Agenda item
To consider the
Board’s Quarter4/ Annual Report on its work and progress during 2020-21.
(Report to follow)
10.25 – 11.10 a.m.
The Leader, Lead
Member for the Economy and Corporate Governance introduced the report. The
Leader introduced the officers in attendance for the agenda item; Alwen
Williams – Portfolio Director and Hedd Vaughan- Evans – Operations Manager from
the North Wales Economic Ambition Board (NWEAB), along with officers from the
authority. Members heard the importance of the quarterly meetings attended by
officers to work with the portfolio management team to influence and understand
the regional work being undertaken.
It was explained
the report was an update on the Growth deal that had been agreed by Full
Council. It was explained that work had commenced on the delivery phase of the
programme of work. Part of the agreement had been to report to Scrutiny twice a
year to update members of progress made. The Leader explained to members the
level of work and detail which required to be conducted in relation to projects
prior to the submission of business cases.
Alwen Williams,
Portfolio Director guided members through a short presentation, providing
members with background information. It was explained the aim of the Growth
Deal was to provide a more vibrant, sustainable and resilient economy in North
Wales. Building on existing strengths in the region to boost productivity and
addressing long-term challenges and economic barriers. It was explained that in the business cases
three key spending objectives had been identified. These were noted as Job
creation, Gross Value Added (GVA) and Investment. Members heard the objective
was to create up to 4,200 jobs.
The Growth Deal was
based on the delivery of twenty-one transformational projects across five
programmes (defined as either high growth or enabling programmes). Two programmes focused on enabling the
region, these were digital connectivity and land and property. These programmes
were funded by the growth deal. It was hoped that delivery in these sectors
would allow businesses to invest in the region and the labour market to take
advantage of the new employment opportunities. Emphasis on the
partnership work across North Wales being cohesive and efficient was made.
The Portfolio
Director provided further guidance on digital connectivity. It was explained
the aim was to improve digital connectivity.
The project addressed the needs of the customers and citizens. The
digital programme had identified a need to balance investment, infrastructure
and technology through fixed broadband at key sites and rural areas. It was explained that two main components had
been included in the digital programme. The components included were digital
connectivity project and an innovation project with Bangor University.
Information was
provided on the Land and Property Programme. The programme identified a
shortage of suitable land and properties for businesses to develop. Members
heard several key projects had been agreed, including the Holyhead Gateway,
Wrexham Western Gateway site, key strategic site in Bodelwyddan, Bryn Cegin
Strategic Site in Bangor, former North Wales Hospital site in Denbigh and
Warren Hall in Flintshire.
The other 3
programmes focused on key strengths in the high value sectors within the
region. The aim of the programmes was to increase the value and impact of the
high growth sector. The first programme was low carbon energy with the aim to
unlock economic benefits of transformational low carbon energy projects. The
projects included in the low carbon energy programme were Morlais a marine
energy project, Trawsfynydd Power station, low carbon centre of excellence
working with Bangor University, Smart local energy and transport
The Innovation in
High Value Manufacturing Programme looked at consolidating North Wales’ already
established position as an innovative, high value manufacturing cluster. The
aim was to build on the area’s well established specialisms and develop
expertise to create a high value, more diverse economic base to support a move
to a low carbon economy in manufacturing. Two key projects had been agreed both
working with academic partners, one was the development of a Centre for
Environmental Biotechnology with Bangor University. The second project was
Enterprise Engineering and Optics Centre with Glyndŵr University.
The Agri-food and
Tourism Programme would support and develop sustainability and optimise
opportunities for employment through the environment and landscape. Members
were informed that within the programme three key projects would be undertaken.
These would be Glynllifon Rural Economy Club, Llysfasi Carbon Neutral Centre
and Tourism TALENT Network.
The Operations
Manager Hedd Vaughan-Evans guided members through information on the
progression of the Growth Deal programmes and projects for Quarter 4 2021 (Jan
– March). It was confirmed that this was the first progress report presented to
the Scrutiny Committee. The focus had been moving to the delivery phase, it was
noted that all the projects in the North Wales Growth Deal were still in the
business case development phase. It was confirmed a review of all projects had
taken place to re-confirm timetables. It was explained that each project was
developed in line with the Better Business Case guidance. Business cases had
been developed through the use of workshops to involve as many stakeholders as
possible to discuss and agree delivery models.
Every project was
required to go through a gateway review, carried out by an independent panel to
evaluate the project at key points in the development of the project. It was
confirmed two projects had completed this phase of development. These were the
Morlais project led by Menter Môn and the Enterprise Engineering and Optics
Centre Project led by Wrexham Glyndŵr University.
Members heard that
two projects had been identified as ‘Red’, those projects were the Key Strategic
Site in Bodelwyddan and the Holyhead Gateway project. A number of projects were
reporting as ‘Amber’ which was primarily due to the business development
timeframe taking longer than originally estimated. The Operations Manager
stated in his opinion there were no significant concerns regarding these
It was noted that
the most significant achievements during quarter 4, was the receipt of grant
award letter from the Welsh and UK Governments and the first instalment of
funding in March 2021.
Members were
presented with the highlights of the annual report. The report demonstrated the
progress made on the Growth Deal and the activities supported by the Portfolio
Management Office. Members recognised the difficulties the Board had faced
during 2020/21 during the Covid19 pandemic. It was noted that the Final Deal
agreements had been signed during a virtual ceremony on the 17th
December 2020 in line with the original timescales. Close working relationships had been
established with local authorities and with the UK and Welsh Government and
other public sector representatives to co-ordinate the regional response to
economic recovery.
The Chair thanked
the Board representatives for the detailed presentation and thorough account of
the work of the Board to date. In
response to members’ questions the Lead Member,
officers and Board representatives expanded on the following:
The £16
million received from Government, was the first instalment of growth deal
Capital funding allocated to the projects. The £2.9 million secured European
Social Fund (ESF) funding was the revenue funding for the portfolio management
office over a three-year period. The revenue funding would be matched by the
partners to make the total revenue funding just under £6m for the first 3
Morlais Project and Glyndŵr Project had been progressed through the
gateways at different times. Both projects were moving forward, no concerns had
been observed.
were four infrastructure projects in the digital portfolio office. It was
confirmed two of the projects had been delayed. Two projects were being
prioritised at this stage, the two delayed projects would be picked up and
progressed at a later date. It was stressed there were no problems with the
projects, although a delay had been observed they were still on track with the
projected timescale.
portfolio office had created the report against the current timeline. Officers
stated as the projects and programmes progressed a separate information table
for work not started might have to be included, to illustrate work started
close contact took place with all the local authorities, to work together to
support the projects of the Board to ensure that they coincided with the local
expectations of each authority.
policies included a Welsh Government national planning policy, local
authorities adopted a Local Development Plan (LDP) and there would soon be a
requirement for a regional plan to be developed. Officers stressed the power in
planning lay with Local Authorities to develop the LDPs. Members had the
control to develop the LDP to address the local need. The Board wanted to
develop projects that Local Authorities supported.
project with Coleg Cambria, Llysfasi looked at how innovation could aid in
an ability to be productive in the agricultural field through the creation of a
carbon neutral farm. The project would demonstrate the ability to be more
innovative and productive in the agricultural field.
in relation to the future of the Bodelwyddan key strategic site were being held
in abeyance, pending Denbighshire deciding on its future planning policy for
the site.
members thanked members for the information about the former North Wales
Hospital in Denbigh and would revise the coding at the next board meeting.
Members thanked all
involved in the presentation and response to questions and concerns raised.
The Committee:
Resolved: - subject to the above comments and
observations to receive the Quarter 4 2020/21 Performance Report and the
2020/21 Annual Report of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board (NWEAB).
Supporting documents:
- NWEAB Report 200521, item 6. PDF 38 KB
- NWEAB Cover Report 200521, item 6. PDF 99 KB
- APPENDIX 01 - Quarlterly Report FINAL, item 6. PDF 2 MB