Agenda item

Agenda item


To discuss the well- being priorities in light of the covid-19 pandemic, and whether changes are needed (copy attached).

The Chair will lead on this item.


2.25 p.m - 3.35 p.m.


Iolo McGregor (DCC) introduced the report (previously circulated) to enable PSB members to reach consensus on the commitment to its current priorities in light of the covid-19 pandemic, and whether changes are needed.  Members were guided through the report and the two appendices including the process if changes are agreed.

Sian Williams (NRW) highlighted the LRS priorities and Recovery from Covid- 19, with a request for PSB to look at the community resilience and support for local communities. The Chair gave members a brief background on the Regional Recovery Board (RRB). It was stated the board looked at a dramatic approach to issues and situations following the Covid-19 pandemic including looking at recovery and potential planning for a second spike of cases.  The RRB had 4 main areas of focus these being:

1 - Track, Trace and Protect work;

2 – Health and Social Care recovery;

3 – Economy and Tourism;

4 – Community resilience.

The RRB would be asking PSB to consider community resilience alongside its priorities to add value to community recovery.


Member thanked officers for the detailed report and appendices. It was acknowledged the difficulty to change priorities. Members were in agreement that the current PSB priorities hold true and are still relevant to the local community. It was felt that elements of the current priorities are even more important and relevant in the current climate.  Emphasis on mental health within the community was strongly made.


Bethan Jones (Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - Area Director), made a suggestion that a different emphasis within the priorities was required, making particular reference to digital exclusion, mental health and inward migration. Members discussed these suggestions in more detail. It was noted the importance of technology and to be digitally engaged had been observed during recent months. Members raised concerns that not all members of the public had access to technology or have the ability to connect to technology.  Reference to issues around rural community’s not having access I.T and technology was made.

An emphasis on the long term effects on mental health of all ages within the community was made. The impact around the long term educational effect on young children and the developmental needs that may arise from the pandemic was discussed. 

Members discussed the increase in people moving to North Wales, could increase issues such as homelessness, employment and impact on local residents.

It was felt these could all fit into the current priorities that the PSB hold.


The Chair reminded members of the three current priorities that the PSB hold these being:

a. People – Supporting good mental well-being for all ages
b. Community – Supporting community empowerment
c. Place – Supporting environmental resilience.


It was highlighted that Welsh Government had sent a letter to all PSB, to request involvement in the discussions regarding regional planning for recovery in response to Covid.

Members agreed that the three high level areas of the current priorities were still appropriate and relevant. The committee looked at each of the three priorities individually and discussed any amendments.


People – Members were in agreement to include mental well-being of individuals in particular looking at the mental well-being of young people, it was felt PSB had a role to monitor and research the impact of Covid. Equally it as felt the right balance of research into the impact on mental well-being of all ages within the community was required. It was felt looking at this at a local level and regional level would be important.

It was agreed my members to request further research into the four principle areas for the delivery of the Mental Well-being priority as detailed in the annual report. The Chair confirmed work had been commissioned by the Health and Social Care Recovery group around the well-being of young children, it was suggested to request an update and report back to PSB at a later date.


Community – Helen Wilkinson (Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council) gave a brief summary of the work to date. This included an update of the Dementia awareness programme currently being remotely delivered. Confirmation of continued work around homelessness was provided. Work around community priority work going forward would have to look at community empowerment and engagement especially with the recovery of the local economy.


Members discussed if need to have strand for homelessness under this priority was still required. A huge push had been observed to aid individuals in to accommodation with a positive outcome observed. With the aid of funding further support and work to support individuals was expected.  Members supported the suggestion to amend the homelessness strand within the community priority. It was discussed to include digital exclusion for community empowerment within the priority. The Dementia Aware Programme and Social prescribing strands of the priority had progressed well and work was on going, it was agreed to continue these two strands in the priority. It was agreed to change the strand of work around homelessness to a strand around digital exclusion and the move to the digital working platform.


Place – Members heard a lot of work had been made in this area of the priorities working well to the community pledges. The launch of the pledges had been delayed due to the pandemic. It was expressed that the current situation provides an opportunity in the recovery of the local economy.  The impact on the environment from individuals working from home has provided a positive low carbon emissions. It was observed the local lockdown enabled people to stay local and explore the local area. Members were in agreement for this priority of the PSB to continue work and update members as needed.  



      I.                The three high strands of the PSB priorities remain;

    II.                A request be made to the Health and Social Care group, regarding the impact on the well-being of young people post Covid;

   III.                To amend stand of community priority to replace homelessness with digital exclusion;

  IV.                To continue the strands as they are within the place priority, and

   V.                To receive a revised version of the PSB priorities at the next PSB meeting.


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