Eitem ar yr agenda

Eitem ar yr agenda


Ystyried adroddiad ar y cyd gan y Prif Reolwr Addysg a’r Swyddog Cynhwysiant  - Gweithredu ADY (copi ynghlwm) ar y cynnydd a wnaed i sicrhau fod awdurdodau lleol ac ysgolion yn barod i fodloni eu gofynion statudol o dan Ddeddf Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol a’r Tribiwnlys Addysg (Cymru) 2018.

10.55 am – 11.30 am



{0>Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts, Lead Member for Education, Children’s Services and Public Engagement introduced the report (previously circulated) detailing progress made to ensure the local authority and schools were ready to meet their statutory requirements under the upcoming Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) (ALNET) Act 2018.<}0{>Cyflwynodd y Cynghorydd Huw Hilditch-Roberts, Aelod Arweiniol Addysg, Gwasanaethau Plant ac Ymgysylltu â’r Cyhoedd, yr adroddiad (a ddosbarthwyd ymlaen llaw) sy’n manylu ar y cynnydd sydd wedi’i wneud i sicrhau bod yr awdurdod lleol a’r ysgolion yn barod i fodloni gofynion statudol Deddf Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol a’r Tribiwnlys Addysg (Cymru) 2018.<0}


{0>The ALNET Act 2018, supported by regulations and an Additional Learning Needs Code, would replace the current Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice for Wales (2002).<}0{>Bydd y Ddeddf hon, wedi’i chefnogi gan reoliadau a Chod Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol, yn disodli Cod Ymarfer Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig Cymru (2002).<0} {0>The Act replaced the terms ‘special educational needs’ (SEN) and ‘learning difficulties and/or learning disabilities’ (LDD) with the new term ‘additional learning needs’ (ALN).<}0{>Mae’r Ddeddf wedi disodli termau ‘anghenion addysgol arbennig’ (AAA) ac ‘anawsterau dysgu a/neu anableddau dysgu’ gyda’r term newydd ‘anghenion dysgu ychwanegol’ (ADY).<0} {0>The Act created a single system with a single statutory plan, the Individual Development Plan (IDP) which would replace existing plans such as Individual Education Plans, Statements of SEN and Learning and Skills Plans.<}0{>Mae’r Ddeddf wedi creu un system gydag un cynllun statudol, y Cynllun Datblygu Unigol (CDU), a fydd yn disodli cynlluniau presennol fel Cynlluniau Addysg Unigol, Datganiadau AAA a Chynlluniau Dysgu a Sgiliau. <0}


{0>Councillor Hilditch-Roberts highlighted the additional work created by the introduction of the new Act with no extra funding being made available for its implementation.<}0{>Amlygodd y Cynghorydd Hilditch-Roberts y gwaith ychwanegol yn sgil y Ddeddf newydd, heb unrhyw gyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer ei gweithredu. <0}{0>He commended the response and commitment from staff and stakeholders in progressing the necessary requirements and putting children first, which again reflected the positive approach and way of working in Denbighshire.<}0{>Canmolodd ymateb ac ymrwymiad staff a budd-ddeiliaid i fwrw ymlaen â’r gofynion angenrheidiol a rhoi plant yn gyntaf. Mae hyn, unwaith eto, yn adlewyrchu agwedd a dulliau gweithio cadarnhaol Sir Ddinbych.<0} {0>It was explained that the ALN transformation programme created a unified system for supporting learners from 0 to 25 years with ALN in order to deliver a fully inclusive education system in Wales delivered through five key themes.<}0{>Eglurwyd fod y rhaglen drawsnewid ADY wedi creu system unedig i gefnogi dysgwyr 0 i 25 mlwydd oed sydd ag ADY er mwyn darparu system addysg hollol gynhwysol yng Nghymru dan bump thema allweddol. {0>The new ALN system was expected to go live in September 2021.<}0{>Mae disgwyl i’r system ADY newydd ddod i rym fis Medi 2021.<0}


{0>The Committee was guided through the report and actions taken in order to meet the new statutory requirements which included, in brief –<}0{>Tywyswyd y Pwyllgor drwy’r adroddiad a’r camau gweithredu sydd wedi’i cymryd i fodloni’r gofynion statudol newydd. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys, yn fras: <0}


·         {0>Regional – Denbighshire continued to work collaboratively across the region and had produced an update report showing how Denbighshire was working towards implementation of the ALN reforms.<}0{>Rhanbarthol – mae Sir Ddinbych yn parhau i gydweithio ar draws y rhanbarth ac wedi cynhyrchu adroddiad cynnydd sy’n amlygu sut mae Sir Ddinbych yn gweithio tuag at weithredu’r diwygiadau ADY.<0}

{0>There were various regional working groups with Denbighshire leading on the Educated Other Than at School (EOTAS) and Looked After Children (LAC) working groups<}0{>Mae yna weithgorau rhanbarthol amrywiol gyda Sir Ddinbych yn arwain gweithgorau Addysg Heblaw yn yr Ysgol a Phlant Sy'n Derbyn Gofal.<0}

·         {0>Training – staff had been offered Person Centred Practice training, half termly meetings/workshops with school representatives had taken place, and regional training provided by the North Wales ALN Transformation Team.<}0{>Hyfforddiant – mae staff wedi cael cynnig hyfforddiant Canolbwyntio ar yr Unigolyn; mae cyfarfodydd/gweithdai wedi’u cynnal bob tymor gyda chynrychiolwyr ysgolion ac mae Tîm Trawsnewid ADY Gogledd Cymru wedi darparu hyfforddiant rhanbarthol.<0}

{0>There was also access to training for elected members and other stakeholders<}0{>Roedd yna hefyd hyfforddiant mynediad ar gyfer aelodau etholedig a budd-ddeiliaid eraill.<0}

·         {0>Budgets – School ALN funding was now fully delegated to schools, working towards a 3 year rolling average to allow schools to plan more effectively<}0{>Cyllidebau – mae cyllid ADY ysgolion wedi’i ddirprwyo’n llwyr i ysgolion bellach, gan weithio tuag at cyfartaledd treigl 3 blynedd i ganiatáu i ysgolion gynllunio’n fwy effeithiol.<0}

·         {0>IT System – Denbighshire, Flintshire, Conwy and Wrexham joined to procure a new IT system (ECLIPSE) to manage the new ALN processes effectively<}0{>System TG – Mae Conwy, Sir Ddinbych, Sir y Fflint a Wrecsam wedi dod at ei gilydd i gaffael system TG newydd (ECLIPSE) i reoli prosesau ADY newydd yn effeithiol. <0}

·         {0>Learner Support – The Team Around the School had been established to continue to meet the current requirements of the statutory assessment process and the Act in relation to early intervention, prevention and identification of ALN<}83{>Cefnogi Dysgwyr – mae Tîm o Amgylch yr Ysgol wedi’i sefydlu er mwyn parhau i fodloni gofynion presennol y broses asesu statudol a’r Ddeddf mewn perthynas ag ymyrraeth gynnar, atal a nodi anghenion dysgu ychwanegol yn gywir a phrydlon. <0}

·         {0>Provision – work was ongoing with schools to map out their provision, including interventions and strategies used to support learners with and without ALN.<}0{>Darpariaeth – mae gwaith ar y gweill gydag ysgolion i fapio eu darpariaethau, gan gynnwys ymyraethau a strategaethau a ddefnyddir i gefnogi dysgwyr gyda a heb ADY.<0}

{0>This would provide a clear understanding for determining need and provision<}0{>Bydd hyn yn darparu gwybodaeth glir ar gyfer penderfynu ar angen a darpariaeth. <0}

·         {0>Individual Development Plan (IDP) – the IDP had been trialled in a small selection of schools in preparation for the new legislation; the single plan would ensure consistency and continuity and safeguard provision and rights<}0{>Cynllun Datblygu Unigol (CDU) – mae’r CDU wedi’i roi ar brawf mewn ychydig o ysgolion dethol yn barod ar gyfer y ddeddfwriaeth newydd; bydd y cynllun sengl yn sicrhau cysondeb a pharhad ac yn diogelu'r ddarpariaeth ac hawliau. <0}

·         {0>Documentation – a ‘Learner Profile’ was being developed to capture the support, progress and targets of learners in need of targeted support that may not be defined as ALN and work with schools was ongoing to create an ALN/Inclusion protocol for schools to adopt<}0{>Dogfennau – mae ‘Proffil Dysgwr’ yn cael ei ddatblygu i nodi cymorth, cynnydd a thargedau dysgwyr sydd angen cymorth wedi’i dargedu nad ydynt yn ddysgwyr ADY o reidrwydd, ac mae gwaith ar y gweill gydag ysgolion i greu protocol ADY/cynhwysiant i ysgolion ei fabwysiadu.<0}

·         {0>School Readiness – schools had been supported with the new compulsory ALN Coordinator role and guidance provided.<}0{>Paratoi Ysgolion – mae ysgolion wedi’u cefnogi gyda rôl hanfodol y Cydlynydd ADY ac mae canllawiau wedi’u darparu.<0}

{0>Schools had also completed the GwE milestones (guide targets to meet the required ALN reforms) and support was offered to schools where requested<}0{>Mae ysgolion hefyd wedi cwblhau cerrig milltir GwE (targedau canllaw i gwrdd â’r diwygiadau ADY gofynnol) a chynigiwyd cymorth i ysgolion ar gais.<0}

·         {0>Financial Implications – the local authority continued to utilise the Regional ALN Transformation grant to support them and schools in preparation for the ALN reform and schools also used ALN Transformation cluster funding.<}0{>Goblygiadau Ariannol – mae’r awdurdod lleol wedi parhau i ddefnyddio’r Grant Gweddnewid ADY Rhanbarthol i’w gefnogi nhw ac ysgolion i baratoi ar gyfer diwygio ADY ac mae ysgolion hefyd wedi defnyddio cyllid clwstwr Trawsnewid ADY.<0}


{0>The Interim Head of Education also drew the Committee’s attention to the self-assessment for assessing the extent to which the local authority was prepared with a clear RAG (Red/Amber/Green) system to show the level of compliance.<}0{>Tynnodd y Pennaeth Addysg Dros Dro sylw’r Pwyllgor at yr hunanasesiad i asesu i ba raddau mae’r awdurdod lleol yn barod, gyda system COG eglur i ddangos lefel y cydymffurfio. <0}


{0>The Lead Member, Interim Head of Children’s Services, Principal Education Manager and the Inclusion Officer responded to members’ questions as follows –<}70{>Ymatebodd yr Aelod Arweiniol, Pennaeth Dros Dro’r Gwasanaethau Plant, y Prif Reolwr Addysg a’r Swyddog Cynhwysiant i gwestiynau’r aelodau – <0}


·         {0>there were fewer resources available to undertake assessments through the medium of Welsh which was a national issue and not just confined to the area of additional learning needs; the need to address the issue continued to be raised with the Welsh Government on a regular basis<}0{>Mae llai o adnoddau ar gael i gynnal asesiadau drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, mae hyn yn fater cenedlaethol ac nid yn rhywbeth i anghenion dysgu ychwanegol yn unig; mae’r angen i fynd i’r afael â’r mater yn cael ei godi’n rheolaidd gyda Llywodraeth Cymru.<0}

·         {0>school ALN funding had been fully delegated to schools working towards a three year rolling average and costed provision maps were being developed to inform that process which would be moderated once a year to provide flexibility; a transitional fund had also been created against which funding requests could be made in the event of a sudden influx of children requiring support and to ensure that all children had the support they needed<}0{>Mae cyllid ADY ysgolion wedi’i ddirprwyo i ysgolion gan weithio tuag at cyfartaledd treigl tair blynedd. Mae mapiau darpariaeth gyda chostau yn cael eu datblygu i hysbysu’r broses, a fyddai’n cael ei safoni unwaith y flwyddyn i ddarparu hyblygrwydd; mae cronfa drosiannol hefyd wedi’i chreu a bydd ceisiadau am gyllid yn cael eu derbyn petai cynnydd sydyn yn nifer y plant sydd angen cymorth ac i sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn derbyn y cymorth sydd arnyn nhw ei angen.<0}

·         {0>it could be difficult to identify home educated children with ALN given that the local authority did not have any responsibility in providing provision however there was a monitoring process in place and work was ongoing with the Regional Transformation Lead and regional partners in terms of the impact of the new Act and ALN Code of practice in that regard.<}0{>Gall fod yn anodd nodi plant sy'n derbyn eu haddysg yn y cartref sydd ag ADY, gan nad oes gan yr awdurdod lleol unrhyw gyfrifoldeb dros eu darpariaeth. Fodd bynnag, mae yna broses fonitro yn ei lle ac mae gwaith yn mynd rhagddo gyda’r Arweinydd Trawsnewid Rhanbarthol a phartneriaid rhanbarthol o ran effaith y Ddeddf newydd a’r cod ymarfer ADY o ran hynny.<0}

{0>Support continued as appropriate for children with ALN who transferred from school to be home educated and under the new Code of Practice parents, young people and health professionals could approach the local authority if they believed a child might have ALN whereupon an assessment could be offered<}0{>Mae cefnogaeth wedi parhau fel y bo’n briodol i blant gydag ADY sydd wedi trosglwyddo o ysgol i addysg gartref a dan y Cod Ymarfer newydd gall rhieni, pobl ifanc a gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol fynd at yr awdurdod lleol os ydyn nhw’n credu fod gan blentyn ADY, gydag asesiad yn cael ei gynnig wedyn.<0}

·         {0>some discussion focused on the implications of the extended age range of pupils from 0 – 25 years and the work going on in that regard to ensure the relevant settings were ready to meet the new requirements; post 16 education implementation had been postponed to September 2022 which allowed more time for local authorities and further education colleges to progress the necessary changes and work continued both locally and regionally in that regard.<}0{>Cafwyd rhywfaint o drafodaeth ar oblygiadau’r ystod oedran estynedig (0 i 25 mlwydd oed) a'r gwaith a wneir i sicrhau bod lleoliadau perthnasol yn barod i fodloni’r gofynion newydd; mae’r elfen addysg ôl 16 wedi'i ohirio tan fis Medi 2022 er mwyn rhoi mwy o amser i awdurdodau lleol a cholegau addysg bellach wneud y newidiadau angenrheidiol ac mae gwaith yn parhau yn lleol ac yn rhanbarthol yn hynny o beth.<0}

{0>Assurances were also provided that practitioners from Community Support Services covering the adult social care aspect had also been involved in the work around ALN reform from the outset and work was also ongoing with specialised adult education colleges<}0{>Rhoddwyd sicrwydd hefyd bod ymarferwyr Gwasanaethau Cymorth Cymunedol, sy’n ymwneud â gofal cymdeithasol i oedolion, wedi bod yn rhan o’r gwaith i ddiwygio ADY o’r cychwyn cyntaf a bod gwaith ar y gweill gyda cholegau addysg oedolion arbenigol. <0}

·         {0>the extended age range resulted in an increased workload for Educational Psychologists (EP).<}0{>Mae estyn yr ystod oedran wedi arwain at gynnydd yn llwyth gwaith y Seicolegwyr Addysg.<0}

{0>The current staff capacity was an area of risk with a vacant post that was proving difficult to fill due to the national shortage of EPs and the need for an additional EP to undertake the work required as a result of the ALN reforms.<}0{>Roedd capasiti presennol y staff yn faes risg gyda swydd wag a oedd yn anodd ei llenwi oherwydd prinder cenedlaethol o seicolegwyr addysg a’r angen am seicolegydd addysg ychwanegol i ymgymryd â’r gwaith o ganlyniad i’r diwygiadau ADY.<0} {0>There was also a national shortage of Health Psychologists and the wait for a formal diagnosis presented difficulties in fully understanding a child’s needs which then required a greater input from EP in those cases<}0{>Roedd yna hefyd brinder cenedlaethol o Seicolegwyr Iechyd a’r cyfnod aros i dderbyn diagnosis ffurfiol yn peri anawsterau wrth geisio deall anghenion plant yn iawn, a oedd wedyn yn gofyn am fwy o fewnbwn gan Seicolegydd Addysg. <0}

·         {0>whilst there were different support systems and documentation relating to ALN in different areas of the UK there were robust procedures in place to convert the information and data provided with the child into the version used locally<}0{>Er bod systemau cefnogi a dogfennau gwahanol ynglŷn ag ADY mewn ardaloedd gwahanol yn y DU, roedd yna weithdrefnau cadarn i drosi'r wybodaeth a'r data a ddarperir efo’r plentyn i fersiwn leol.<0}

·         {0>there were very close working relationships with Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) to ensure a clear and coordinated approach to providing support within the context of mental wellbeing and mental health however waiting lists for the service had increased and would result in some delays in terms of diagnosis for some children<}0{>Roedd perthynas waith agos iawn gyda’r Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl Plant a Phobl Ifanc (CAMHS) i sicrhau dull clir a chydlynol i ddarparu cymorth o fewn cyd-destun lles meddyliol ac iechyd meddwl. Fodd bynnag, roedd rhestrau aros y gwasanaeth hwn wedi cynyddu ac yn arwain at rywfaint o oedi o ran diagnosis. <0}

·         {0>reported upon the availability of report appendices 2 and 3 in Welsh when finalised and confirmed that training and resources produced by the local authority for Welsh medium schools would be available bilingually however the council had no control over material produced by external stakeholders.<}0{>Dywedwyd y bydd atodiadau 2 a 3 yr adroddiad ar gael yn Gymraeg a chadarnhawyd y bydd hyfforddiant ac adnoddau a ddarperir gan yr awdurdod lleol ar gyfer ysgolion cyfrwng Cymraeg yn ddwyieithog. Fodd bynnag, nid oes gan y Cyngor unrhyw reolaeth dros ddeunydd a gynhyrchir gan fudd-ddeiliaid allanol. <0}


{0>In bringing the debate to a close the Chair thanked everyone for their contributions.<}67{>Wrth gloi’r drafodaeth, diolchodd y Cadeirydd i bawb am eu cyfraniadau.<0}

{0>The Committee –<}84{><0}


{0>RESOLVED that –<}100{>PENDERFYNWYD <0}


{0>(a)<}100{>(a)<0}       {0>subject to the above comments and observations to endorse the work undertaken thus far to ensure that the Local Authority and its schools are ready to meet the statutory requirements of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act, 2018 that come into force in September 2021;<}0{>Yn amodol ar y sylwadau uchod, cefnogi’r gwaith sydd wedi’i wneud hyd yma i sicrhau bod yr Awdurdod Lleol a’i ysgolion yn barod i fodloni gofynion Deddf Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol a’r Tribiwnlys Addysg (Cymru) 2018 sy’n dod i rym fis Medi 2021;<0}


{0>(b)<}100{>(b)<0}       {0>as part of its consideration it had read, understood and taken account of the Well-being Impact Assessment (Appendix 5), and<}90{>Bod y Pwyllgor wedi darllen, deall ac ystyried yr Asesiad o’r Effaith ar Les (Atodiad 5), a<0}


{0>(c)<}100{>(c)<0}        {0>a report be presented to the Committee during the Spring of 2022 detailing the Council’s compliance with the statutory requirements  set out in the Additional Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act, 2018.<}0{>Cyflwyno adroddiad i’r Pwyllgor yn ystod gwanwyn 2022 yn manylu ar gydymffurfiad y Cyngor â’r gofynion statudol a nodir yn Neddf Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol a’r Tribiwnlys Addysg (Cymru) 2018.<0}


{0>At this juncture (11.45 am) the committee adjourned for a refreshment break.<}79{>Ar y pwynt hwn (11.45 am) cymerodd y pwyllgor egwyl am luniaeth.<0}



Dogfennau ategol: