Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider and approve the draft SACRE Annual Report 2017/18 (copy enclosed).



The Senior School Improvement Officer (SSIO) presented the draft Annual Report for Denbighshire SACRE 2017/18 (previously circulated) for approval.  The report provided details of SACRE’s activities during the previous academic year including advice given to the local authority together with other local and national matters.


Members were advised that Mr. Philip Lord was no longer the RE Adviser for SACRE and the local authority would be providing professional support to SACRE in future.  The SSIO would be taking over that role in the interim pending a formal replacement.  The draft Annual Report had been prepared by Mr. Lord and subsequently updated by the SSIO for SACRE approval.


During presentation of the report members’ attention was drawn to the following –


·         Agreed Syllabus – no changes had been proposed pending publication of the findings of the curriculum review

·         Examination Results – the number of pupils entering examinations had decreased in line with the reduction of pupils on roll with a projected further decrease in pupil numbers over the next three years followed by an increase in the current Year Groups 7 & 8; it was disappointing to note a decline in results and whilst a trend had not been identified, RE results did tend to fluctuate – the dip could be explained by schools having to deal with new GCSE specifications and comparisons with next year’s results would give a clearer indication in that regard – if SACRE considered it an area of concern the matter could be recommended to GwE for further investigation; A Level Results had not been included in the agenda pack and would be emailed separately to members – 21 fewer pupils sat an A Level in Religious Studies than the previous year and whilst the overall A* – C rate had declined, the number of A* grades had increased

·         Methods of Teaching – there had been no changes to methods of teaching

·         Teacher Training – it had not been possible during the year to make a visit to or receive a visit from an Initial Teacher Training Institute.  There had been some changes to teacher training and further detail would be provided at the next SACRE meeting

·         Inspection Reports – the inspection profile had been good and no issues had been raised in relation to Religious Studies and Religious Education or Collective Worship over the last twelve months.


During debate members expressed their disappointment that GwE, and in particular Mr. Philip Lord, was no longer involved with SACRE and tribute was paid to Mr. Lord’s professionalism, expertise and valuable support he had provided to SACRE.  Members agreed that a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr. Lord together with their best wishes to him for the future.


The SSIO advised that WASACRE held termly meetings for which SACRE was entitled to send representatives and it was noted that Denbighshire had not been represented at the last meeting held in November 2018 in Llantwit Major.  It was agreed that Councillor Emrys Wynne would represent Denbighshire SACRE at the next meeting to be held on 26 March 2019 in Cardiff but if he was unable to attend then Councillor Ellie Chard would attend instead.  It was noted that no further dates had been set for future WASACRE meetings although the meeting in summer 2019 would be held in Conwy.  In terms of whether it was possible to claim expenses for attendance at WASACRE meetings officers agreed to take up the issue and report back to members thereon.




(a)       the Annual Report of Denbighshire SACRE for 2017 – 2018 be approved as an accurate account of SACRE’s work;


(b)       the Local Education Authority be requested to arrange translation, printing and distribution of the report to all schools and colleges in Denbighshire and other recipients as required by law and as identified in the report;


(c)        a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr. Philip Lord, former RE Adviser on behalf of SACRE, and


(d)       Councillor Emrys Wynne attend the next WASACRE meeting on 26 March 2019 in Cardiff with Councillor Ellie Chard substitute representative.


Supporting documents: