools to progress against Estyn recommendations was recognised. In addition to the general support offer
agreed with schools in the implementation of the new curriculum, further
bespoke support was provided to individual schools who required it
the absence of legislative controls for elected home education there was a
rigorous process in place to support pupils who were home schooled; however the
implementation of the new curriculum could not be enforced with parents/carers
choosing their own curriculum when educating at home
education (RE) sat within the Humanities Area of Learning and Experience in the
new curriculum which included religion, value and ethics, and assurances were
provided that RE must be included and was very much safeguarded
as part of
the preparation schools should work together to ensure that there was an
alignment in the transitions across the 3 – 16 year age group continuum and a
continuation of learning with clarity on particular areas of learning within
the age groups to ensure no repetition and progression of learners
planned sequence and timeline of professional learning and training available
had been detailed within the report
would trial their own curriculum and support would be provided in the
evaluation of that and any adjustments required prior to formal implementation
of the new curriculum in September 2022
Qualification Wales was undertaking a consultation on reforming GCSEs to bring
some of the elements and spirit of the new curriculum into those assessments;
there had been no communicated changes to A/AS Level suites
there were
27 ‘What Matters’ statements across the curriculum which were statutory and
would be an integral part of the framework and inform its delivery
Foreign Languages sat within the Literacy and Communication Area of Learning
and Experience and there was confidence that modern languages would be better
regarded and allowed for in terms of curriculum time
agreed it
was a worthwhile suggestion from Councillor Graham Timms to provide a bank of
local information on climate change for schools to access, and reported on the
digital platforms already used both internally by the local authority via the hwb and externally on GwE’s
website as a means of working collaboratively and sharing resources for the
benefit of all authorities
in response to
concerns raised regarding the inappropriate use of mobile phones reported in
some schools in England officers provided assurances that no significant
concerns had been raised locally however, the use of social media platforms was
an area of concern within the sector which would continue to be closely
At the end of debate the Chair conveyed his
thanks for the comprehensive report and to those who had responded to the
issues raised. The Committee –
RESOLVED: subject to the above
observations to –
(a) receive the information
provided in the report and its associated appendices, along with that delivered
during the course of the discussion, on the work undertaken to date by GwE in
partnership with the Local Authority to support schools with the implementation
of the New Curriculum for Wales following the publication of the Donaldson
Report ‘Successful Futures’, and
(b) request
that a further progress report be presented to the Committee during the Spring
of 2022 detailing the readiness of all educational establishments and staff to
deliver the new curriculum from September 2022 onwards.
Supporting documents:
- Curriculum for Wales Report 100621 - APPENDIX 1, item 6. PDF 1 MB
- Curriculum for Wales Report 100621 - APPENDIX 2, item 6. PDF 642 KB
- Curriculum for Wales Report 100621 - APPENDIX 3, item 6. PDF 1 MB