Eitem ar yr agenda

Eitem ar yr agenda


Ystyried cais am Drwydded Bersonol gan Ymgeisydd Rhif 535038 a gyflwynwyd yn unol â Rhan 6 Deddf Trwyddedu 2003 (mae amlinelliad o’r cais a phapurau cysylltiol wedi eu hatodi).


Nodwch y drefn i’w chymryd gan yr Is-Bwyllgor (sydd ynghlwm wrth y rhaglen hon).



PENDERFYNWYD bod y cais am Drwydded Bersonol yn cael ei ganiatáu. 



{0>The Licensing Officer submitted a report (previously circulated) upon <}73{>Cyflwynodd y Swyddog Trwyddedu adroddiad (a ddosbarthwyd yn flaenorol) ar -<0}


(i)        {0>an application having been received from Applicant No.<}100{>gais a dderbyniwyd gan Ymgeisydd Rhif<0} {0>535038 for a new Personal Licence in accordance with Part 6 of the Licensing Act 2003 (Appendix B to the report);<}98{>535038 am Drwydded Bersonol newydd yn unol â Rhan 6 o Ddeddf Trwyddedu 2003 (Atodiad B yr adroddiad);<0}


(ii)      {0>a Personal Licence authorised an individual to supply alcohol or authorise the supply of alcohol in accordance with a Premises Licence for an unlimited number of years unless surrendered, revoked, suspended or forfeited;<}82{>rhoi Trwydded Bersonol i unigolyn yn awdurdodi’r unigolyn hwnnw i gyflenwi alcohol, neu awdurdodi cyflenwi alcohol, yn unol â thrwydded eiddo ac sydd mewn grym am nifer digyfyngiad o flynyddoedd oni bai ei bod yn cael ei hildio, ei diddymu, ei hatal neu ei fforffedu;<0}


(iii)     {0>detailed the requirements for a Personal Licence together with details of relevant unspent convictions declared by the Applicant as part of the application process (Appendix C to the report);<}0{>y gofynion ar gyfer Trwydded Bersonol ynghyd â manylion am y collfarnau heb ddarfod a gyhoeddwyd gan yr Ymgeisydd fel rhan o’r broses ymgeisio (Atodiad C yr adroddiad); <0}


(iv)     {0>the North Wales Police having raised objections to the application on the grounds that granting the licence would undermine the crime prevention objective of the Licensing Act 2003 (Appendix A to the report);<}100{>Heddlu Gogledd Cymru wedi mynegi gwrthwynebiadau i'r cais ar y sail y byddai caniatáu'r drwydded yn tanseilio amcan atal troseddu Deddf Trwyddedu 2003 (Atodiad A i'r adroddiad);<0}


(v)      {0>the need to consider the application taking due account relevant legislation and Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003; the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy together with relevant representations received, and<}79{>yr angen i ystyried y cais gan roi ystyriaeth ddyledus i  ddeddfwriaeth berthnasol a’r Canllaw a gyhoeddwyd dan Adran 182 o Ddeddf Trwyddedu 2003; Datganiad Polisi Trwyddedu’r Cyngor ynghyd â’r sylwadau perthnasol a dderbyniwyd, ac<0}


(vi)     {0>the options available to the committee when determining the application.<}100{>yr opsiynau sydd ar gael i'r pwyllgor wrth benderfynu ar y cais.<0}


{0>The Licensing Officer summarised the report and outlined the facts of the case.<}100{>Cafwyd crynodeb o’r adroddiad gan y Swyddog Trwyddedu ac amlinellodd ffeithiau’r achos.<0}




{0>The Applicant was present in support of her application, along with her associate.<}0{>Roedd yr Ymgeisydd yn bresennol o blaid ei chais ynghyd â’i chysylltai. <0}


{0>The Applicant had provided written references (circulated prior to the hearing) attesting to her good character together with evidence of her rehabilitation.<}0{>Roedd yr Ymgeisydd wedi darparu tystlythyrau ysgrifenedig (a ddosbarthwyd cyn y gwrandawiad) a oedd yn dyst o’i chymeriad da ynghyd â thystiolaeth o’r ffaith ei bod wedi adsefydlu. <0}{0>The Applicant clarified her personal circumstances, expressed remorse over the offences, and elaborated upon how, following her convictions, she had put her time to best use to overcome her past and complete her rehabilitation.<}0{>Esboniodd yr Ymgeisydd ei hamgylchiadau personol, mynegodd edifeirwch dros y troseddau, ac ymhelaethodd ar sut iddi wneud y defnydd gorau o’i hamser, yn dilyn yr euogfarnau, i oresgyn ei gorffennol a chwblhau’r broses adsefydlu. <0}


{0>Members took the opportunity to put questions to the Applicant.<}0{>Achubodd yr Aelodau ar gyfle i ofyn cwestiynau i’r Ymgeisydd.  <0}  {0>In response the Applicant explained the reasoning behind her application and elaborated upon her experience and employment in the licensing trade and her ambitions and future plans in that regard.<}0{>Mewn ymateb, eglurodd yr Ymgeisydd y rhesymeg y tu ôl i’w chais ac ymhelaethodd ar ei phrofiad a’i chyflogaeth yn y maes trwyddedu, a’i huchelgeisiau a’i chynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol yn hynny o beth.<0}  {0>She also elaborated further upon aspects of her rehabilitation.<}0{>Ymhelaethodd ymhellach ar agweddau o’r broses adsefydlu.<0}




{0>Police Constable Simon Keeting was in attendance on behalf of North Wales Police.<}0{>Roedd y Cwnstabl Simon Keeting yn bresennol ar ran Heddlu Gogledd Cymru. <0} {0>Having reviewed the application he submitted that the Applicant’s offending history and relevant offences were of such seriousness that granting a licence would undermine the prevention of crime and disorder licensing objective.<}0{>Ar ôl adolygu’r cais, dywedodd bod hanes troseddol a throseddau perthnasol yr Ymgeisydd mor ddifrifol y byddai caniatáu trwydded yn tanseilio amcan trwyddedu atal trosedd ac anhrefn. <0} {0>Accordingly the Police did not deem the Applicant suitable to be granted a licence.<}0{>Yn unol â hynny, nid oedd yr Heddlu yn ei ystyried yn addas i ganiatáu trwydded i’r Ymgeisydd. <0}


{0>At the Sub Committee’s request, PC Keeting provided further details of the relevant offences and confirmed no other offences had been recorded since then.<}0{> Ar gais yr Is-Bwyllgor, darparodd y Cwnstabl Keeting wybodaeth bellach am y troseddau perthnasol ac fe gadarnhaodd nad oedd unrhyw drosedd wedi’i nodi ers hynny. <0}  {0>In response the Applicant explained the extent to which she had been involved with those offences and in mitigation she provided details of her circumstances both before, during and following conviction of the same.<}0{>Mewn ymateb, esboniodd yr Ymgeisydd i ba raddau yr oedd yn rhan o’r troseddau hynny ac yn ei datganiad lliniarol darparodd fanylion am ei hamgylchiadau, cyn, yn ystod ac ar ôl cael ei barnu’n euog o drosedd. <0}


{0>[The Licensing Officer provided clarity on the application process and licensing requirements for a Personal Licence Holder and responsibilities in that regard.]<}0{>[Darparodd y Swyddog Trwyddedu eglurder o ran y broses ymgeisio a’r gofynion trwyddedu ar gyfer Deiliad Trwydded Bersonol a chyfrifoldebau o ran hynny.]<0}




{0>The Applicant’s associate spoke in support of the Applicant, providing some further background information and mitigation for the convictions together with her subsequent rehabilitation.<}0{>Siaradodd cysylltai’r Ymgeisydd o blaid yr Ymgeisydd, gan ddarparu gwybodaeth gefndirol bellach a datganiad lliniarol ar gyfer y collfarnau ynghyd â’r cyfnod adsefydlu wedi hynny. <0} {0>She also highlighted that Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 allowed for rehabilitation, including for unspent convictions, and asked that the application be granted in this case.<}0{>Tynnodd sylw hefyd at y Canllawiau a gyhoeddwyd dan Adran 182 o Ddeddf Trwyddedu 2003, a oedd yn caniatáu ar gyfer adsefydlu, yn cynnwys ar gyfer collfarnau heb ddarfod, a gofynnodd iddynt gymeradwyo’r cais yn yr achos hwn. <0}




{0>At this juncture (10.45 a.m.)<}100{>Ar y pwynt hwn (10.45 a.m.)<0} {0>the Licensing Sub Committee adjourned to consider the application.<}100{>gohiriwyd yr Is-bwyllgor Trwyddedu i ystyried y cais.<0}




{0>RESOLVED that the application be for a Personal Licence be granted.<}100{>PENDERFYNWYD bod y cais am Drwydded Bersonol yn cael ei ganiatáu. <0}


{0>The Solicitor conveyed the Sub Committee’s decision to the parties present and reported upon the reasons for the decision as follows –<}88{>Cyfleodd y Cyfreithiwr benderfyniad yr Is-bwyllgor i bawb yn y cyfarfod a rhoddodd y rhesymau dros y penderfyniad fel a ganlyn –<0}


{0>Members had carefully considered the application and representations in this case.<}90{>Roedd yr Aelodau wedi ystyried y cais a’r sylwadau a gyflwynwyd yn yr achos hwn yn ofalus.<0}


{0>Notwithstanding that the offences were at the very serious end of offending and would not become spent, the Sub Committee found that since then the Applicant had spent her time wisely and had undergone significant rehabilitation and had indeed been rehabilitated.<}0{>Er bod y troseddau yn rhai difrifol iawn na fyddent yn darfod, daeth yr Is-Bwyllgor i’r casgliad bod yr Ymgeisydd wedi treulio ei hamser yn ddoeth ers hynny ac wedi ymgymryd â chyfnod adsefydlu sylweddol ac yn wir wedi adsefydlu. <0}  {0>This view had been supported by the references provided by the Applicant attesting to her character and good work, from her associate who had attended the hearing to speak for the Applicant, and the direct submissions from the Applicant herself at the hearing.<}0{>Cefnogwyd y safbwynt hwn gan y geirdaon a ddarparwyd gan yr Ymgeisydd a oedd yn cadarnhau ei chymeriad a’i gwaith da, gan ei chysylltai a oedd yn bresennol yn y gwrandawiad i siarad o’i phlaid a chyflwyniadau uniongyrchol gan yr Ymgeisydd yn ystod y gwrandawiad. <0}


{0>As part of their deliberations the Sub Committee also had regard to the Licensing Act 2003 and Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Act.<}0{>Fel rhan o’u hystyriaethau, bu i’r Is-Bwyllgor ystyried Deddf Trwyddedu 2003 a’r Canllawiau a gyhoeddwyd dan Adran 182 o’r Ddeddf. <0}  {0>The Sub Committee did not believe that granting a Personal Licence to the Applicant would undermine the prevention of crime and disorder objective.<}68{>Nid oedd yr Is-Bwyllgor o’r farn y byddai caniatáu Trwydded Bersonol i’r Ymgeisydd ar yr achlysur hwn yn tanseilio'r amcan trosedd ac anhrefn.<0}  {0>Members had particularly referred to Section 4.24 of the Guidance and considered that the offences took place a long time ago and that the Applicant no longer had the propensity to offend.<}0{>Cyfeiriodd yr Aelodau yn benodol at Adran 4.24 o’r Canllawiau ac ystyriwyd bod y troseddau wedi’u cyflawni amser maith yn ôl ac erbyn hyn nid oedd gan yr Ymgeisydd y tuedd i droseddu. <0}


{0>Consequently the Sub Committee granted the Personal Licence and wished the Applicant well in her future endeavours.<}0{>O ganlyniad, bu i’r Is-Bwyllgor ganiatáu’r Drwydded Bersonol gan ddymuno’n dda i’r Ymgeisydd yn y dyfodol. <0}


{0>The meeting concluded at 11.10 a.m.<}100{>Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 11.10 a.m.<0}



Dogfennau ategol: