Agenda item

Agenda item


To receive a report by the Head of Community Support Services (copy attached) providing an update on the progress of the updated Strategic Homelessness Action Plan and the implementation of the Welsh Government three phase homelessness plan and to inform members of the methodology for conducting the annual rough sleeper census.


10.50 11.25 a.m.



Agreement on the recommendation was by consensus. No formal vote was taken.  All Committee members indicated they were in favour of the recommendation, no one indicated they were against it and no one indicated that they wished to abstain.  Members:


Resolved: - subject to the above observations to confirm that they were assured that Denbighshire’s Homelessness Prevention Team was working to the Welsh Government three phase plan ‘Planning Guidance for Homelessness and Housing Related Support Services’ in addressing homelessness issues in the county and in its response to pressures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.



The Head of Community Support Services (HCSS) introduced the report and appendices (previously circulated) to members. The HCSS wanted to highlight the added pressures on the service due to the changes in regulations following Covid- 19 from Welsh Government. It was observed that the number of homeless households had almost doubled due to the change in Welsh Government regulations. Confirmation was provided to members that Capital funding had been secured to reduce the use of Bed and Breakfast accommodation for families. It was also stated that revenue funding had been allocated to support the development of a new model of support required by Welsh Government.

Due to the changes in regulations an amendment to the homeless strategy had been required. The changes had been included in the appendices to the report.

The Principal Manager - Support Services (PMSS) informed members they had been asked to submit a recovery plan (outlined in the appendix to report).

Members heard that the phase 2 guidance from Welsh Government had been driving recovery of the service. The overall aim of the guidance information was to end homelessness and introduce a rapid rehousing model. Emphasis was made on a corporate approach with a number of services working together. 

The Principal Manager - Support Services emphasised the work that had taken place in line with the guidance on rough sleepers with the aim to have no individual rough sleeping. It was confirmed that no rough sleeping census would take place this year. 


Members thanked the officers for the report and appendices. During discussion, the following points were raised:

·         The Private Rented Leasing Scheme only guaranteed rent at the local housing rental rate, that may be less than the commercial rent potentially available. The 5-year scheme had a slow uptake, work continued with landlords to engage with officers and join the scheme. The demand for rental accommodation was high.

·         The Private Rented Leasing Scheme Pilot had been intended to go live in February 2020 but due to the Covid-19 outbreak the launch date was postponed until July 2020.

·         Close working with Council’s Planning and Public Protection Service on brining empty properties back into use had continued. Working with landlords to develop properties and get properties to a standard to enable people to occupy them. The Corporate Director: Economy and Public Realm stressed that it took time to refurbish long standing empty properties to a standard to allow a family to accommodate the property.

·         Support continued to be provided to individuals prior to them becoming homeless.  Support at all levels had been made available. A Welsh Government scheme called Housing First had been established jointly with Conwy County Borough Council to help and aid rough sleepers. 

·         Often the use of bed and breakfast accommodation was the only solution initially available for families and individuals who presented as homeless. It is often used as an emergency provision. The Welsh Government funding will be used by the Council to buy a property that could be used to provide support, to prevent families with small children moving to bed and breakfast facilities. The process of looking for a property had begun but it was stressed it was at the early stages of enquiry. A larger property would have to be acquired to house single individuals, it was all in the very early stages at present. 


Members thanked the officers for the report and wanted to show gratitude to the team for the hard work during the Covid- 19 pandemic. It was;


Resolved: - subject to the above observations members confirmed that they were assured that Denbighshire’s Homelessness Prevention Team was working to the Welsh Government three phase plan ‘Planning Guidance for Homelessness and Housing Related Support Services’ in addressing homelessness issues in the county and in its response to pressures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.



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