Agenda item

Agenda item


To receive a report by the Head of Communities and Customer Services (copy attached) which seeks the Committee to examine the Council’s post COVID-19 Recovery Plan for Housing-Related Services


10.15am – 10.45am


Agreement on the recommendation was by consensus. No formal vote was taken.  All Committee members indicated they were in favour of the recommendation, no one indicated they were against it and no one indicated that they wished to abstain.  The Committee:


Resolved: - subject to the above observations –

(i)           that it had read, understood and taken account of the activities being pursued in relation to Council Housing-Related services’ recovery from the first lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and

(ii)          requested that a report, outlining the effects of COVID-19 on homelessness in the county along with the Council’s recovery plans in relation to addressing homelessness issues, be presented to the Committee in the near future



The Lead Member for Housing & Communities introduced members to the report and appendices (previously circulated) providing members with information on the post Covid-19 recovery plan for Infrastructure- Housing Recovery Priority.

The Head of Communities and Customer Services (HCCS) guided members through the report and the recovery themes. Reference was made to the two appendices, the first being the drafted and agreed Housing Recovery theme agreed by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Cabinet in May 2020 with the second being an update to work completed.


The HCCS directed members to appendix 2 which illustrated the completed actions and an update to the actions within appendix 1.


Confirmation was provided to members that work to reduce the backlog of non-urgent house repairs had begun in August. Due to limited visits during lockdown the backlog of work had increased. Focus to work through backlog and get back on track was ongoing.


Members heard that a delegated decision to temporarily change the Single Access Route to Housing (SARTH) process had been agreed, with a review at the end of October scheduled. The up to date total number of households that had been matched to accommodation was 40 slightly higher that what was stated in the report.      


Although rent arrears had risen, officers stated communication with residents and the inclusion of Citizens Advice to assist and support officers was provided. It was confirmed along with Denbighshire; the Welsh Government had worked closely with residents at risk of rent arrears.


Communication with tenants had proven vital to the recovery plan, with more than 3000 support calls made to vulnerable tenants. The use of social media to communicate messages and offer support had proved valuable. Confirmation that a pilot scheme had been approved to open a community room within Dolwen, Denbigh. 


Members thanked the HCCS for the detailed introduction through the report. During the Committee’s discussions the Lead Member and Officers:


·         Confirmed work had continued with tenants and officers were working hard to resolve any issues tenants have if unable to move to alternative accommodation. Support has been offered to tenants especially when complaints of anti-social behaviour where received. 

  • Confirmation was provided that a delay in receiving payments from Universal Credit had been observed and not from the tenant. The pandemic had caused a considerable impact on Universal Credit thus in turn causing issues for residents. It was expressed the aspiration was to enable residents to develop skills and gain employment.
  • Members supported the work that was ongoing with vulnerable tenants. It was felt this aspect of the recovery was important.
  • Emphasis to the number of residents in the county with no access to online facilities was made. Members heard that consideration and learning opportunities to learn and develop online skills would have to be provided.
  • Confirmation that separate work had been completed to address members’ concerns regarding homelessness in the authority.
  • Concerns that older residents in the community may not have access to social media. The use of the telephone had proved invaluable to these residents.
  • The Single Access Route to Housing form remained the same.
  • Officers reassured members that contractors provided identification when requesting permission to enter properties.


The Chair thanked officers and Lead Members for the report and the committee;


RESOLVED: - subject to the above observations –


(i)   That it had read, understood and taken account of the activities being pursued in relation to Council Housing-Related services’ recovery from the first lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and

(ii)  requested that a report, outlining the effects of COVID-19 on homelessness in the county along with the Council’s recovery plans in relation to addressing homelessness issues, be presented to the Committee in the near future.



Supporting documents: